2017 CHART FOR THE YEAR: With the Aquarian /Uranian Moon carrying us into January and the North Node in Virgo in the 11th House, Aquarian's natural home, this new year wants us to think in terms of our local and broader communities. What will get us through this eccentric, upsetting, disparate time of shocking and eccentric leadership (the least optimum expression of Aquarius) is its most optimum expression: attention to our larger family of humankind, all manner of community, our sister and brotherhoods, our unique individual contributions of awareness to these communities as well as the creative use of innovative technology and science - particularly computers and the internet.
See Planet Waves Eric Francis' many articles on Mass Media Philosopher Marshall McCluhan's ideas (The Medium is the Message) and the effects the internet is having on our psyches, collective and personal. While unifying us by making communication faster, easier and long-distance access possible, it simultaneously separates us into non-local sound bytes, tweets, simplifications and other undeveloped and unstudied self-expressions. Just listen to the broken (non) verbal language of the most unpresidential figurehead the electoral collage has declared to be our leader. We tend to be more detached than ever, with social media not affording us human Face to Face encounters - apart from our digitally pixelated, breathless images giving the illusion of unity. This is also the least optimum expression of the Aquarian/Uranian archetype.
Because the New Year Aquarius Moon is in the 4th House throughout much of the world, the Feminine more sensitive and inclusive Cancer presence exists. The Aquarian/Cancer combination could be described as a more objective expression in the Home and Family arena, or objective meets subjective perspective - a perfect opportunity for a kind of Marriage of Opposites (the signs aren't opposite - they are inconjunct or quincunx 150 degrees - but the meaning can be interpreted as such). We can step outside our personal perspectives within this localized community and allow a less emotional attitude to color our experience in larger global communities - less bigotry, pitting group against group, culture against culture, male against female, human against Nature. Notice all the planets except Uranus fall in the lower hemisphere of the chart. This adds to the increased focus on the more personal aspects of the psyche. (Uranus will continually rise in this chart until it reaches the Midheaven in 2035-6, symbolizing its conscious prominence in our collective psyche.) Pluto conjuncts Sun/Mercury in Capricorn at the bottom of the chart, reflecting a range of expression between the Tranformational Power of the Healer and the Overpowering Egocentric Leader. Which end of this spectrum will we choose to empower? While the Sun and Mercury always reside here at this time of year (because at 12am the Ascendant is always around 11 Libra), and all the outer planets have been placed in this hemisphere for many years (having been transiting through Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Capricorn), we have been continually asked to do the work on our own individual psyches to evolve our humanitarian consciousness and bring this expanded awareness of kindness, compassion and presence to the global experience. The Last Aspect of Moon Conjunct Venus reflects Blessings on this endeavor - for these Aquarian Moon days and for the year.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8HdOHrc3OQ&t=60s |