MOON ENTERS LIBRA at 9:40pm EST on Tuesday December 20 and remains until Thursday December 22 at 2:31pm. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Opposite Uranus in Aries. Venus is the planetary ruler of Libra and we all know Venus is the symbol for Love, Beauty, Art and Balance/Equality. With the hard Last Aspect to Uranus, relationships may experience upsets
or unexpected circumstances. Libra wants to unite in equality while Uranus in Aries needs to strike out on its own and assert its separate will. Therefore, it's important to respect independence, freedom and innovative behavior within our partnerships now. Otherwise, this is likely to be a time when relationships are in conflict and may break up. Actions initiated during this time tend to
have CHALLENGING results. This can
be a very creative time if you are willing to
negotiate and compromise your way through. This is the time to Make Art and Love!
Sunrise at Stonehenge on Winter Solstice |
WINTER SOLSTICE, when the Sun enters Capricorn, is exact at 5:45am EST on Wednesday December 21.
It's an important celestial moment to mark with friends in the form of a
Ritual. Acknowledge this season when the light, in all its physical and
symbolic meanings, is least available to us. Because the 23.5 degree tilt of the earth is furthest from the Sun in the Northern Hemisphere at this time, it creates the shortest day and the longest night of the year. At this point, as the earth continues its orbit around the sun, daylight slowly increases. It is the time of the
re-birth of the Sun-King, the return of the Light! Something to
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Winter Guest, 1997; Director: Alan Rickman. This poignant mother/daughter character study, featuring Emma Thompson and her real-life mother Phyllida Law, reflects the darkest moment - a death in the family - and the destined return of the light. We see how each character must learn to have equal respect for each other before reconciliation is possible.
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