“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Tuesday, December 27, 2016


MOON ENTERS CAPRICORN at 10:12am EST on Wednesday, December 28 and remains until Friday, December 30 at 3:07am when it goes Void of Course for most of the day. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Jupiter in Libra. The NEW MOON is exact at 1:53am EST on Thursday, December 29 at 7 Capricorn.
This New Moon is the harbinger of the New Year. In Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, it suggests a time of hard work and discipline which produces results. Saturn rules time, old age, bringing into form and Mastery suggesting what's available to us if we do the work. We often experience Saturn/Capricorn as the limiting force which can make us feel fear, depression or just not good enough. But this Cardinal Earth sign also rules the 10th house of public presentation or career, with its cusp at the Midheaven. It resides at the pinnacle of the horoscope where the sun is at high noon in the natural chart, and, when the sun transits through annually, is also considered the Harvest period of one's year. So, bite the bullet, do the work, slowly and surely with the intention of manifesting your intended goal. This period will support you. Actions initiated during this time will tend to have GOOD results. With the Last Aspect Square to Jupiter, the advice is not to overdo it and seek your inner guide for wisdom. Hoes will your Mastery manifest? And, of course, Mercury Retrograde cautions still apply (SEE DEC. 19th). 

Note: The glyph for Capricorn is the Mountain Goat climbing the Mountain of Ambition. But in today's post we have the Sea Goat, which is also representational of the Capricorn myth. Notice the glorious fish tail which not only animates the surefooted persevering antelope relative, but associates it with a more watery relation, Capricorn's opposite sign Cancer. (Remember I like to consider the entire axis of polar opposites in the interpretation of a sign.) This highlights the emotional reality that Capricorn tends to suppress, which can often result in depression. It reminds us to keep the earth moist with life-giving water - to express our feelings to the appropriate person at the appropriate time, however hard it may be.
 SCENE FOR THE DAY: The Last Samurai. 2003; Director: Edward Zwick. Ken Watanabe plays Katsumoto, Samurai master opposite Tom Cruise's war-worn and torn American Captain Nathan Algren. Katsumoto spares Algren's life after a battle because, enlightened warrior that he is, he wants to know his enemy. Algren, a man tormented by past horrors and unexpressed emotions, is bathed in the Japanese samurai tradition while living through the winter in their remote village and feels calmed for the first time in a long time. The two master warriors talk warcraft and philosophy as Algren shifts allegiances to Samurai values and learns from the traditional Japanese culture how to begin his life anew (Capricorn New Moon).

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