“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Friday, November 25, 2016


MOON IS VOID OF COURSE ALL DAY Monday November 28 until it enters SAGITTARIUS at 3:46pm EST. NEW MOON IS EXACT at 7:18am Tuesday November 29th. Monday is yet another V/C day when important practical contracts, projects and purchases tend NOT to go as planned or desired. Don't expect to get much accomplished today; just let yourself relax into the flow and let the day and your imagination take you where it will. Magic may find you there. Wait until after 3:46pm to Act on whatever insights you discover.*  LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Conjunct Mercury in Sagittarius. Mercury is in Detriment in Sag, naturally ruling the opposite sign of Gemini. Therefore, the attention to accurate specific information tends to be lost on us. We'll be more interested abstract theories, possibilities and principles during this time. We'll tend to be more broadminded, optimistic and thoughtful rather than being very logically verbal about substantiating our long range philosophical ideas. Ruled by Jupiter the Sagittarius Moon demands freedom, so we may also want to go solo now as opposed to being social. This Mutable Fire sign is an Adventurer and Truth Seeker who unifies separate facts into a cohesive whole; but given that the Moon makes a Square to confusing Neptune in Pisces and later Conjuncts Saturn in Sag, what appears to be a clear long-range vision now will demand a reality check down the line! So...the result of actions initiated during this time is a tricky call. Since the NEW MOON is ripe for beginning New Chapters, let's call it GOOD as long as you take time to check your facts. Mental Mercury may be in sync with our Lunar Emotions but they both may seeing through rose-colored glasses!

*Note: One wonders at all these longer Void of Course periods lately. Perhaps, instead of feeling frustrated that desired practical results elude us more often now, we re-frame our perspective to realize the different opportunities each current quality of time affords us. In the open undefined space available to us during Void of Course Moons, we can train ourselves - through whatever practice suits us - to be more present: meditation, yoga, extreme sports, sex, dream work, authentic movement, automatic writing, making Art - whatever your fancy. Perhaps the Moon's Void of Course in-between place is even an arena where the unnameable, unknowable Divine is more accessible. 

SCENE FOR THE DAY: Robin Hood, 2010; Director: Ridley Scott. In the following scene from this classic adventure film, Russell Crow as Robin Longstride, speaks Truth to Power combining long-range Sagittarian vision of unifying the land with clear information to substantiate his plan. While he's undermined by Prince-turned-King John's nebulous Neptunian relationship with Honesty, Longstride-turned-Hood wins with his followers in the end, as most classic Heroes do!

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