“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Wednesday, November 30, 2016


MOON IN CAPRICORN from 3:52am EST on Thursday December 1 until 5:16am Saturday Dec. 3. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Conjunct Venus. Ruled by Saturn this is a very practical time with EXCELLENT possibilities for initiating projects which manifest desired results. The conjunction to Venus blesses your disciplined efforts with financial success. A slow steady process - the Mountain Goat climbing the Mountain of Ambition - wins the day! Also a Good day to support the body's structure: Bones and Teeth in whatever ways are needed. At this time especially it serves to honor our relationships with Saturn-ruled elder friends, relatives and authority figures. This is one of the last GREAT days to initiate an important practical action before Mercury goes Retrograde on the 19th. Take advantage! 

SCENE FOR THE DAY: The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, 2015; Director: John Madden. In this scene Dev Patel's Sonny, manager/part owner of the hotel, defers to elder Evelyn, played by Maggie Smith, for her wise support in attaining financing for a second hotel from lawyer Ty Burley played by David Strathairn. This wonderful cast and endearing story demonstrates how life-wisdom grows as we age and that the I Ching's phrase 'perseverance furthers' is the great Saturnian truth!

Friday, November 25, 2016


MOON IS VOID OF COURSE ALL DAY Monday November 28 until it enters SAGITTARIUS at 3:46pm EST. NEW MOON IS EXACT at 7:18am Tuesday November 29th. Monday is yet another V/C day when important practical contracts, projects and purchases tend NOT to go as planned or desired. Don't expect to get much accomplished today; just let yourself relax into the flow and let the day and your imagination take you where it will. Magic may find you there. Wait until after 3:46pm to Act on whatever insights you discover.*  LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Conjunct Mercury in Sagittarius. Mercury is in Detriment in Sag, naturally ruling the opposite sign of Gemini. Therefore, the attention to accurate specific information tends to be lost on us. We'll be more interested abstract theories, possibilities and principles during this time. We'll tend to be more broadminded, optimistic and thoughtful rather than being very logically verbal about substantiating our long range philosophical ideas. Ruled by Jupiter the Sagittarius Moon demands freedom, so we may also want to go solo now as opposed to being social. This Mutable Fire sign is an Adventurer and Truth Seeker who unifies separate facts into a cohesive whole; but given that the Moon makes a Square to confusing Neptune in Pisces and later Conjuncts Saturn in Sag, what appears to be a clear long-range vision now will demand a reality check down the line! So...the result of actions initiated during this time is a tricky call. Since the NEW MOON is ripe for beginning New Chapters, let's call it GOOD as long as you take time to check your facts. Mental Mercury may be in sync with our Lunar Emotions but they both may seeing through rose-colored glasses!

*Note: One wonders at all these longer Void of Course periods lately. Perhaps, instead of feeling frustrated that desired practical results elude us more often now, we re-frame our perspective to realize the different opportunities each current quality of time affords us. In the open undefined space available to us during Void of Course Moons, we can train ourselves - through whatever practice suits us - to be more present: meditation, yoga, extreme sports, sex, dream work, authentic movement, automatic writing, making Art - whatever your fancy. Perhaps the Moon's Void of Course in-between place is even an arena where the unnameable, unknowable Divine is more accessible. 

SCENE FOR THE DAY: Robin Hood, 2010; Director: Ridley Scott. In the following scene from this classic adventure film, Russell Crow as Robin Longstride, speaks Truth to Power combining long-range Sagittarian vision of unifying the land with clear information to substantiate his plan. While he's undermined by Prince-turned-King John's nebulous Neptunian relationship with Honesty, Longstride-turned-Hood wins with his followers in the end, as most classic Heroes do!

Monday, November 21, 2016


Moon goes V/C at 8:52am EST and remains until 3:01am Saturday Nov 26. Important practical contracts, projects and purchases tend NOT to work out as planned or desired. Best to go with the flow today and let your imagination go places you've never before envisioned. Best to wait until tomorrow to act.
MOON IN SCORPIO from 3:01am EST Saturday November 26 and remains until Sunday Nov. 27 at 4:48pm. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Sextile Venus in Capricorn. Finally! We're likely to spend Thanksgiving weekend purchasing and being passionate - both with GREAT SUCCESS! The Saturnian Venus may curb our spending, but you should find some things that please the eye and the wallet. If the stock markets were open on the weekend it would be a great time to invest, but if there's any other investment opportunity available at this time, its probably a good bet. 

NOTE: Remember MERCURY GOES RETROGRADE on December 19 (remember the 3 days before and after shadow period which makes December 15th the last workable date - and considering beneficial Last Aspects, December 9th will be the last solid Good Day to initiate actions until after the Retrograde period. December 12 and 13 are also GOOD days, although they carry both the tension and culmination qualities of the FULL MOON - so they're a bit tricky! (Mercury turns Direct on January 8, which makes the January 12 Full Moon in Leo the first All Clear day - and really, January 15th's Moon in Virgo with Last Aspect: Moon Trine Sun in Capricorn is the first clear Great Day! It's a solid Earth day - so a perfect time to act with ambition to produce material results!)

SCENE FOR THE DAY: Pretty Woman, 1990; Director: Garry Marshall. Julia Roberts succeeds at both purchasing and passion in this classic film! The attraction between Roberts and Gere is totally palpable. In this clip we see how much fun it is to have a lover's no-limit credit card on Rodeo Drive. Now...I can't help but tell you the story of my Richard Gere dress...Years ago, I was shopping in Soho for a formal dress for a cousin's wedding. I brought my painter friend Daniel with me for yay's or nay's. We went into The Irish Shop and I chose one amazing silk dress in two colors, one silver grey and the other deep purple. I must have gone in and out of the dressing room four times with the different dresses on, Daniel voting for the silver and me still not sure. The last time I walked through the store in the dress I was so embarrassed about my indecision, I looked at the floor the whole time. A voice said, "I like the purple one!" I did take the purple one and when I got to the counter the saleswoman said, "Do you know who that was? It was Richard Gere." I had no clue. So now it's affectionately known as my Richard Gere dress!


MOON VOID OF COURSE until 2:42pm EST on Wednesday November 23. Practical actions initiated at this time will tend not to work out. Best to use this time for inner creative work. You're likely to feel that you didn't accomplish much during this part of your day. Enjoy the in-between places! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
MOON ENTERS LIBRA♎ at 2:42pm EST and remains until 8:52am on Friday November 25. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Opposite Uranus in Aries. Actions initiated during this time will tend to have CHALLENGING results...a recurring theme lately! Libra, ruled by Venus, reflects a period highlighting relationships - partnerships of all kinds. A Cardinal Air sign, its glyph is the Scales of Balance, Harmony and Justice. Libra also places high value on Beauty and Art. These themes are likely to come into play now and it benefits us to pay attention to them. With the Opposition to Uranus, there are likely to be surprises or upsets in these areas. For example, if you initiate a relationship at this time, it's likely to break up in a sudden unexpected manner. Or there may be some strange circumstance or piece of information that demands you to make an immediate change. It's possible that one person is more innovative or forward thinking and the other is more conventional. If you can find a way to compromise - embrace both Libra's desire for romance and aesthetics with Aries' drive for assertive willfulness and sexuality - you may be able to work it out! Be careful not to fall back on Libra's default mode of needing to please the Other. Viva la revolution!

MOON GOES VOID OF COURSE at 8:52am Friday Nov. 25 for the rest of the day. See Above.

SCENE FOR THE DAY: High Fidelity, 2000; Director: Stephen Frears. Best rejected proposal ever! John Cusack plays Rob Gordon, record store owner, who talks directly to the camera as he tells us enthusiastically about his ten top relationships and his theme-based music compilation tapes. His current-ex, Danish Iben Hjejle, is on the receiving end of his unusual proposal. This wonderful light romantic comedy features Jack Black in a show-stopping rendition of Marvin Gaye's 'Let's Get it On' and Lisa Bonet in her sweet version of Peter Frampton's 'Babe I Love Your Way' and a fabulous soundtrack in general! Break-ups can be accompanied by great rock 'n roll!

Enjoy these great performances!

Sunday, November 20, 2016


MOON IN VIRGO from 4:34am EST on Monday November 21 until 12:41pm on Tuesday November 22. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Saturn in Sagittarius.  Ruled by Mercury, this time is focused on mind processes - analysis, critical thinking, writing, speaking, teaching or interviewing. Virgo pays attention to the details, order, health and purity of things. It strives for perfection. Consequently, we may span the range of being discerning or critical in our expression, perhaps judging others as well as ourselves. The Square to Saturn aspect can have our words or evaluations be in conflict to existing structures. Reflecting a constraining or conventional force, Saturn can limit our communication in some way. We might be nit-picky about some abstract thought, conservative philosophy, religion or government or criticized for our opinions. Actions, particularly communications of any sort, initiated during this period will tend to have CHALLENGING results. Perhaps the best way to engage with this energy is to acknowledge Virgo's ability to clean and purify. This would be a great time for re-structuring, re-organizing your home or office. Limiting or changing one's diet or even cleaning the fridge would be a perfect use of these archetypes. If you're a writer, this is the time to get to work! Edit, edit, edit.

SCENE FOR THE DAY: All the President's Men, 1976; Director: Alan Pakula. Keeping with the political theme of late, this powerful re-telling of the Watergate scandal and the consequent resignation of President Nixon focuses on the newspaper investigation of Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. The real-life drama, a political thriller which because of the reporters' discerning Virgonian attention to details, topples the existing structure of a presidency. This is a must-see film. We witness what is possible when one goes step by step, analyzing separate pieces in order to unravel a top-to-bottom cover-up conspiracy.


MOON ENTERS LEO at 10:14pm EST on Friday Nov. 18 and remains until 3:33am on Monday Nov. 21. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Sun in Scorpio. The Feminine and Masculine archetypes are at odds. Actions initiated during this period tend to have CHALLENGING results. This time is best used for investigating the inner workings of your child-self which wants, more than anything, to be acknowledged...Big Time.
This configuration reminds me of Hillary's chart which reflects a huge Nietzsche-esque Will to Power. Now, I voted for her and I do believe she has done amazing work throughout her career. And...I would love to see the day when our country is finally able to let go of the Patriarchal Military Industrial Power Structure that has led us to manifest the persona of our current figurehead: a caricature of a man - a 'grotesquely exaggerated representation' of a self-deluded, beyond arrogant, master of diversion and flippant generalization...who dons a cartoon-like blonde comb/flip-over. [I researched psychological interpretations of this ridiculous 'do' and discovered some spot-on interpretations: "...having a comb-over goes hand in hand with massive denial and/or massive powers of (self-) persuasion." (Salon) I also read that Trump is considering changing the look when he becomes President - and get this - because it takes too long to style!] But I digress...back to Hillary.

With her stellium in Scorpio (Ascendant, Mercury, Venus, Chiron and South Node) closely squaring a mini-stellium in Leo (Scorpio's rulers Mars and Pluto, plus Saturn), her psyche appears to be waging war on itself for control and ego validation. The Leo nugget by itself, in its extreme expression, can reflect a dictator. Residing in her 9th house, it reflects a belief set or philosophy: 'This is what it takes to produce the desired result.' Because most of her Scorpio indicators reside in the 12th (including her Sun in Scorpio), this power drive might have remained hidden. The Scorpio Ascendant, however, betrays her. Reflecting arenas of sex, death, power, money, ruthlessness, resourcefulness, transformation, regeneration, a penetrating psychological mind as well as an inclination to withhold things for the purpose of self-protection, the Scorpio persona will tend to attract circumstances around these themes - whether they be true or false. The shadow side of Scorpio can undermine its yearning to do deeply penetrating transformational work that empowers others.

Evidently, in high school Hillary ran for Vice-President of her class one year and won; then she ran for President the next year and lost. Scorpio tends to bond deeply with others, driven to avoid the separateness of individuation. Perhaps an unconscious guilt of individuating keeps her from being at the top of the pyramid. Perhaps she does her best work directing others as part of a team. In any case this high school story might indicate the beginning of a pattern that resists being broken.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Citizan Kane, 1941; Director: Orson Welles. A previous clip from the original Manchurian Candidate with Angela Lansbury playing the behind-the-scenes controller might have been perfect here, but given Hillary's very public run for the highest office in the land, I turned to the huge persona of Charles Foster Kane (Welles), another self-undermining political candidate, to reflect this very powerful Moon period. In this clip Kane's arrogance and self-proclaimed prosecutor of evil, in the form of boss Jim Gettes, is a melodramatic demonstration of Leo Moon square Scorpio Sun: the egoistic drive for self-aggrandizement (shadow Leo) challenges the (perhaps fated) power of the collective (shadow Scorpio/Pluto). His affair with would-be singer Susan costs him the election.
PS: Notice the creative use of the sound bridge editing tool in this sequence. The clapping and dialogue is carried over to the next scene, making the cuts less visible. This is an element of Hollywood Classic or Continuous Style of Editing, the goal of which is to keep you in the story instead of paying attention to the form.

Thursday, November 17, 2016


MOON IS VOID OF COURSE ALL DAY on Wednesday Nov. 16 from 5:57am EST until 7:57pm. This time is best used for inner creative work. SEE APRIL 7 POST for more on V/C Moons. Important practical actions initiated at this time tend to NOT work out as expected or planned. It's likely that you feel that not much was accomplished during this period. Let your imagination take you places that you can act on when the Moon goes into Cancer.
MOON ENTERS CANCER at 7:57pm and remains until 5:02pm on Friday Nov. 18. 
LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Trine Sun in Scorpio. This is a highly emotional Moon period. Expressing your feelings honestly without blaming others should have EXCELLENT results. Try not to take things too personally, as Cancer is known to do. Step back and see the situation from The Other's point of view. The Masculine Sun archetype is in harmony with the Feminine Moon archetype. Try not to cling to, possess or control the Other. Find the language to express your needs as objectively as possible. This is a GREAT time for doing things for and around the home! Making great nourishing food and giving extra care and attention to family will bring huge satisfaction to all!

SCENE FOR THE DAY: Brainstorm, 1983; Director: Douglas Trumbell. The concept for this film is mind blowing - literally - and features Natalie Wood and Christopher Walken...her last film before her mysterious death. They play two scientists who develop a gadget that when placed on the head allows the subject to experience someone else's thoughts/memories which have been prerecorded. The experimental process puts them through so much stress that they separate. In this clip Walken gives Wood a 'tape' of his recorded memories and she realizes how much he really did/does love her. Isn't this what we've been waiting for?  'What is he/she really thinking?!' Masculine and Feminine reunited. The film is not as corny as this actually has a lot of 'thriller' aspects to it when the government wants to get hold of their device...But what a way to communicate your feelings and have The Other see your perspective - literally.


After the FULL MOON at 8:52am EST (SEE NOV. 12) the MOON GOES VOID OF COURSE until 8:23pm when it enters Gemini where it remains until Wednesday Nov. 16 at 5:57am EST. With a LAST ASPECT of Moon Sextile Uranus, this is an EXCELLENT time for travel and communications, especially of the electronic variety. Surprising opportunities may appear so Take Advantage of them! Great time for Teaching, Speaking, Writing, taking a short-distance Journey. Caution: Tell the Truth, Keep Centered and Grounded.  

SCENE FOR THE DAY: Wag the Dog, 1977; Director: Barry Levinson. Keeping with the election theme, Gemini Moon Sextile Uranus is reflected here with Hollywood producer Dustin Hoffman editing a digital news clip of a fake war he directed in order to divert attention away from a sex scandal involving their candidate of choice. Sextiles represent opportunities, which this most definitely is for them, but unfortunately not for the voters, who depend on media for Truth. This clip makes you think about getting a reality check when watching the news. But where would we get that?

From Aaron Sorkin's The Newsroom (HBO series) here's a clip, referred to as 'Will's McAvoy's Apology,' which plants a powerful seed...
No link - Go to Youtube: Newsroom Will's Apology. It's worth it!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


(I'm slowly catching up with this week's loss of my computer...check sidebar calendar for current posts.)
MOON IS VOID OF COURSE at 7:45am EST and remains until 9:24pm. V/C Moons reflect a dreamy kind of day when practical things don't seem to get done. Important practical actions initiated during this time tend to NOT work out as planned. It's a GREAT time for inner creative work. SEE  APRIL 7 POST and OCTOBER 24 POST for more info on Void of Course Moons.

MOON ENTERS TAURUS at 9:24pm and remains until 8:52pm on November 14. with the LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Opposite Sun in Scorpio. Ruled by Venus the Taurus Moon is very sensuous. As a Fixed Earth sign, this Moon period reflects our need to have our physical and material desires satisfied. Taurus represents what we Value, so it is often considered the Money sign. With the Scorpio Sun in play, it may be a time to very cautiously negotiate the use of other people's money or to invest. However, this is also a time to get in touch with our other, deeply held - and less material - values. Traditional Taurus moves slowly, so take time to think about what these might be. As we build toward this month's FULL SUPERMOON, exact Monday November 14 at 8:52am EST, we'll tend to feel the tension between the Taurus Moon and the Scorpio Sun. Don't let the stubbornness of the Bull keep you stuck and unable to hear and respect what other people value. This is likely to be a pretty passionate time that may end up exploding into jealous possession or obsession. Taurus tends to erupt allowing anger to pass while Scorpio is more likely to seethe inside and hold on to it silently. Find your way to integrate the opposites and you may have a very sexy time of it! Otherwise, if you demand to have your way, it might be better to drop the red cape and run as the wild Bull approaches!  
SCENE OF THE DAY: TALK TO HER, 2002, Spain; Director: Pedro Almodovar. This complex story engages us, among other themes, in a sexual moral dilemma. Can the passionate committed love of a caretaker, whose act results in restoring his patient's life, be judged in a Taurean traditional code of values? The following scene sets up the almost mythological scenario of one of the two love stories developed. It contains visuals that may disturb the viewer so be forewarned. This is a remarkable film, both in narrative and creative visual content. There is an animated sequence that is, in my opinion, one of the edgiest pieces of film ever produced. Almodovar is one of the most provocative international writer/directors in contemporary cinema.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


MOON IS VOID OF COURSE from 6:16pm EST until 8:45pm tonight, Thursday, Nov. 10 after being in Pisces all day. This energy is best utilized by inner creative work. Important practical actions initiated at this Void of Course time tend not to produce the desired results.  
MOON ENTERS ARIES at 8:45pm and remains until Saturday November 12 at 7:45am EST. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Conjunct Uranus in Aries. From my perspective Uranus has been the significating planet of this election. So, it's interesting that even days after this historical event, this planet continues to reflect our circumstances and attitudes. Uranus carries the archetype of Separation, Revolution, Surprises, Upsets, Renogades, Breakthroughs, Breakdowns, Liberation, Wake-Up Calls and Spiritual Awakenings. In the sign of Aries, ruled by Mars, where Uranus resides for seven years, it calls the Warriors of Higher Consciousness or innovative Scientific and Technological Wizards to the playing field. If these players don't show up, conflict, anger or aggressive armies fill our electronic screens and real daily life with death-threatening war games. It's our choice which part of the Uranus continuum we bring to the party. 
The Election Day Chart was colored by an Aquarius Moon, ruled by Uranus. Both candidates demanded revolution of the system - Trump with his outsider renegade persona and platform, and Hillary's run at being the First Woman US President. But Trump's highly placed Uranus in his 10th house conjunct his Sun and North Node was a stronger placement, suggesting a win. There were many other astrological indicators of his victory, especially his 29Leo Ascendant, the most majestic point (Fixed Star Regulus) of all the constellations, even though Hillary was considered the front runner. Also, this point is only 2 degrees away from the Ascendant of the Election Day Chart and 3 degrees away from the Ascendant of the progressed US chart (Sibley). The Ascendant reflects the lens through which we see the world and the way the world sees us - our persona. The Midheaven's are 24Taurus for Trump and Election Day and 29Taurus on the progressed US chart. This is an indication that Trump's chart angles (the foundation of any Western horoscope) and his personal rhythm/timing are in sync with the symbols reflected for the day of the election as well as with the progression of the US character - who we have become over time as a collective. (For my students who want to delve deeper into these charts I'll be posting more soon!) 
Trump's win was unexpected, an upset. These days that follow continue to resonate in Uranian after-shock for at least half the country. So, for this Aries Moon period, if your intention is to uphold the status-quo or convention, actions initiated during this time will tend to have CHALLENGING results. If you want to produce a breakthrough, wake-up call or a separation of some kind, actions initiated at this time will tend to have GOOD results. In any case, be prepared for a good fight.

SCENE FOR THE DAY: The Candidate, 1972; Director: Michael Richie. Robert Redford stars as Bill McKay, idealistic lawyer and son of an ex-governor, who is convinced by the Democratic party to run for the Senate. While not expected to win, he's swept along by the political machine to an upset victory. The film was revolutionary in its realistic style of recreating the campaign trail. This is the closing scene of the film where McKay asks the inevitable naive puppet's question: What do we do now? Many of us today are asking ourselves this same question.

Sunday, November 6, 2016


MOON IS VOID OF COURSE from 7:55am EDT until 3:45pm on Tuesday November 8. The energy is best used in creative and internal work. Important practical actions, such as VOTING, are likely to not turn out as planned or expected. Most of Election Day carries this in-between, inconclusive quality. SEE NOV. 6-8 POST for suggestion on best time to vote.
MOON ENTERS PISCES at 3:45pm and remains until Thursday Nov. 10 at 6:16pm. Ruled by Neptune, either confusion and deception take over the rest of this already nebulous voting day or somehow the more optimum expression of the archetype - unity, artistic expression and the Divine - shows up through prayer or mystical intervention! LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Venus in Sagittarius. Given that our global collective appears to be lost in some Neptunian illusion most of the time - thanks to most forms of modern media - and, because so many of us respond to the overwhelming nature of our world by escaping through drugs, alcohol, movies or denial, unconsciousness will likely rule the day. With the Square to Venus, the question arises as to whether yesterday's more advantageous Sextile to Feminine Venus will be undermined. Actions initiated during this time will tend to have a CHALLENGING resolution. And it's quite likely that the days that follow the election result will continue to be colored by these amorphous Neptunian qualities.

 SCENE FOR THE DAY: Manchurian Candidate, 1962; Director: John Frankenheimer; Screenwriter: George Axelrod; Based on the novel by Richard Condon. The most diabolical cinematic political Neptunian deception I'm aware of is wrought by the legendary character of Mrs. Eleanor Shaw Iselin, originally played/owned by Angela Lansbury. (Meryle Streep plays this role in the 2004 remake, but as much as I respect her talent, she doesn't hold a candle to Lansbury here.) In this scene she lays out her plan to insure her husband becomes the next President of the United States. Using the Chinese technique of brainwashing via the image of the Queen of Diamonds playing card, she controls her son Raymond, played by the intense Laurence Harvey. She instructs her pawn how to kill the people who stand in their way. If you haven't seen this original production, featuring the compelling Frank Sinatra and Janet Leigh of Psycho fame, you don't know what you're missing! I won't speak to the many stories of the reality of this terrifying mind-control practice, but every time I see GWBush sitting in front of the school children in Michael Moore's film Fahrenheit 9/11 and not budging when he is evidently told by Secret Service of the Trade Towers bombing, my fantasy is that he is also being told not to move until ordered to do otherwise. What conscious human being in control of his faculties - especially the supposed leader of a country - wouldn't react immediately, if not mid-sentence, upon hearing such news? I'm just sayin...

Thursday, November 3, 2016


MOON ENTERS AQUARIUS at 7:55am EDT on Sunday November 6 and remains until 7:55am Tuesday November 8 EST. (NOTE CORRECTION: DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS SUNDAY 2am NOV. 6TH!) LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Sextile Venus in Sagittarius. Ruled by Uranus this period is defined by its renegade nature, its drive for freedom and its cool rational objectivity. It's attention is on friends, group activities, the collective in general. The electronic distribution of information arena is highlighted. Uranus also breaks things apart and reflects revolutions and explosions. It is future-oriented and favors innovation, science and technology as opposed to conventional systems of the past. With the Last Aspect Sextile Venus, actions initiated during this time are likely to have EXCELLENT results, especially for Women!

These are hopeful words, given this configuration reflects the chart for the US Election Day. While a Sag Venus requires independence, passion and adventure it also suggests that the element of wisdom may be evident in our actions. However, this positive indicator is not a sure-thing by any measure, because soon after the Election begins on the 8th (chart for Dixville Notch, NH at 12:01am EST), the Moon goes VOID OF COURSE at 7:55am for the rest of the day until 3:45pm. Votes cast during the V/C period have the strong possibility of being questionable - something about the process is likely to be undependable, not turn out as it should or as expected. Then the Moon goes into Pisces, which itself is the slipperiest of signs, and remains there until Thursday the 10th at 5:16pm. Confusion and deception are the qualities of the latter part of this historic event. So Election Day is a Mixed Bag! If astrology is one of your guides, since many poll sites don't open until 7 or 8am, my advice is to be out of town on the 8th and vote with an Absentee Ballot the day before - on the Excellent Aquarian Monday Moon. Your vote is more likely to count...and produce your desired result!TRAILER FOR THE DAY: Wag the Dog, 1997; Director: Barry Levinson. Deception is distributed over electronic TV airwaves as renegade Presidential advisor Robert De Niro conspires with Academy Awards Pageant producer Dustin Hoffman to film a fake war. Why? To divert attention away from the US President's sexual misconduct right before an election. Their endeavor is a success; the desired results are produced for the President. The public, however, is the big loser...not to mention Hoffman's character. This movie, with all its satire and laugh out loud comedy, feels sadly like a documentary. As Fate would have it, months after the film was released President Clinton testified about the Monica Lewinsky investigation and days later ordered missile strikes in Afghanistan. Coincidence? Life imitating Art? Docu-dramedy? With the Piscean veil over our television news/reality-shows we will never know for sure. And it's likely we'll never feel like we know for certain who really won the 2016 Presidential Election or what manipulations were set in motion to insure one candidate's victory. Pisces is also the sign of the Magician, the master of conceal and reveal. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


MOON IS VOID OF COURSE until 5:35am EDT until 10:05pm Thursday November 3. The best use of this energy is through inner creative work. Let your imagination carry you to places unknown. Do not expect clarity or to accomplish much today and be prepared to go with the flow.  

MOON ENTERS CAPRICORN at 10:05pm and remains until Sunday Nov. 6 at 2:56am. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Conjunct Mars in Capricorn. Saturn rules this Moon period. Lessons are to be learned. The image of this Cardinal Earth sign Moon is climbing the mountain of ambition to produce the desired results. It is a period colored by discipline, practicality, tradition and convention, the qualities often found in the business executive, a classic Capricorn career. This Saturnian Moon is not one to express feelings. It is driven to go beyond what it perceives as vulnerability to accomplishing its needs. The Mars Conjunction Last Aspect reflects an increase of energy and risk-taking available to reach these goals. There is also the element of willpower that feeds the undertaking. Discovering what the Self is capable of is what drives the whole endeavor. Since Moon/Mars connections can be testy - anger and willfulness is close to the surface - the success of actions initiated at this time will depend on one's self-control while simultaneously getting through any restrictions that you encounter. Find the conscious-warrior inside you.

SCENE FOR THE DAY: Batman Begins, 2005; Director: Christopher Nolan. Christian Bale is Bruce Wayne, the novice hero who  literally climbs the perilous mountain of ambition to receive the warrior training necessary for reaching his goal. A fundamental part of his education is a deep understanding of his emotional self. Liam Neeson, as Ra's Al Ghul, is his trainer who teaches him how to overcome the guilt and work with the anger he feels about the death of his parents. Coming from a family of billionaire/business executive status, he sheds that skin in order to attain his true goal - becoming a conscious warrior who protects others from the suffering he has known. (Play the bottom image first, then click on the link for the top image.)