“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Thursday, June 30, 2016


MOON IN GEMINI from 7:44am EDT Friday July 1 until 11:43pm EDT on Saturday July 2. Ruled by Mercury, this Gemini Moon is a GREAT time for communicating and going places! This tends to be a social and lighthearted time. The Trickster archetype is even likely to appear - jokes are played and good humor abounds. Mind work such as studying, writing, speaking, gathering information is also highlighted. It can also be a nervous time where you find that you can't sit still. Mercury drives us to be on the move - it's a perfect time for a Road Trip!                

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon in Gemini Sextile Uranus in Aries at 11:43pm EDT on Saturday July 2. There tend to be GREAT opportunities for gathering information via computers, cell phones - any electronic devices at this time. This information is likely to be unexpected as well as innovative and will probably lead to beneficial events, circumstances and relationships. You'll find people available for all kinds of social activities - especially if initiated on Facebook or other electronic-sourced social media. It's also a GREAT time for traveling especially if you're up for exciting surprises, going with the flow of change and maybe even some higher conscious aha moments.
SCENE OF THE DAY: Chef, 2014; Director and Screenwriter: Jon Favreau. This is one of the best feel-good movies of the last few years! Light and humorous, you totally want to join Chef Casper, played by an endearing Favreau, on his road trip to New Orleans in his new/refurbished Cubano food truck. This movie is a food lovers paradise. Casper's biggest surprise is getting to know his son, who, like most kids these days, is the Prince of Twitter. He takes PR to a new level for his dad and makes the new enterprise a great success.

Monday, June 27, 2016


MOON IN TAURUS at 6:03am EDT on Wednesday June 29th until 8:19pm EDT on Thursday June 30th. Ruled by Venus, the drive of the Taurus Moon is to provide security for those around her. This security is usually focused on money or other resources available. This Fixed Earth sign reflects what we personally value so it also represents Beauty, Property and appreciating what our Senses offer us. Taurus, as Bull, digs his heels in when his values are questioned and stands firm in his has been called 'stubborn'. Taurus will hold a lot of tension but when his limit is reached stand back for the explosion! 

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Opposite Mars in Scorpio at 8:19pm EDT on Thursday June 30th. And explode is what he's likely to do with this aspect, especially since MARS TURNS DIRECT on Wednesday the 29th at 6:38pm EDT! Though it will take a few weeks to get up to speed and maintain full-Mars-ahead, this marks the end of a two and a half month retrograde for this action-oriented planet. Projects that have felt stalled should pick up steam mid-July. Actions initiated during this Taurus Moon period will tend to have a CHALLENGING result. There's a good chance one's personal values will conflict with another's. This is likely to be in the arena of money, land, or some other resource. Try to negotiate, compromise or just listen without a knee-jerk reaction - if you can possibly control it. Find an alternative response. I once asked a Tibetan lama what he did when he felt angry. He replied: "I go outside and yell at a rock." Great image! Great choice! Remember, this challenging energy must be acknowledged, used. If we repress it, it will come back and kick us in the butt. Creative, emotional and energetic sex is another possible outlet for Moon opposite Mars in Scorpio! 

SCENE OF THE DAY: A FEW GOOD MEN, 1992; Director: Rob Reiner; Screenwriter: Aaron Sorkin. This is one of the classic Jack Nicholson cinematic moments! Sorkin is the Master of Dialogue and Jack hits it out of the park! Tom Cruise is electric, playing a first-time prosecuting attorney finding his way in the courtroom. Nicholson's Colonel Jessup believes his values to be true and honorable and finds any objection to them abhorrent. He provides security for his country in whatever way he deems necessary. His explosion is in true Taurean form and the camera eats it up! 

Sunday, June 26, 2016


MOON IN ARIES from 3:08am EDT on Monday June 27th until at 3:46am EDT Wednesday June 29th. Ruled by Mars, The Warrior Archetype is in play as Aries fights for what he believes to be right. This Cardinal Fire sign can be impulsive, courageous and arrogant. He has the igniting spark of energy to begin  a project or a fight but is likely to need support in completing it. This time may draw conflict but after a few days in a dreamy Pisces Moon the Aries spark of leadership inspires us into useful action.      

LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon Sextile Mercury at 3:46am EDT Wednesday June 29th. We are likely to take the opportunity to speak out on a potentially controversial subject or, in general, express our will freely during this time. The action will tend to have a GREAT result. Our emotions are in sync with our minds and we are supported in what we feel must be done. Be careful your behavior is not irresponsible as it is likely to be impulsive. Try to prepare for any possible repercussions beforehand. Act with Aries' natural integrity.       
SCENES FOR THE DAY: ON THE WATERFRONT, 1954; Director: Elia Kazan. Brando is explosive as Terry Malloy fighting for the rights of the longshoremen in New Jersey. He takes the opportunity to speak out both in the courtroom, ratting out his own union for inequities and then on the docks, face to face with the head of the union, powerfully played by Lee J. Cobb. There are so many classic scenes from this film. If you've never witnessed early Brando, a quintessential Aries himself, this film will light your fire to see more! I've included a second clip to show the entire scene where we witness the powerful payoff of the initial confrontation. Malloy's character exemplifies that one courageous leader who dares to speak out thereby changing the fate of the community. Mercury Rules! Notice that, in pure Aries form, Terry needs the support from advocate, Father Barry, played by the undaunted Karl Malden, to finish his battle. The Academy award winning black and white cinematography by Russian cinematographer, Boris Kaufman, is rich, gritty and strong, supporting the action perfectly! 

Friday, June 24, 2016


MOON VOID OF COURSE from 11:48am until 10:30pm EDT Friday June 24. Important practical actions initiated during the VOID OF COURSE period are likely to have a CHALLENGING result, unless for some reason you prefer it not to work out! This time is EXCELLENT for creative and inner work as well as re-doing an action that didn't work out the first time. (SEARCH APRIL 7th POST for more info on VOID OF COURSE MOONS)
MOON ENTERS PISCES at 10:30pm EDT Friday June 24th until 3:55pm EDT Sunday June 26th. Ruled by Neptune, the Pisces Moon rules Dreamtime. The veil between the conscious and unconscious mind is very thin and Sensitive Ones are able to access both worlds. This Mutable Water sign highlights artistic endeavors including photography, music, film, poetry and dance. It's very satisfying now to allow the rational mind to drift into the in-between places of logical thinking to access intuitive wisdom, new ideas and the creative imagination. It's a wonderful time to get to the sea, the great symbol for the collective unconscious - or any body of water - where we might do rituals of redemption, purification and meditation. Swimming in natural waters can allow us to feel a unity with Mother Earth, who we celebrate this month with the Sun in Cancer, as well as a weightless liberation from the earthbound body. 

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Mercury in Gemini at 3:55pm EDT Sunday June 26. If you become frustrated because your mind wanders and you can't get work done, this is the time to go with the flow - let the anxiety go. Accomplish what you can and try to arrange for the work to be done on Monday the 27th when the Moon is in energetic Aries and we have a sextile to Mercury! Actions (other than those previously described) initiated during this time will tend to have a CHALLENGING result. Emotions are at odds with words and our mental processes. This very verbal Mercury, strong in its own sign Gemini, feels out of sync in Pisces' watery amorphous flow. It's impossible to describe the unknowable divine Neptune unity...or even our feelings! The metaphoric imagery of Poetry, the harmonic tones of Music, the rhythmic movement of Dance and the colored abstractions of Art are where we can turn in order to touch these holy places we are only able to sense and imagine.

SCENE OF THE DAY: MINORITY REPORT, 2002; Director: Steven Spielberg. Based on short story by Philip K. Dick. Agatha is a Pre-Cog. She (an outrageous Samantha Morton) along with two other pre-cogs live in a fluid tank where their brains are monitored. When they pick up thoughts of premeditated murder they alert authorities at the futuristic "Pre-Crime" unit in the District of Columbia. Pre-Crime proceeds to avert the murder. When Pre-Crime's director, John Anderton's (Tom Cruise) name appears as the next murderer he absconds with Agatha and this well-made intelligent sci-fi thriller takes off. In this scene Agatha taps the other world in order to tell Anderton and his wife about their son who disappeared years before. But as she relays her visions, she is interrupted by intruders...Spielberg, in top form, pulls spellbinding performances from Morton and Cruise and orchestrates special effects that are seamless. Roger Ebert says, "Minority Report reminds us why we go to the movies in the first place." I concur!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


MOON ENTERS AQUARIUS at 4:08pm EDT on Wednesday June 22 and stays until 11:48am Friday June 24th. The Moon is VOID OF COURSE from 4:57am EDT on Wednesday until 4:08pm. Important actions taken during the VOID OF COURSE period are likely to have CHALLENGING results. This is a time for inner creative activity or doing things over that didn't work out the first time. (SEARCH VOID OF COURSE POST from April 7.)  
MOON IN AQUARIUS, ruled by Uranus, can often show up as eccentric, unexpected behavior or emotions. Uranus demands change from the norm, innovation which is often accompanied by major upsets. Aquarius/Uranus rules technology and science as well as astrology and the New Age paradigm. It may signify a period of Breakdown before Breakthrough. That's how Creativity usually works. Emotions tend to be objective and detached so this is often a difficult time for those of us with strong water/emotionally driven wiring. Uranus also rules electricity and the electronic world. Breath through any upsets. There are opportunities for great creative accomplishments now!

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Sextile Uranus in Aries at 11:48am EDT on Friday June 24th. The Sextile is an aspect associated with Opportunity. Turn your attention away from any emotional upset you might experience and use this exciting time for creative work. Projects on the computer or any digital technology will benefit from this energy. Be innovative and willing to let go of old traditions and structures to welcome new and future concepts which at first may be unsettling. This perspective allows us to move forward into the new paradigm most of us intuitively know is upon us. So much of the upset we're experiencing globally and personally is a direct result of breaking down old structures and traditions in order to move towards a inclusive, compassionate attitude of true integration. Uranus, the archetype of the definitive Individual and the ideal collective, a shows us how to be Separate and United. Actions in sync with this description initiated during this time are likely to have EXCELLENT results!

SCENE OF THE DAY: Steve Jobs, 2015; Director: Danny Boyle; Screenwriter: Aaron Sorkin. There's hardly a more successful and controversial innovator of modern day technology than Steve Jobs. Michael Fassbender takes us on a whirlwind ride inside his head, speaking quintessential Sorkin fast-paced ridiculously brilliant dialogue (Newsroom, West Wing, A Few Good Men, Social Network). Sorkin is one of my screenwriting heroes. He knows how to write electric characters and hook you into a compelling story while managing to feed you innovative ideas. He gets the self-propelling drive of Jobs' compulsive need to constantly move forward, pushing himself and the rest of the world into the next vision of what's possible. His manner is abrupt, disruptive and totally upsetting (all Uranian qualities)...and he gets the job done.  "Artists lead," he says, "and hacks ask for a show of hands." Fassbender owns Sorkin's words. Check out his body of work (Inglorious Bastards, Hunger, Shame, A Dangerous Method, 12 Years a Slave, X-Men...) he's just a completely mesmerizing actor. Electric.

Monday, June 20, 2016


SUMMER SOLSTICE: June 20th at 6:34pm EDT. At this time the Sun enters Cancer, the Cardinal Water sign this evening marking the First Day of Summer! This is a Turning Point of the year, a new chapter. All of our seasons are marked by the four Cardinal signs: 0 degrees Aries marks the Spring Equinox; 0 Cancer marks Summer Solstice; 0 Libra marks the Autumn Equinox; 0 Capricorn marks Winter Solstice. The Sun is at its highest point in the sky from the horizon in the Northern Hemisphere, as the tilt of our axis faces the Sun most directly at this time. The Sun appears to be standing still (sol=sun/stice=stasis or stillness) and we have The Longest Day of the year: 15 hours and 21 minutes of daylight.  At the moment of its climax of ascent it carries within itself the next moment of descent, the impulse for the opposite - the natural dialectic rhythm of life. The Sun is inhaling on ascent and exhaling on descent - the celestial yogic breath.

SUN IN CANCER: If the Luminary of the Sun carries the Archetype of the Masculine principle - The Father, authority figure, our sense of self/identity, outward impulses moving forward, action, Consciousness - entering Cancer, ruled by the Moon, is a contrary coloration. The Sun takes on the Moon's attributes of The Feminine principle - The Mother, going inward, being receptive, creating a safe, dark moist space for gestation, nurturing, being empathetic, emotional, very personal and subjective, sensitive and having an active sub-conscious where that which is just under the surface of consciousness suggests itself to us - urges, longings, needlings.
This is another inherent oppositional condition. The Masculine meets The Feminine and the opportunity is the integration of the two principles. Both must be honored. This is the Alchemical Marriage of Opposites - conjunctio. The Sun will need to continually reconcile itself, affording us excellent opportunities to learn synthesis and compromise. Examples might be: compassionate action, conscious and active nurturing, making meals and other activities together at home. We are often
graced with time in the summer to do these things...a benefit of longer days!
I'm always struck by men born under a Cancer Sun - they seem to be the sweetie pies of their gender. They are the kind, gentle-men who negotiate the masculine and feminine principles so beautifully. They are natural Fathers, being attentive and affectionate toward their children while still being authority figures - compassionate authority. Women with Cancer Suns are the Great Mothers in our communities, nurturing us with food, comfort, protection and sympathy.
These few weeks in New England, before and after Summer Solstice, are some of the most strikingly glorious, intensely sun-filled brilliant blue days I can remember. We are truly climaxing with the lush colors of roses and lupines and irises and cornflowers and lillies and tulips and peonies and pansies and petunias and lobelia and wisteria and of course our herb and veggie gardens! The lakes are warming up and we can immerse ourselves in nature's cool healing waters. We enter the season of being nurtured by our collective Great Moon Mother Cancer in all Her miraculous Beauty. Go out and partake! Drink Her in. Love Her up.

Sunday, June 19, 2016


MOON IN CAPRICORN from 7:55am EDT on Monday June 20th until 4:57am EDT Wednesday June 22nd, after having been VOID OF COURSE since 7:02am EDT Monday.  
SUN ENTERS CANCER AT 6:34pm EDT on Monday June 20th which marks the SUMMER SOLSTICE: 'The Day the Sun Stands Still'. This is a momentous time as we move from the FULL MOON Monday morning at 7:02am EDT to the first day of the Summer season in the evening! We have the opportunity here to clear the decks at the culmination time of the Full Moon in order to begin a new chapter as Summer begins. With the ongoing Mutable Grand Cross, Monday is a triple whammy of celestial events! (SEE POSTS FOR JUNE 17-20 and May 21 for more Full Moon info.)

The MOON IN CAPRICORN, ruled by Saturn - planet of structure, contraction, limitation, authority figures and manifestation - is in what we call Detriment. The Moon naturally rules Cancer, which is Capricorn's opposite sign. The Moon naturally desires a secure, tender and empathetic place of acceptance in order to express its needs. Saturn does not naturally offer this quality. We are likely to find it more difficult than usual to express our feelings at this time, experiencing the need to self-protect. This may appear cold to others. The drive for success may feel both strong and unattainable. We imagine ourselves to be our own authority figures though lingering doubts of self-worth may undermine accomplishments. This may be a serious period so take advantage of any opportunities for lightening up. You'll tend to feel better by being useful and productive - and making the attempt to find the right words to express your emotions. 

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Uranus in Aries at 3:57am EDT Wednesday June 22nd. The Capricorn authority figure is likely to be met with an unexpected confrontation, upset or aggression by the square to Uranus. We could use this as a wake-up call for lightening up, letting go and moving through the conflict. Actions initiated during this time will tend to be CHALLENGING. There's a lot of energy reflected by both these Cardinal signs, so you may be able to make use of the available initiating force to get things done.  
SCENE OF THE DAY: The Day the Earth Stood Still, 1951; Director: Robert Wise. Plot: We can't trust alien authority figures, especially ones that come in peace - too confusing. So we shoot them and set our own destruction in motion. Alien Klaatu, played by Michael Rennie, tells us that because it's so rare to find a planet that is life-sustaining, his race will annihilate us if we don't immediately stop and desist from all aggression towards each other. If we don't take responsibility for our Earth home, they will.
An appropriate narrative, I thought, given that we can't seem to stop killing ourselves lately...ever. The Warrior Archetype (Mars/Aries) lives in each of our psyches and, as all planetary archetypes, it must be honored and utilized. Otherwise it is denied, repressed and tends to explode out of control. Our animal instincts continue to draw us back into using anger and aggression as the default expressions of this archetype. There are alternatives, however. It is imperative that we realize what these other vehicles are and consciously choose them. The essence of Mars/Aries is a very creative, physical, initiating and intelligent force! The physical energy must be utilized. But it doesn't have to be through war or other acts of violence. We can use this energy to accomplish amazing physical feats, from athletics to sex. We can dance and sing out the rage. We can participate in controlled competition, as in Martial Arts, car races, name it. We can move kundalini energy up the spine to activate and release the energy in yoga to transform ourselves. Once the aggressive energy is released we are likely to have easier access to other Mars/Aries qualities such as great leadership and courage in times of duress. As Klaatu says, it's our choice.

Thursday, June 16, 2016


MOON enters SAGITTARIUS at 9:34pm EDT Friday June 17th after being VOID OF COURSE from 9:52am EDT. It remains in Sag until 7:02am EDT Monday June 20th. While this Sagittarius moon period is one of the most dramatic of the month, most of Friday is VOID OF COURSE! You no doubt know the drill. This energy is similar to Mercury retrograde. It's a CHALLENGING time to initiate important practical actions. We're living in the liminal space at the threshold of change today. You may feel the day getting away from you, that not much gets done. Try to let go of any anxiety around this because it's just the nature of the beast. Take advantage of this dreamy time for inner creative musings where inspiration and magic may be available. We're building towards the FULL MOON on Monday morning when tensions tend to be heightened. (Search APRIL 7TH VOID OF COURSE Post for more info.)

FULL MOON IN SAGITTARIUS at 7:02am EDT on Monday June 20th. This Full Moon is so interesting because it is followed by the Sun moving into Cancer at 6:34pm EDT later Monday evening which marks the SUMMER SOLSTICE. If the Full Moon reflects a time of climax and culmination, particularly of what was begun on the New Moon in Gemini two weeks ago, then ideally, the decks are cleared for the beginning of the Summer Season. 
Ruled by Jupiter, the Sag Moon opposes the Gemini Sun in it's last, 29th, degree. This Mutable Fire sign embarks on the great adventure to passionately seek the Truth. He is interested in philosophy, religious tenets, the meaning behind the words - in general, Sag wants the big picture. At worst he is arrogant and excessive - Jupiter's drive for growth is too much. At best this seeker finds the wisdom he's after - and has a great time doing it! His inspirational fire is fanned by the the opposition to the Gemini Sun, the Mutable air sign of the zodiac. The Marriage or reconciliation of this pair of Opposites may be found, as always, by honoring both ends of the polarity. Though we may be trained by our cultural scientific paradigm with its proclivity for an either/or separatist attitude, it may serve us better to look to the paradoxical perspective that both sides of the coin require our attention if the coin is to have real value. In this case, though both are mind-oriented, Gemini wants us to actively engage in lively conversation, socializing, logically gathering as many pieces of information as we can while Sagittarius is driven towards the bigger picture of philosophical Truths and solitary long distance adventures. We might honor both ends of the axis by actively conversing at a social event about philosophical abstractions or by taking a trip alone to another part of the world for intellectual study. The imagination soars with possible expressions of combining these archetypes. 

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Opposite Sun at 7:02am EDT on Monday June 20th. While tensions do exist between a logical, analytically precise mind confronted with a subconscious need for a more theoretical and rose-colored conclusion - which could result in confused unrealistic communication,  a stalemate or easy answers, perhaps it's better to focus again on that Hidden Opportunity in Oppositions (Search March Post). Actions initiated during this time may tend to be CHALLENGING if we aren't conscious of how to honor both ends of the opposition.

We can't let this post conclude without acknowledging that Sunday evening the Sagittarius Moon conjoins Saturn and becomes a close player in the existing MUTABLE GRAND CROSS. So, not only do we have the Sun opposed the Moon - as always at the Full Moon - but, during its early movement through Sag at 11 degrees, the Moon engages the Saturn (in Sag)/Mercury (in Gemini) and Jupiter (in Virgo)/Neptune (in Pisces) oppositions which makes up the Grand Cross. Lots of potentially scattered energy at odds with itself here! We have two oppositions and four squares to resolve. There's flexibility and adaptability available to us as the signs are all Mutable, but the tendency here is to have it dispersed in the four houses in which the cross resides in your chart. Try to stand in the middle of the cross and find your Center. Look to what grounds you, what you can count on, what you know to be True.

SCENE OF THE DAY: Elizabeth: The Golden Age, 2007; Director: Shekhar Kapur. Here we see Cate Blanchett as the Queen ("Prince of the Female gender") consulting her philosopher/astrologer John Dee for his wise interpretation of planetary information - a great use of the Gemini/Sagittarius opposition. The Full Moon approaches, in this case signifying a dramatic culmination of a political nature. This, the third scene we've screened from this powerful film, is again a rare cinematic moment which portrays the respect that the artful practice of astrology deserves.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


MOON enters SCORPIO at 9:18am EDT Wednesday June 15th, after being VOID OF COURSE early morning, until Friday June 17th at 9:52 am EDT.  Ruled by Pluto, the Scorpio Moon often reflects an intensely emotional period. A Fixed Water sign, the Scorpio myth penetrates the depths of one's psyche with the drive for transformation. It suggests a passionate time - emotionally, sexually, financially and circumstantially when possession and desire rule the day. Power games may be played by strong egos. We are likely to feel pressure upon us, especially as the Moon waxes toward the Full Moon on Monday morning. Feelings we have denied or been unwilling to communicate may now finally force their way out.

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Conjunct Mars in Scorpio at 9:52am EDT on Friday June 17th. This aspect will tend to heighten the already intense quality of the Scorpio Moon. Mars reflects the Warrior and in Scorpio is likely reflect a volatile time as the Moon conjoins it. This period may offer us emotional eruptions on the one hand or the opportunity for great resources and resourcefulness on the other. It is a time when caution and consciousness will serve us well. Often an explosion can clear the air, eventually giving us the empty space required the deep change we seek. Or this may just reflect a time for great sex! Generally, actions initiated during this time are likely to have CHALLENGING results - unless your trying to pull off an arduous task that requires incredible endurance, a very strong will.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN, 2005; Director: Ang Lee. Long repressed emotional tension is released in this cathartic scene by these now classic characters, Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist, played intimately on so many levels by Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal respectively. In a culture where cowboys are the ultimate rugged male archetype, their sexual love is forbidden and dangerous. Ennis and Jack, both reserved personalities, finally confront each other, acknowledging how difficult their separate lives have become. If you somehow missed this film, it is a must see! The care with which Lee treats his characters evokes a kind of universal empathy in we who witness, as their situation is reflective of so many our paths not taken.

Saturday, June 11, 2016


MOON IN LIBRA from 8:33pm EDT on Sunday June 12th (after being VOID OF COURSE from 10:47am) until Wednesday June 15th at 2:01am EDT. Ruled by Venus, this Cardinal Air sign is associated with the glyph of the Scales. Striving for Balance, Harmony, Equality, Beauty and most of all Relationship, Libra will tend to compromise, negotiate or agree his way to resolution. Be careful though, he's not always as passive he seems and, as a Cardinal sign, has the force to get things moving (Cardinal signs initiate each of the four seasons). Libra often draws on his opposite, Aries and fights hard to achieve results. Libra can be a behind-the-scenes motivator which may even show up as being passive-aggressive. Make sure to identify the real motive behind the sweet smile! As an Air sign, Libra tends to be extremely intelligent seeing both sides of a conflicted situation. As a result, he can often appear indecisive. When he remembers what his true values are, the choice becomes clearer. Mostly, this is a moon period oriented toward 'The Other'. Libra is driven to find the ideal partner with whom he can enter the social world with grace and refinement. He seeks to have his environment radiate Beauty, elegance and color so it is often filled with valuable objects d'Art.

VOID OF COURSE NOTE: Notice that the Moon is VOID OF COURSE most of Sunday the 12th. Actions initiated during this time will tend not to have the desired result unless you are doing inner creative or reflective work, you're doing something over that didn't succeed the first time or your intention is for your action not to work out.  (SEARCH APRIL7th POST for more on VOID OF COURSE MOON.)

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Trine Venus in Gemini at 2:01am EDT on June 15th. We are blessed with a double whammy of Venus now, by Rulership and Last Aspect! Relationships are likely to be easier during this time, with the exception of Tuesday evening approaching 7:32pm EDT when the Moon opposes Uranus. This ease depends, of course, where your natal Moon resides in your chart. If your Moon is in another Cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, or Capricorn), making a square or opposition to Libra, this may not be such a harmonious time! Actions initiated during this moon period, particularly in the area of Love, Art and Relationship will tend to have EXCELLENT results. Things may flow so easily, however, that not much gets accomplished. We can feel lazy or spend a lot of money (Venus rules money). With two air signs in harmonious aspect, this may also be a time when love is able to be communicated - though be careful to express your feelings as well as your thoughts.

SCENE FOR THE DAY: THE ENGLISH PATIENT, 1996; Writer/Director: Anthony Minghella. This is one of the most unique and romantic love scenes in cinema! Venus finds her way into World War II as soulful Juliette Binoche's Nurse Hana takes graceful flight in an Italian cathedral to witness magnificent works of art. Her lover, bomb disposal-man Kip, played by Naveen Andrews, surprises her with this thrilling and innovative 'joyride' as an expression of his Love. Their relationship acts to balance the doomed relationship between Kristen Scott Thomas' Katherine and Ralph Fiennes' unforgettable Hungarian Count Laszlo de Almasy.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


MOON ENTERS VIRGO at 9:46am EDT on Friday June 10th after being VOID OF COURSE in the early morning. It stays in Virgo until 10:47am EDT on Sunday June 12th when it goes VOID OF COURSE for the rest of Sunday until 8:33pm EDT. The archetypal Vestal Virgin, keeper of the temple's sacred fire and her own chastity (sacred fire), is one of Virgo's classic associations. Ruled by Mercury, this Mutable Earth sign reflects a certain sense of purity, perfection and service. While Virgo is known as the most truly humble persona of the zodiac, the drive for perfection in oneself and others may express itself in being overly critical or judgmental. Traditionally, Virgo is connected to health, diet, daily work and crafts - working with one's hands. Virgo is associated with the 6th House of the horoscope which, in Dane Rudyar's interpretation, is linked with integration. The last house in the bottom hemisphere of the chart, the 6th House is said to integrate all previous five of the personal houses - very generally: identity, security, mind, home/ family and creativity - (as opposed to the upper hemisphere addressing more social and collective areas of life). So perhaps we can expand the mythological image to include that a kind of Innocence (I Ching Hexagram 25: 'without guile') is key to integration of the psyche. This would be especially meaningful if we imagined the virgin/sacred sexual vessel ('sacred prostitute' or 'virgin/whore' - I can't find an expression I like) aspect of the archetype as incorporating her own opposite - the sacred marriage of opposites or the alchemical conjunctio. (Search March post "The Hidden Opportunity in Oppositions") In any case, this is a moon period for creating order in your life, cleaning, purifying, writing, teaching, speaking, and integrating. Paying attention to health issues, diet, rituals and routines all help us stay grounded and able to adapt to changing scenarios.

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Sextile Mars in Scorpio at 10:47am EDT on Sunday June 12th. Prim and proper Virgo meets physically passionate Pluto in this aspect and has a GREAT time producing results! If you're still spring cleaning, you could add some renovation or refinishing projects at this time; Scorpio/Pluto likes to break down and renew - or go back and finish the job you started in early spring (Mars is still retrograde). If you're dealing with health issues, this time could turn things around and a process of rehabilitation/rejuvenation may become available now. If you're in need of expressing your deeply held feelings about something, that perhaps you've kept hidden, this may be the time to let it all out. If you're in love, perhaps this is the time to turn innocence or resistance into passionate expression!

SCENE OF THE DAY: LAUREL CANYON, 2002; Writer/Director: Lisa Cholodenko. A Sundance indie classic! Kate Beckinsale plays Alex, a reserved PhD candidate writing about the sex life of drosophila, married to Sam, an uptight medical student, played by Christian Bale when they move from academic Cambridge, MA to California's hip Laurel Canyon, LA, for his residency. There they unexpectedly encounter his record producing mother Jane, played by an outrageous Frances McDormand and her new rock 'n roll  boyfriend, played by Allesandro Nivoli - and the rest of the band, while they're finishing recording a record in her home studio. Feathers fly and pure and proper Alex finds her Mars in Scorpio! If you've ever spent time in Laurel Canyon you'll appreciate this film - and if you haven't, you'll want to! This wonderful film brings the caricatures of the east and west coast personas together and manages to work it all out...and even write one of the sweetest songs ever!

Monday, June 6, 2016


MOON IN LEO from 2:47am EDT on Wednesday June 8 until 3:14am EDT Friday June 10. Self-expression is the theme of this Moon period. Ruled by the Sun, this Fixed Fire sign, in his optimum pure expression, radiates with a life-affirming bright light that offers warmth and generosity to all he meets. Leo is the child of the zodiac, loving to love, play and live dramatically, forever enthusiastically drawn to the limelight. His innocent pure expression is not always what we witness, however! We often think of the myth of Narcissus when we encounter Leo, falling in love with his own image. The Sun is the center of our solar system and Leo desires center stage. But we forget that Narcissus, though seeing his own face in the water, believed it to be another. Perhaps for Leo too, his self-absorption is a reflection ultimately and ideally - as it is for each of us - of wanting to Be and Receive Love. 

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Mercury at 3:14am EDT Friday June 10th. This bravado Moon has the rug pulled out from under it when it encounters Mercury in Taurus at a 90 degree square angle. Both these signs are Fixed and when Lion meets Bull both are hard pressed to shift their positions. Free-style exuberant self-expression comes up against the need for practical financial security, tradition or the status quo and its idealistic bubble pops. Actions initiated during this time will tend to have a CHALLENGING result. Find whatever mutability might be in your wiring and respond from there. Leo loves entertainment; see if you can find a way to lighten up a deflating situation by directing the attention to what might be amusing, ridiculous or absurd. Or better yet, find a way to include the obstruction in your performance!

NOTE: If you've been reading the posts lately, you'll have noticed an abundance of squares and oppositions to Uranus and Mars, all with challenging evaluations. That's because Uranus and Mars are in the highest degrees of all the planets recently and, consequently, will most often be the planets the Moon aspects last before leaving a sign. Mercury catches up on the 9th for awhile as its degree is now higher than Mars. There are many other challenging evaluations the rest of the month so I wanted to alert you in advance to the GOOD moon periods that will tend to be more beneficial for initiating a project or event. The 10th through the 14th will see Virgo and Libra Moons with harmonious Last Aspects to Mars and Venus respectively; the 22nd to 23rd the Moon is in Aquarius with a harmonious Last Aspect to Uranus and the 27th to 28th the Moon is in Aries with a harmonious Last Aspect to Mercury. There are VOID OF COURSE periods within these times and I will give you more details as we proceed. But these will be my only GOOD recommendations for the rest of the month.
SCENE OF THE DAY: BILLY ELLIOT, 2000; Director: Stephen Daldry (The Hours, The Reader).  All Billy wants to do is dance; but for a boy living in a mining town in Northern England, this just won't do. If you've never seen this marvel of a film you're in for a real treat! Billy is played by Jamie Bell, who scored a BAFTA for his performance, and went on from this breakout role to films such as Jane Eyre and Snowpiercer. In this scene his Leonian passion for dance is confronted by his father (Gary Lewis), the Messenger without wings on his feet. The miners are striking, times are hard and seeing his son engaged with feminine activities such as ballet and modern dance is just too much. It doesn't take Mercury too many words here to communicate to Billy that the line has been crossed. This, of course, is not the end of the story!

Saturday, June 4, 2016


MOON IN CANCER from 11:41pm EDT on Sunday June 5th until 8:18pm EDT on Tuesday June 7th when it goes VOID OF COURSE for the rest of the night. The moon is also VOID OF COURSE from 12:47pm EDT to 11:41pm EDT on Sunday June 5th. The Moon is at home again in this sign of which it is the ruler. A Cardinal Water sign, Cancer carries the Feminine Archetype. This is an emotionally sensitive time when our attention is drawn to that which we nourish and what nourishes us. This arena is centered on our home, food, emotion and children. Cancer rules women's breasts and womb. It behooves us to create a protective container for whatever we need to take care of. We tend to feel more subjective at this time and take things very personally. It may be hard to see things from others' perspective now, though it's still important to give it a go! Even though the Feminine here refers to particular qualities which males also possess, our spotlight during this time can often be on the literal feminine gender. We would all do well to give our attention and care to Mothers, sisters, girlfriends etc. Listen and be present for whatever the feminine in each of us is requesting; do your best to nurture Her. The Moon cycle is beginning to wax towards the first quarter after the New Moon in Gemini and we are still supported for beginning and/or growing projects. 

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Trine Mars at 8:18pm EDT on Tuesday June 7th. We tend to have the will and energy to express our emotions precisely as we feel them. Others are likely to respond with respect because of our honesty. Though the trine is a harmonious aspect, any correspondence between the Moon and Mars is tricky. There may still be impatience with others if your work habits, values or tolerance levels differ, so you may require your own space and independence during this time, especially with the willfulness of Mars in Scorpio. Relationships with women should mostly be good now as long as your strong wills are based on similar values. Be particularly cautious about a potential conflict in the afternoon when the Moon squares Uranus in Aries at 3:20pm EDT. Actions initiated during this period tend to have a GOOD resolution... eventually!
SCENE OF THE DAY: INFINITELY POLAR BEAR, 2014; Director: Maya Forbes. Mark Ruffalo is at the top of his game while playing a bipolar father (Cam) whose at the bottom of his. Wife Maggie (Zoe Saldana) from whom he is separated leaves him in Boston with their two animated daughters while she moves to NY to find financial security for the family. In this scene father Ruffalo, while trying his hardest to play the care-taking father making dinner for his two beloved daughters, he comes up against their feisty-wills and devolves into his own unique manic expression of honest emotion! His Uranus-in-Aries meltdown is as unconventional as one could or couldn't imagine. There is a wonderful final resolution to the film...eventually! 

Friday, June 3, 2016


NEW MOON IN GEMINI: After being VOID OF COURSE from 7:02pm EDT until 11:01pm EDT the Moon enters Gemini at 11:01pm EDT on Friday June 3rd and remains until Sunday June 5th at 12:47pm EDT when it goes VOID OF COURSE until 11:41pm EDT.  Ruled by Mercury, the Gemini Moon is the quintessential red-flag Moon of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. "O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon, that monthly changes in her circle orb, Lest that thy love prove likewise variable." This Mutable Air sign appears to be in continual motion which can show up as changing his mind, nervousness and/or restlessness. He is Messenger, Thinker, Teacher, Traveler, Communicator, Trickster. Mercury rules the Mind and its processes. The Gemini Moon is so curious! He loves to gather information and talk about what he's length.  There's a youthful and playful quality to this energy. What's available to us now is an incredible ingenuity as well as an ability to adapt to new situations. What we need to beware of is a certain level of unreliability, not being able to stick to something long enough to develop or complete it.
Remember the New Moon occurs when the Sun conjuncts the Moon. Here we have the Sun already in Gemini being met by the Moon joining it exactly at 14 degrees Gemini at 10:59pm EDT on Saturday June 4th. Every New Moon is a time of NEW BEGINNINGS - and this New Moon in Gemini is an EXCELLENT time to initiate something - especially activities that fit the aforementioned qualities. Note that, as described in the previous post, the New Moon falls into the aspect pattern of the MUTABLE GRAND CROSS, so this period is not without its tensions in need of resolution. (Search June 1-3 Post) The Squares and Oppositions which comprise the Grand Cross do tend to reflect challenges. At the same time, they offer grist for the mill which allows us to exercise our muscles - mental and otherwise - to work things out, have Mercury/Uranus realizations and create a plan to follow these insights through to manifestation.

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Sextile Uranus at 11:01pm EDT Sunday June 5th. These are some of the BEST DAYS of the month for initiating a project or event! There is excitement in the air with Mercury/Uranus aspects. This is an extremely intuitive and inspirational time when we can feel as if we're channeling ideas from the ethers. The key word associated with the 60 degree sextile aspect is Opportunity. Make use of this time and grab those ah-ha moments and go to work! Uranus rules the electronic/electric arena, so producing projects on your computer is the way to go. Gather information and more information, ask questions, compose, travel, socialize, joke and let your mind take you to unchartered surprising and unique places!

SCENE OF THE DAY: PROOF, 2005; Director: John Madden. This is one of my top ten films of all time. Adapted from a Broadway play (David Auburn), it tells a spellbinding mathematical tale. And that can't be easy! The Gemini Mind of Gwyneth Paltrow's Catherine, depressed daughter of genius turned delusional mathematician, Robert (genius Anthony Hopkins) has an Ah-Ha moment and solves one of the field's most daunting mathematical puzzles. But no one believes she did it. Gemini's Trickster archetype is at work here! In this scene, her father's student and now Catherine's new lover (lovable Jake Gyllenhall) has just read the complex proof she has given him and explodes with enthusiasm about what it might mean. Catherine's older sister, played by Hope Davis, is the key skeptic who wants to move her out of her family home and into another kind of 'home.' All the relationships are dense with complications befitting a Grand Cross with a Mental Gemini New Moon; and these great characters persevere through all the tension it reflects to find their way to the center of the Cross where they discover resolution.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


The MOON is VOID OF COURSE from 11:42AM EDT until it enters TAURUS at 10:46pm EDT on Wednesday June 1 until 7:02pm EDT on Friday June 3rd. While most of Wednesday is Void of Course, in general actions initiated during this time are likely to have a CHALLENGING result. But the inner creative life is particularly rich at this time. Also if something needs to be done over, this is a great time for that! (Search April 7th VOID OF COURSE MOON Post for more.) The Taurus Moon is concerned with values, particularly Money. It's drive is to provide security. Ruled by Venus, this Fixed Earth sign loves the beautiful, sensuous cushy life and he's quite willing and able to work hard to attain it. He tends to measure his success by what he possesses. Taurus is considered the Master Builder. Grounded be he - slow, steady and productive! His Fixed nature often sees him resist getting off the couch and stubborn in his ways, but when he acts the result usually has substance. Venusian Beauty is a requirement at this time! A Taurean Venus is an Earthy Beauty so Gardens of all nature call to be!

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Opposite Mars at 10:46pm EDT. A conflict over one's own values and resources, usually money - and with the earthy moon, land - is likely to ensue during this Moon period. This is especially the case since Mars is still retrograde in Scorpio, reflecting other people's resources. The tension this opposition creates could be resolved, in the best of worlds, by some negotiation or compromise between the involved parties. The Sun's glorious conjunct to Venus now should help to ease the pressure. Try hard to find your flexibility. Given the fixed nature of the two opposing signs, it might take a miracle! This configuration may also manifest as a battle of wills (both financial and psychological!) as we can hardly find a stronger drive to get one's needs met than Mars in Scorpio opposing a Taurus Moon. Actions initiated during this period are likely to have a CHALLENGING result. This said, I also want to include that Mars' last venturing into Scorpio  is like a last chance opportunity at this time to have his natural access to Pluto's regenerative power. It calls to mind the 24th Hexagram in the I Ching: Return. A principle is at work to use all the resources around us to allow us rest, to have a period of gestatation in some container for our life force to be renewed. "The return of health after illness...understanding after an estrangement: everything must be treated tenderly and with care at the beginning, so that the return may lead to a flowering." When Mars returns to Sagittarius on August 2nd (after it turns Direct in Scorpio on June 29th) we may surge forward into our next adventure!

SCENE FOR THE DAY: WALL STREET, 1987; Director: Oliver Stone. The quintessential film about values. Charlie Sheen's Bud Fox asks Michael Douglas' infamous character Gordon Gekko, "How much is enough?" Gekko is a product of the concept 'you are what you're worth', monetarily. While he is on top of the market game, he's also morally bankrupt. In this scene Bud challenges Gekko about his unconscionable action of buying Bluestar Airlines, the company for which his father works, and dismembering it for profit. Gekko, like the stubborn Taurean Bull, is fixed in his value system - above all: MONEY and the cushy lifestyle it buys. In the end Gekko discovers security is a fragile concept.