“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


MOON IN ARIES from 5:16am EST on Thursday December 8 until 8:06pm Friday December 9. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Sextile Mars in Aquarius. This is a GREAT time for initiating action! The first sign of the zodiac, a Cardinal Fire sign, Mars-ruled Aries loves to begin a project! With Warrior courage, incentive and passion for whatever you desire, this Last Aspect indicates that you're very likely to see your endeavor through to a successful outcome. Aries reflects identity. This is a time when knowing who you truly are will be particularly important. Be careful not to to be so caught up in yourself, however, that you forget to acknowledge others and their ideas. Moon/Mars connections can be testy, no matter how positive the aspect, so take a deep breath and let any knee-jerk anger go. Take advantage of these energetic days before Mercury goes Retrograde on the 19th (December 12th and 13th are the last Good Days before the turning!)

SCENE FOR THE DAY: Smoke Signals, 1998; Director: Chris Eyre. The first sign of the zodiac made me think of 'firsts' which, having Standing Rock on my brain, led me to original or Native Americans. I immediately thought of one of my first and favorite movies from Sundance - Chris Eyre's indie gem, Smoke Signals. Victor and Thomas, two young men from the Idaho Res, initiate a journey together upon learning Victor's father has died. The road-trip genre is a perfect vehicle for self-discovery as we witness in this scene. Normally reserved Victor reaches his tolerance limit with chatty and seemingly more superficial Thomas and calls him on 'how to be a real Indian.' Thomas proceeds to find his Aries Warrior self.

NOTE: While I'm on the indigenous subject...I wanted to say that for many years I've felt that the U.S. soul can be healed only when we elect a Female Native American for President. I was excited when Winona Laduke ran for V.P. with Ralph Nader on the Green Party's ticket in '96 and 2000. In her lecture, 'Thinking Beyond Empire' the perspective is so much broader and innovative than we can imagine hearing from average politicians, one that is outside-the-box. I've written previously that this election period required a Uranian Revolutionary to fit the archetypal bill. (See: NOVEMBER 8-9 POST) Trump may be considered by some to be the necessary outsider business leader, but the revolutionary many of us believe we need includes a worldview of earth-conscious inclusiveness. I think Laduke is someone special. Here's a link to this lecture.

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