“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Thursday, September 29, 2016


NEW MOON IN LIBRA from 2:52am EDT on Friday September 30 until Sunday October 2 at 0:43am. Ruled by Feminine Venus, this Cardinal Air sign reflects the Balance of it's symbol, the Scales, the Beauty of Art and Aesthetic, the Justice of the Law and the Love of Relationship. The principles of Venus are: that which we Value (including Money) and that to which we are Attracted. Our attention is likely to be on the Other during this time, pleasing them and seeing them through the filter of Beauty. The NEW MOON is a time of NEW BEGINNINGS.

LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon Opposite Masculine Uranus in Aries at 0:43am EDT on Sunday October 2. This is likely to be a disruptive period when unexpected barriers to our plans seem to fly out of left field. Actions initiated during this time tend to have a CHALLENGING result. Uranus in Aries is like a thunderbolt breaking things apart. Our natural drive for cohesiveness will tend to be shattered. Relationships may feel disconnected. The structure we've created to bring forth justice may be dismantled. Post-modern deconstruction seems to rule. This Feminine Libra Moon feels more like the sharp-edged Cubism Picasso than the pleasing symmetry of Swan Lake. More constructively, this time may be a Wake-Up Call for us to Change or Liberate (Uranus) something about our Libran selves (Relationships, Art practice, Legal situations...)  
SCENE OF THE DAY: Black Swan, 2010; Director: Darren Aronofsky. Natalie Portman plays young ballerina Nina, who in her drive for aesthetic perfection and professional success, unleashes her shadow self which becomes her undoing. In this scene we witness the aesthetic symmetry of Ballet, in all its Feminine glory, disrupted by Nina's trickster psyche. The result is a moment of shock and upset which furthers the downward spiral for our Beauty. Relationships are shattered aplenty!


MOON IS VOID OF COURSE ALL DAY! (from 5:05am EDT on Thursday September 29 until  2:52am Friday September 30.) The Void of Course Moon is the in-between place the Moon travels through after leaving one sign and before entering a new sign.  It tends not to be a time to make any important practical agreements, begin any project, make any important purchases or take any trip you want to resolve successfully. This does tend to be the highly creative time of the dream world or liminal space of the imagination. It is irrational, symbolic and often mysterious. Entering this 'void' offers us opportunities for great insights. Fruits will be born of this time if used appropriately. So, let's give it a CHALLENGING time for practical projects or agreements etc. and GREAT time for works of the imagination.

SCENE OF THE DAY: Wild Strawberries, 1957; Sweden; Director: Ingmar Bergman. Bergman was the one of the masters of symbolic film. This dream sequence, featuring Victor Sjostrom, depicts the inner life of an elderly professor about to receive a lifetime achievement award from his university. He looks back on his life, faces his future death and transforms himself through the process. This is what is available to us when entering the creative void of course field. Notice the bleached effect of the whites in the frame which, after the dissolve from the professor's laying down to sleep, is one of Bergman's cinematic indicators of 'the dream state'.

Monday, September 26, 2016


MOON IS VOID OF COURSE from 3:52am EDT until 4:43pm on Tuesday September 27. Important practical actions initiated during V/C Moons tend to have CHALLENGING results. Inner work and creative activities are supported by this energy. See April 7 Post for more information on V/C Moons.  

MOON ENTERS VIRGO at 4:43pm EDT on Tuesday September 27 and remains until Thursday September 29 at 5:05am. Ruled by Mercury, this Mutable Earth sign is all about the details. It reflects the principle of order and organization. Virgo is discerning on the one hand while also striving to integrate all the separate pieces. As always, this is a great time for writers and speakers to do their thing! You'll find yourself filing through your brain for just the right word! There it will be! Ah, the satisfaction. There is also a drive for perfection at this time so we have to be careful not to be too critical  of ourselves or others. Try to see the bigger picture and not get caught up in being picky about the little things - or get lost in dissatisfaction or judgment. Our attention might be on diet and health - getting it just right - during Virgo but don't forget to stay a little loose and enjoy what you eat too! 

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Conjunct Mercury in Virgo at 5:05am EDT on Thursday September 29. Actions in sync with Virgonian themes initiated during this period are likely to have a GOOD resolution. Moon/Mercury conjunctions can be tricky. The mental (Mercury/Virgo) and emotional (Moon) can come from different places and irritate each other. At best we can communicate our emotions. We may feel judged, however, for feeling the way we do.  
SCENE OF THE DAY: Mostly Martha, 2001; Italian/German; Director: Sandra Nettlebeck. If you are a foodie this is a must-see film! Two headstrong master chefs in the same kitchen strive for perfection and compete for prominence...until they fall in love. In this scene we witness Martha's ability to discern the specific and integrated subtle flavors of a recipe in the most delectable way... Enjoy!

Saturday, September 24, 2016


MOON IN LEO from 8:48am EDT on Sunday September 25 until Tuesday September. 27 at 3:52am. Ruled by the Sun, Leo reflects our Self-Expression, our Life-Force...our Sense of Self. This Fixed Fire sign rules the Heart and Back and desires to be the Center and in the center. This is a passionate Moon period that loves drama and playfulness. Leo is considered the child of the zodiac. This may also be a time for love affairs.

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Trine Uranus in Aries at 3:52am EDT on Tuesday September 27. This is a very exciting time for a few reasons: All of this passion is in harmony with the unexpected nature of Uranus. Something or someone new is likely to show up in our lives that we're pleasantly surprised by. It's a time for play, fun and creativity if we can keep our egos from needing to be center stage at all times. We also may need to find a container or grounding for all this fire. It is likely to come from our communication because Mercury in Virgo is the only planet (besides Pluto in Capricorn) that's in an earth sign, the Sun and Jupiter having recently moved from Virgo to Libra. Grounded communication might look like setting intentions for the beginning of the Autumn season. You're creating a container to hold your vision. 
MERCURY IS CLEAR during this time, having settled into its normal direct rhythm. We can once again feel supported in making important agreements, purchases and in travel. SATURN has begun to separate from its SQUARE TO NEPTUNE that has been in effect on and off all since last November. Very generally speaking, we should begin to feel some relief in the area of reality vs illusion and the dissolving of our structures. 
The final Blessing for a short time is JUPITER IS CONJOINING THE SUN approaching on the 25th and exact on the 26th at 2:59am EDT. Jupiter, the archetype of wisdom, growth and abundance, brings Blessings to whatever it touches...that, or it overwhelms or is in some way excessive. So be conscious of moderation now! Make use of this special time - especially SUNDAY NIGHT during the approach! Actions initiated during this time are likely to have an EXCELLENT resolution!

 SCENE FOR THE DAY: Little Voice, 1998; Director: Mark Herman. This clip is the climax scene where Jane Horrocks as LV (Little Voice), a reclusive young woman who lives with her mother, Best Actress nominated Brenda Blethyn, finally finds her public voice. She belts out show tunes that she's learned from listening to her father's old records by Judy Garland, Edith Piaf, Marilyn Monroe and others. She also finds a new friend in Ewan McGregor. This little film can serve to inspire us all into finding our own form of self-expression and the courage to put it out there! This is the time! (My dear friend Laura, who is an amazing composer, just wrote to tell me that the composer George Crumb created the musical symbol 'LV' meaning Lascia Vibrare, meaning allow to vibrate indefinitely! How's that for inspiration!)

Thursday, September 22, 2016


MOON IN CANCER from 3:33am EDT on Friday Sept. 23 until Saturday Sept. 24 at 8:42pm. The Moon is in its own sign during this period, so we have a pure Lunar archetypal period for these two days. The Feminine Principle reigns now as the women in our lives are front and center. This is a time for nurturing others and ourselves in every imaginable way: making and eating the best food we can create, making sure others feel like they belong to the group - being inclusive, honoring our families, especially our Mothers...making our homes feel like...home, generally taking care of those around us. We can feel particularly subjective now, taking things more personally than usual. We may feel more sensitive and express our emotions more readily at this time. We may prefer to stay home than going out and being social.

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Uranus in Aries at 8:42pm EDT on Saturday September 24. Actions initiated during this Moon period will tend to have a CHALLENGING result. The women in our lives are likely to feel a bit hyper-sensitive and feisty now and we may witness some unexpected eruptions of emotions. We may have unwanted surprises at home that push us to our limits. Mother may want something for or from us that we don't particularly want to receive or offer. Mercury's forward direction is in its last intense days of adjustment before settling into its normal rhythm again, so don't be surprised if schedules, communication and travel are the sources for these disruptions. Make sure your communications are clear and that others understand your meaning completely. Check and double check your plans, timing and vehicles. Make sure your cell phones are charged!   
SCENE OF THE DAY: Freaky Friday, 2003; Director: Mark Waters. Lightening it up a little for today's post, this scene featuring Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan (at her best), reflects a classic Mother/Daughter meltdown. It's a perfect last-days-of Mercury-turning-direct example of confusion and Uranian upsets. If you've never seen this comedy, check it out for some great family entertainment.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


MOON IN GEMINI from 0:53am EDT Wednesday Sept. 21 until Friday Sept. 23 at 2:57am. Ruled by Mercury, this Mutable Air sign tends to heighten our ability to express ourselves, particularly our emotions, though we might tend to be more rational about it than emotive. You may notice people being more curious and communicative than usual. People are more easily mobile as if they were flying around on Mercury's wings. Wit often comes more readily. Air signs tend to be somewhat detached so don't be surprised if conversations change topics quickly and don't necessarily go into much depth.   

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Trine Venus in Libra at 2:57am EDT on Friday September 23. This is a time for speaking words of love! Just remember we're in Mercury's turning Direct period so just make sure you're interpreting the words accurately. Actions initiated during this period tend to have a GOOD result...again, only because of the direction change of Mercury. Be patient and be willing to wait for this result! Writers and speakers should be able to accomplish some good work at this time, though I wouldn't recommend submitting articles at this time. In general, conversations seem to flow easily, moving quickly from one subject to the next and relationships tend to feel harmonious. I once heard the aphorism: Love is a function of communication. Makes you think... 

SUN ENTERS LIBRA at 9:22am EDT on Thursday September 22 and we have THE VERNAL EQUINOX. Day and Night are (nearly) equal in duration. The Sun remains in Libra until Saturday October 22 at 6:45pm EDT. The Sun in this Cardinal Air sign will continue to focus on Relationships for this period. We'll strive more ardently for justice and equality. Beauty and Art reign!
MERCURY GOES DIRECT TODAY :031am EDT. Remember the 3-days-after period can be the most intense so keep all precautions in place until the 26th. Make use of this time for Dreaming, Imagining and Preparing. My beloved screenwriting teacher, Frank Daniel, used to say: "There are two types of scenes to write: Action and Preparation for Action. 

SCENE OF THE DAY: Shakespeare in Love, 1998; Director: John Madden. Screenwriter: Tom Stoppard. Words of love were the air Shakespeare breathed. This final sequence is one of my favorites in the film. It's also perfect for entering into the Fall season with a new work of art poised to begin. And with the Gemini Moon Trine Venus words would fly off any poet's tongue!

Monday, September 19, 2016


MOON IN TAURUS from 0:58am EDT on Monday September 19 until Tuesday Sept. 20 at 11:32pm. Ruled by Venus, this Fixed Earth sign reflects the principle of what one Values. It's territory is Beauty in all its earthly sensuous and aesthetic forms. Taurus is considered the Money sign, the financial association with value. He loves to buy beautiful things. But at the same time, it is psychologically also concerned with Self-Worth. Taurus might believe "I am what I own." Land and other property is also in this arena as it provides a sense of Security which is vital to Taurus' well-being. Providing security for those he loves is also a drive for this sign. Taurus' fixed quality is reflected in his stubbornness and his default position of couch potato demonstrates how much he enjoys the comfortable and cushy life. It will take a great temptation to get him to move! 

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Trine Sun in Virgo at 11:32pm on Tuesday Sept. 20.  Actions initiated at this time will tend to have an VERY GOOD result. We are now in the 3-day period before Mercury turns direct on the 22nd, when the Retrograde energy is at its strongest. Though you may have the urge to purchase some beautiful object's d'art for the home, it's best to wait until the 26th, when the All-Clear bell is rung! Do your research and planning now to make sure you're buying what will truly serve your purpose and who you really are.

SCENE OF THE DAY: Midnight in Paris: 2011; Director and Screenwriter: Woody Allen. The Venusian city of Paris is the perfect setting for Taurus. Beauty resides everywhere we look...especially in Allen's women - including Rachel McAdams and Marion Cotillard. Here, Owen Wilson's character, writer Gil, finally finds a mate in French beauty Lea Seycdoux who is in sync with his sense of self - she even lives in the same century!

Friday, September 16, 2016


MOON IN ARIES from 0:22am EDT Saturday Sept. 17 until 4:10pm Sunday Sept. 18. Ruled by Mars, this Cardinal Fire sign reflects the courageous Warrior archetype and, as the number one fire sign, represents the initiating spark of the flame. Here we find inspiration and passion to get most any project started. Whether Aries can complete the job is a completely different story. Best to look to an Earth or Fixed sign to support Aries for that! Most of Aries' enthusiasm tends to be directed at his own work and himself; he can easily forget to look outside himself to see how his blunt comments land on others. It's important at this time that you are conscious of how your way of being affects the Other. Aries often reflects the easy-to-anger persona. Just know that this period may reflect a time when disagreements may easily get fired up to a real fight! Remember your negotiating and compromising skills! If you don't have them, get trained now!

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Trine Mars in Sagittarius at 4:10pm EDT on Sunday Sept. 18. Actions initiated during this Moon period will tend to have VERY GOOD results. Moon in Aries Trining its ruler is a very strong aspect. There's Lots of energy here, both physical and will-driven to support most any project getting off the ground. Take advantage of it - while remembering, of course, that Mercury is still Retrograde and take the necessary precautions...or choose to wait until the 26th. Any Moon/Mars aspect can be tricky in the feelings-getting-hurt-and-getting-angry response, so just be aware of delicate situations.   
SCENE OF THE DAY: Superman, 1978; Director: Richard Donner. This is the wonderful Christopher Reeves version which also features Marlon Brando, Gene Hackman, Margot Kidder and Glenn Ford. This is the scene where, as a child, Clark Kent lifts his found-parent's truck after it collapses off the tire jack. While shocking the hell out of Kent-the-elders, the boy is completely comfortable with his Warrior abilities right from the get-go. In perfect Aries Moon Trine Mars, he accesses his physical and will power quite naturally, his action having a very successful resolution!


I've been musing on other current celestial patterns and wanted to add some thoughts: This feels like a big moment; a celestial reflection of an opportunity to catapult ourselves further along in the continual opening of our collective door of perception. Notice where this might be happening in your personal life. With Neptune in its own sign Pisces (for 14 years a very strong and pure Archetypal experience is available to us) in an on-going Square to Saturn in Sagittarius, our traditional structures and realities are being dissolved. We may be experiencing a reality check to long-held illusions. The Pisces Moon passed through this square as it waxed towards fullness, carrying its theme to the Eclipse. Mars in mutable Sagittarius makes a Square to the Full Moon Opposition (Sun in Virgo opposite Moon in Pisces) which creates a Mutable T-Square, generally considered to be an unstable arrangement. This T-Square is looking for its balance or resolution in Gemini, the remaining Mutable sign. Hard to imagine Gemini grounding us, with all its darting around mentally and physically. But Geminian new ideas seem vital now more than ever. But these ideas want to push the envelop in a big-picture Sagittarian way.

In Sam Reiffler's interpretation of the I Ching he writes: "Buddah said 'Form is Void'" (read: Saturn conjunct, or combines with, Neptune). I happened to turn to these words this morning and they've been in my imagination all day. He maintains that we operate in this world based mostly on the rational knowledge we've been taught. If we allowed ourselves to suspend this knowledge and really opened ourselves up - in meditation, for example - to a broader realm of possible realities, we might begin to touch - even if it's a fleeting suggestion of an experience - a world that is not causal (deterministic) or logical. Yet it might be as much a reality as we believe our 'norm' to be. This suggests the Neptune/Pisces 'reality', where the range between Chaos and the Divine resides. Life events and principles in this realm are not organized or logical in order to satisfy our need for meaning and clarity. There are no boundaries, categories or definitions. All is One and One is All.

Perhaps this Eclipse cycle of Pisces/Virgo can be interpreted as: the Unifying principle (Pisces) challenging the Defining-by-Separating-and-Discerning principle (Virgo) to express itself in its most optimum reflection which may be seen as integration (See Dane Rudyar's Book of Houses). Perhaps this period marks a passage into an awareness that we must integrate or find the relationship between
the separate pieces of our lives and the separate pieces that are the diverse cultures and separating religions of the world, in order to find the wholeness or meaning that we seek. Then perhaps we can catch a fleeting glimpse -  of that humbling experience we call The Divine, that which is greater than human.

ANOTHER SCENE FOR THE DAY: Contact...again! Here Jodie Foster, as astronomer Ellie Arroway, responds to questions about her experience of conversing with an extra-terrestrial entity which defies the logic on which her scientific field is grounded. She agrees with the panel that she can't explain or prove her experience but knows it to be real. Here the scientist, ensconced in
traditional rationality (Saturn), meets the illogical faith of religion or the ineffable Divine (Neptune) - and tries to cope with something that can only be believed...when it happens to you!  (If this clip is blocked, go to Youtube and search for Jodie Foster Speech in Contact.)

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


MOON IS VOID OF COURSE from 11:31am EDT until 10:23pm on Wednesday September 14. Important practical actions initiated during V/C Moons tend to have CHALLENGING results. This time is best utilized with inner creative work and making plans for a future, more auspicious day. Most of this day and night is Void of Course so its a great opportunity go deep into some creative unconscious realm, make art, or write a stream of conscious entry in your journal. SEE APRIL 7 POST for more on V/C Moons. It took me until 5:00 this evening to zero in on the film clip I wanted to use for this Moon can understand why! Sorry for the delay...

MOON ENTERS PISCES at 10:23pm EDT on Wednesday September 14 and remains until 3:05pm Friday September 16. Ruled by Neptune this Mutable Water sign is the last sign of the zodiac. The principle it carries is Unification: All is One and One is All. It reflects the Cosmic Ocean, Wholeness, Divine Love, Perfection and Art. Neptune, The Great Dissolver, erases all boundaries, barriers, distinction, definition and often...the clarity of 'realism'. Therefore, it can indicate confusion, deception and illusion. It rules photography, film and glamor. The sense of Idealism is strong when Pisces/Neptune is active. And of course, Neptune/Pisces rules the Sea and its symbol for the Unconscious. Hence, Neptune/Pisces rules the Dream World and Chaos.

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon in Pisces Opposite Sun in Virgo at 3:05pm EDT on Friday September 16. Pisces opposite Virgo reflects the drive to seek a dynamic balance between Chaos and Order.  The Pisces/Virgo axis often comes with the severe advice: Serve or Suffer. Virgo is considered the most humble of all signs because its natural inclination is towards service. We ask ourselves, "How can I be of use to others?" Pisces also tends to prefer retreat or escape rather than the limelight, though there are many actors with this sign in a prominent placement who consider the stage as haven in terms of wearing their character like a protective mask. Pisces wants to dream and Virgo wants to work. Pisces lives in the imagination while Virgo resides in the practical, logical 'real' world. Our task at this time is to find a way to honor both ends of this polarity. Be practical with your imagination. Teach Art. Write down dreams. The Paradox is Queen now. One clue may be the quotation marks around the word real! The Pisces/Virgo polarity can also reflect Victim/Redeemer situations. Circumstances may present themselves as opportunities to become conscious of any roles in which we have consciously or unconsciously agreed to participate. We may have the opportunity now to cancel this agreement. Redeem yourself. Actions initiated during this period will tend to have CHALLENGING results, unless you find your way to wholeness. SEE MARCH POST: THE HIDDEN OPPORTUNITY IN OPPOSITIONS.

FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE at 24 Pisces/Virgo. This Penumbral Lunar Eclipse is at 3:05pm EDT on Friday September 16. When the Moon is Opposite the Sun, we have a Full Moon. When the Earth is in position between the two, we have a Lunar Eclipse. This is a time of culmination, climax and often conflict. We are bringing events, often which were initiated during the previous New Moon Solar Eclipse (September 1) to a conclusion. Our emotions (Moon) are often at odds with our ego's sense of self (The Sun) at this time and that can be disturbing. Use the Signs that are activated to navigate your way to resolution. Writing (Virgo) from your dreams or imagination (Pisces) would be an excellent way to acknowledge both ends of this opposition. Jung's practice of Active Imagination is a helpful tool (see Julia Cameron's practice of 'Morning Pages' in her book The Artist's Way). The Lunar Eclipse is a time for consciously LETTING GO of what no longer serves you. You can do a ritual by yourself or with others to set this intention. Most often Eclipses happen in pairs (Lunar/Solar) but occasionally, as in this Eclipse, we see a third in the grouping. This is an added opportunity for clearing out space in our psyches to allow in new grist for the mill! SEE POST: AUGUST 16-18 for more on Lunar Eclipses. This Eclipse will not be visible from North America but will be visible from most continents east of it. 
SCENE OF THE DAY: Incendiary, 2008; Director and Screenwriter: Sharon Maguire (Bridget Jones's Diary); Based on the novel by Chris Cleave. This is a sleeper film I saw at Sundance and it blew me away. The film stars a Brilliant Michelle Williams (Brokeback Mountain, My Week with Marilyn, Blue Valentine), Ewan McGregor and Matthew Macfayden (Pride and Prejudice). Williams' performance is breathtaking and the story is nothing short of profound. Spoiler Alert! We see Williams as a young mother who loses her child and husband in London's Arsenal Stadium suicide bombing just as she's having a sexual encounter with a journalist neighbor (McGregor). Her doctor recommends she deal with her loss and her suffering (Pisces) by writing a letter (Virgo) to Osama Bin Laden. She manages to navigate a long healing process in this way and from total chaos and dissolution is able to find some sense of order and meaning in her life once again. Her personal experience of chaos reflects a collective - global - reality and this story offers one poignant example of using archetypal principles as movement towards wholeness and healing. It was shocking to read that author Cleave's novel was published the same day the real Arsenal bombing occurred. It remains a mystery how or why this happened, but synchronicity is powerful magic. I just looked up from my keyboard to see a rare incendiary red sky at sunset outside my NH window. Yes, synchronicity rules! Is that a contradiction in terms? Or a paradox...

Sunday, September 11, 2016


MOON IS VOID OF COURSE from 6:00am until 5:29pm EDT on Monday September 12. Important practical actions initiated during a V/C Moon are likely to have CHALLENGING results. It's best to use this in-between energy for inner creative work or planning for future projects. Like a Mercury Retrograde, which of course we are also experiencing, signing contracts or making binding agreements is not advisable. Something in the content is often not as we expected or interpreted. See APRIL 7 POST for more details on Void of Course Moons.

MOON ENTERS AQUARIUS at 5:29pm EDT on Monday September 12 and remains until11:31am EDT on Wednesday September 14. Ruled by Uranus, this Fixed Air sign reflects a period where emotions are expressed more from the Mind than the Heart. There's a more detached rational experience of relationship rather than a bonded feeling one. This period will tend to see us more drawn to groups of friends or an organization rather than intimate personal tete a tetes.         

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Sextile Uranus at 11:31am EDT on Wednesday September 14. Actions initiated during this period will tend to have VERY GOOD results. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, so it is particularly strong aspect. The only reason this does not rate an Excellent evaluation is due to Mercury's Retrograde motion. This is a Very Good time for continuing work on projects using electronic devices (Uranus)...though they still are unusually susceptible to breakdowns during Mercury Retrograde! Your mind should be able to access big-picture ideas now - Mercury's motion actually supports this activity. Ideas about humanity and our ability to live together collectively should come freely and be wonderfully innovative. Breakthroughs of all kinds are likely. This can be a very exciting few days! Don't be thrown off your game if someone doesn't give you the personal response you're looking for. Remember, Aquarius has a more detached and objective persona. Don't take it personally. "The facts ma'am, just the facts!"(Dragnet)

SCENE OF THE DAY: Contact, 1997; Director: Robert Zemekis; Based on Novel by Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan. In this scene Dr. Ellie Arroway (Jodie Foster) encounters her 'father' (David Morse) during her space journey - a result of her SETI team receiving signals from extra-terrestrial intelligence. Even though this scene is an encounter between two individuals, the content concerns humanity - a very Aquarian/Uranus attribute. Mention is made of 'downloading dreams' which is another very high-tech Uranian concept. A great gift and opportunity (60 degree sextile) is offered to Ellie in this conversation. She comes away from the meeting with a new perspective, her horizons are blasted wide open like the rocket engine that explodes, catapulting her into her journey (all Uranian).

Thursday, September 8, 2016


MOON ENTERS CAPRICORN at 8:55am EDT on Saturday Sept. 10 and remains until Monday Sept. 12 at 6:00am EDT. Ruled by Saturn, this Cardinal Earth sign can reflect the business person ambitiously climbing the ladder of success. Diligence, responsibility and practicality, the tools for accomplishment are available to us at this time. Saturn reflects the ability to manifest form in the material world and the sign it rules, an active Cardinal one, marks the period which supports making it happen. Creating structure, however, limits space. When we are feeling challenged, we feel the least optimum expression of Saturn which is contraction, fear and lack of confidence. So, we can experience the Capricorn Moon as holding us back in some way. Know what's available and turn yourself around to face the possibility of making something real in the world. According to Spiritual Astrologer Isabel Hickey, many realized beings in history were Capricorns.

LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon Square Uranus in Aries at 6:00am EDT on Monday September 12. Actions initiated during this Moon period tend to have CHALLENGING results. It's likely that attempts to accomplish executive or any sort of business transactions will encounter barriers to their successful resolution. We may feel defeated or incapable of producing results on the one hand and on the other we may rally our determination to overcome unexpected upsets and create unusual alternatives to reach our solution.
SCENE OF THE DAY: Man Men (Season 6, Episode 13) 2013; Director: Matthew Wiener. The quintessential businessman, Don Draper, at his best...which is selling or creating the illusion; and his worst...which breaks through the conventional facade and speaks his truth. Or is it the other way around? The dilemma of the conscious executive. Jon Hamm, as Don Draper is mesmerizing as this complex character which shows us the range of Capricorn. As a result of his breakthrough, Draper  eventually finds his way to a kind of Capricornian self-realization.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


MOON ENTERS SAGITTARIUS at 9:20pm EDT (after being Void of Course from 8:43pm) on Wednesday September 7 and remains until Friday Sept. 9 at 8:51pm EDT. Ruled by Jupiter, this Mutable Fire sign reflects the principle of growth, expansion, abundance and meaning. Long distance journeys of the mind (philosophy, religion and other abstract systems) and of the body (foreign travel) are also indicated. This period will require an abundance of Freedom and highlights this theme in relationships. It is a time of adventure and meaningful pursuits. We may experience arrogance from others because they think they know what's best for us...or we think we know what's best for others! Pay attention to what others around you may need and value their perspectives as well as your own.

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Trine Uranus in Aries at 8:51pm EDT on Friday September 9. This can be an exciting time when we experience a lot of energy and a lot of innovative ideas which we can put into action. Of course remember the cautions of a Mercury still Retrograde, but you can have a lot of fulfilling fun with this energy. Traditional philosophical ideas may have new insights for us. Uranus in Aries is still activating the Warrior archetype, so enlightened physical practices such as T'ai Chi, Yoga and other pursuits aligning mind and body should offer great satisfaction at this time. Take your practice to the next level. Have a great adventure! It is likely to surprise you - in a beneficial way. Actions initiated during this period will tend to have VERY GOOD resolutions. (Again this would have an EXCELLENT evaluation if not for the retrograde Mercury.) 

JUPITER ENTERS LIBRA on Friday Sept. 9 at 7:18am EDT. We can look forward to a year or so of expanding our aesthetic sensibilities and more meaningful (or plentiful) relationships. Jupiter reflects the archetype of growth, leadership and abundance. Its shadow is excess...too much of a good thing doesn't always work out too well. Jupiter is driven to seek true Balance, Beauty and Harmonious Relationships in Libra. Just what the world needs right about now. 

SCENE OF THE DAY: The Last Samurai, 2003; Director: Ed Zwick. In this scene, Captain Nathan Algren (Tom Cruise), a disenchanted American soldier who has been captured by Japanese Samurai, learns an appreciation of this heightened way of life. The Samurai way of the Warrior in Service is not a purely aggressive fight for territory and power, but a lifestyle practice of integrity and personal consciousness. Algren takes his Warrior practice to a new level and is transformed. His shift of allegiance to fight with the Samurai shocks his fellow soldiers.

Sunday, September 4, 2016


MOON ENTERS SCORPIO at 8:38 am EDT on Monday September 5 and remains until 8:43pm EDT on Wednesday September 7. Ruled by Pluto, this Moon Period highlights the use of Resources: Money, Investments, Energy and Oil...Pluto's territory is deep under the earth and provides the sources for Life. It also rules Death and Regeneration. This would include restoring resources, or renovating buildings etc. It's pattern is to breakdown and build back up, usually what is no longer needed or appropriate. Pluto in Capricorn (2008-2024) tends to reflect the tearing down of old traditional structures and rebuilding them. (Sound applicable?) Being Resourceful is also a characteristic of this period. Don't forget, though, Pluto (Hades) is also the god of the underworld...Hell. Spiritual astrology reminds us to be forever conscious that Pluto/Scorpio energy/Power must Always be consciously used for The Good. ..Collectively and between Individuals. 

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Sextile Jupiter in Virgo at 8:43pm EDT on Wednesday September 5. This would be a time of Amazing Financial Opportunity...if Mercury weren't Retrograde! Jupiter reflects Abundance. So this Last Aspect could translate as Opportunities in Resources result in Abundance or Great Success. It's a GREAT time to Research and Plan for future investments. If you don't have a dramatic personal relationship with Mercury Retrogrades, you might consider going for it...but I always opt for caution here myself. Astrologers look to the sign that Jupiter is in for recommending investments. Jupiter in Virgo until Sept. 10th is Mercury's territory: Education, Travel, Health, Diet, Organizing, Cleaning, Employees and Daily Work are highlighted. If you knew about a company, for example, that was re-organizing itself in any of these areas, it might be worth the risk to you. In general, this is an EXCELLENT time for renovating, researching or re-considering...most of the re- do-over words! ATTENTION WRITERS! This is your time to revise and prepare for future submissions! Or Re-submit! 
SCENE OF THE DAY: Contact, 1997; Director: Robert Zemekis; Based on the Story by Carl Sagan and Anne Druyan. Dr. Ellie Arroway (the amazing Jodie Foster- Scorpio!) has just been informed her resources for her SETI project have been taken away. As resourceful and persevering as she is she refuses to concede. This scene portrays what happens when she hears the news...her tenacity is wildly rewarded (Scorpio Moon Sextile Jupiter). For many, this is one of the most exciting sequences in their cinematic repetoire!

Thursday, September 1, 2016


MOON VOID OF COURSE from 6:13pm EDT until 8:55pm EDT on Friday Sept. 2. Important practical actions taken during V/C Moons tend to have CHALLENGING results. The best use of this time if for inner creative work.

MOON ENTERS LIBRA at 8:55pm EDT on Friday Sept. 2 and remains until Sept. 4 at 8:30pm EDT. Ruled by Venus this Cardinal Air sign highlights Relationships, Beauty, Art, Law and Money during this period.  

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Opposite Uranus in Aries at 8:30pm EDT on Sept 2. Actions initiated during this period are likely to have CHALLENGING results. The classic reflection of this transit might see the breakup of a relationship. Alternatively we might consider using Uranus' strength for creative innovation in our perspective of the relationship. Try a new or different arrangement. Often it is Uranian freedom and independence that is needed for one person that drives partners to separate. Another possible situation could be the creation of a new and exciting art form.
It might evoke controversy or shock and transform the medium. 

MERCURY is clear of the Station Retrograde 3 day period on Saturday Sept. 3. While Mercury is still Retrograde until September 22, the initial most vulnerable period has passed and the planet is more stable in its orbit.The same cautions are in play for this phenomenon as stated in the post for August 31.

SCENE OF THE DAY: Anna Karenina, 2012; Director: Joe Wright (who directed Knightly in Pride and Prejudice). Keira Knightly as Karenina dances her way with Count Vronsky (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) to disaster. The classic Tolstoy drama re-visioned in a most innovative stylistic visual manner. The sets and movement are compelling to behold. This scene marks the beginning of several upsetting relationship breakups in this complex story. Uranus holds sway not only in this way but, the film is set during the Russian Revolution and quotes such as: "You're on the wrong side of history - not because privilege is immoral but because it is irrational;"  "Romantic love is the last delusion of the old order;" and... "A toast to the brotherhood of man!" are all Uranian in theme. Equality, Freedom, Community and the New and Different reign in this new order.