“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Thursday, March 31, 2016


MOON ENTERS AQUARIUS at 9:37pm the 1st and stays until April 3 at 7:16pm  (NOTE: Moon is VOID OF COURSE from 12:39pm today to 9:37pm). After this mostly v/c day, where it's recommended not to initiate any important projects, the moon enters into Uranus-ruled innovative Aquarius, sign of the collective New Age mindset. Tonight is a GREAT time for being the unique individual that you are. Uranus reflects the digital world, so anything computer initiated is supported. Uranus is considered higher vibration of Mercury so collective communication is highlighted.  Aquarians can seem detached, so don't take it personally if someone isn't paying you as much attention as you'd like! Go do your own thing!

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Sextile Mercury. Anything, especially communications, travel and community projects, new ideas and innovative plans initiated during this time is likely to have an EXCELLENT probability of success! On Sunday, the 3rd, you have the support of sextiles to both Uranus and Mercury supporting very clever ideas for the future indeed! 
SCENE FOR THE DAY: LIFE IN A DAY, 2011, Director Kevin McDonald  Reflecting Aquarian's innovative, digital and community-based qualities, this documentary is considered the first major US crowdsourced production. Launching an open call for clips on YouTube, producers received over 80,000 responses from 192 countries and used over 1,000 of them. The film has been described as blending together how similar to and different from each other, personally and culturally we are. Supported and debuted by the Sundance Independent Film Festival, the film also premiered by streaming live on YouTube. This scene captures a collection of people sending off fire lanterns into the night sky. It brings to mind either a global Mercury message that we're here and we're all OK, or a Uranian wake-up call for help! Either way the fireworks and lanterns light up the night sky in a way that lights up our lives.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


MOON IN CAPRICORN (Moon is v/c and enters Cap at 1:45pm to April 1 at 12:39pm ): Ruled by Saturn, this is a GREAT time to accomplish something in the real world. Manifest. Bring-to-form the way only Saturn can! Be willing to work hard. 'Perseverence Furthers' so the I Ching counsels. It may come slowly, but patience is definitely the virtue here and one's ambition can take no shortcuts. In fact, Saturn also rules time, so honor it! Saturn went retrograde on the 25th, so time might play some tricks on us...check and double check and be willing to re-structure.

LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon Sextile Venus. The result of initiating something during this time has EXCELLENT chances for working out...excellently! Venus, the Lesser Benevolent blesses your endeavor. This indicator might actually manifest love...and/or money.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: LIMITLESS, 2011; Director: Neil Burger. I love this film for the visuals and the concept...the designer brain enhancing pill that turns your mind on the way you always hoped it would...and more so. I chose it for Capricorn's ambition and the Moon's Last aspect to Venus. Bradley Cooper's Eddie Morra character is offered his big time Wall Street shot and takes more than advantage of it... And he gets the girl. The trippy subjective pov shots may seem more Neptunian than traditional-oriented Saturn, but there's radical time-bending imagery (Saturn rules time) and hey, any chance to show exciting cinematic visuals...I'm there.

Monday, March 28, 2016


MOON IN SAGITTARIUS: Ruled by expansive Jupiter, this Moon reflects optimism, abundance and an idealistic perspective of life. This is the adventurer who goes off seeking the better world, where the educated higher mind, philosophy and religious thoughts of the divine are predominant. It's a GOOD time for sending off writing to publishers, beginning a long distance trip or having a great adventure. There is the danger of excess, arrogance and not paying enough attention to details or practicality because there is so much enthusiasm for the bigger picture.

LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon Square Venus. The feminine principle in general is challenged at this time by the square aspect. Both the Moon and Venus reflect different aspects of the Feminine - the emotional and protective vs. the aesthetic and sensuous romantic love respectively. So it's possible that what is initiated today may be CHALLENGING particularly involving the women in your life (or the feminine aspect of the men!) Venus also rules money and what we value so it could reflect emotional challenges in that arena. Perhaps you won't feel attractive enough today or your excessive self-promotion will put your women friends off. But Venus is considered the Lesser Benevolent (Jupiter is the Greater) and though the 90 degree square aspect may be difficult, with Venus it has less effect than with other planets. So I'd say, strive for modesty and go for it!

SCENE: QUEEN CHRISTINA, 1933; Director: Rouben Mamoulian. Hollywood icon Greta Garbo as Sweden's Queen Christina is an unforgettable portrait of a royal guardian desperately longing for her freedom and adventure. She pleads for her country to be inspired by Sagittarian ideals of philosophy and literature. Up to the climatic final scene, which is one of the most exquisite cinematic images of the glory of independence, this Garbo classic demonstrates her expression of the independent feminine mystique before it was politically correct.

Sunday, March 27, 2016


MOON IS VOID OF COURSE: A whole day spent in the space between two signs, neither here nor there. Again, it's not recommended to initiate any action of importance during this time as it's unlikely that it will work out as intended. It's a GREAT time for inner work and creative endeavors. The imagination should soar today and we should follow it wherever it takes us! Slow down with this dream-like energy. Get out into nature and let her show herself to you.  
SCENE OF THE DAY: LA BELLE ET LA BETE (BEAUTY AND THE BEAST), 1946, France, DIRECTOR: Jean Cocteau. This surrealist masterpiece by poet filmmaker Cocteau takes us into the dreamworld of the unconsciousness where symbol and metaphor live in hope of opening us up to consciousness and a fuller experience of being alive. The slow motion effect and the rich celluloid black and white resolution enhance the experience of the dream. Nothing like the chemistry of real film, as opposed to digital video, to feel the depth of images. We are in that in between place of the liminal world where anything can happen. Cocteau's film is the inspiration for Disney's remake and, though the animated version is wonderful...well, there's just no comparison.

Friday, March 25, 2016


MOON IN SCORPIO: Ruled by Pluto, the Moon enters Scorpio at 2:09 pm EST on the 25th until 3:25am on the 27th. This is a deeply emotional moon that sometimes feels too self-protected to express. Try. Choose your words carefully. If you keep your feelings or circumstances hidden, they're likely to erupt later like a Plutonic volcano when everything is out of your control. Pluto rules other people's resources, so this is a GREAT time for: investing or using inherited money or making significant purchases; deep psychological investigating or research of any kind - Pluto goes deep, so plumb the depths of whatever draws you in; sex is always a good way to utilize Scorpio energy! Just remember, Scorpio is a heavyweight. If you're trying for a light fling, this isn't the right time. Scorpio holds on tight and can get outrageously jealous - even though they may not tell you...yet.
LAST ASPECT OF MOON (Describes result of actions initiated while the Moon is in this sign): Trine to Venus - Transactions, investments, research or intense love you initiate at this time will tend to have an excellent resolution! 
  SCENE: A WALK ON THE MOON, 1999: Director: Tony Goldwyn. If you are now, or ever have been a hippie, Jewish or know the summer resorts in the Catskills of NY, you'll especially love this movie. There's a scene from Woodstock that is unforgettable. In this clip Pearl, played by sensuous girl-next-door Diane Lane, begins an affair with the 'Blouse Man' (he sells blouses to women at the resort from his van) played by OMG Viggo Mortenson. while astronauts are landing on the moon. This is an intensely emotional affair that remains secret from Pearl's husband, played by the wonderful and lovable Liev Schreiber, who of course has the volcanic eruption. There's more to the scene, but I couldn't find a clip that would dare go that far...The Last Aspect gives you a clue how it all works out.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


If the main purpose of psychological astrology is to reveal our individuation path to wholeness, it's vital to understand that the opposition is fundamental to the astrological system. As an opposition, Sun opposite Moon, the FULL MOON becomes an extremely important phenomenon. Consider: Houses, signs and polarities (masculine/feminine signs) are all designed as oppositional. The First House of Self/ Identity is opposite to the Seventh House of Partnership/The Other etc. Taurus, the sign of One's Own Values is opposite Scorpio, Others' Values etc. Any planetary opposition (planets which are 180 degrees apart) is likely to reflect behavior that is exactly as the aspect suggests: oppositional, challenging, divisive points of views etc. Sun/Moon oppositions carry qualities like Father vs. Mother, Light vs. Dark, Consciousness vs. Unconsciousness, Creative vs. Receptive, Outward vs. Inward, Rational vs. Emotional - in general, the masculine principle opposing the feminine principle.  We think of them as 'either/or', 'never the 'twain shall meet.' But if we consider the unifying principle of the coin theory - two sides of the same - then we begin to understand the hidden opportunity in oppositional circumstances. The coin only has currency by carrying both sides, when it's whole.
Most all things are driven to resolution: Consider the alchemical concept of The Marriage of Opposites - called Conjunctio - when the alchemical project is successfully culminated...the traditional take is that Gold is manifested. In human social terms, we negotiate, compromise, we literally marry or mate, so that we find our way to the win-win-scenario - the classic third act resolution of any dramatic story. Then there's Hegel's philosophical concept of the Dialectic, where you have the Thesis (initial premise), the Antithesis (its opposite) and the ultimate Synthesis (the intended successful resolution of the dialectic process). In film, montage editing, developed by Soviet film theorists, was based the psychological experiments of Lev Kuleshov, who realized you could juxtapose totally disconnected (or what you might consider opposite) images and the mind would make the connection between them. We instinctively move towards synthesis and resolution of tension. (Of course Eisenstein's Battleship Potempkin utilized this tension between disconnected shots not so much to resolve, but to rouse his audience to revolution!) Again, the opposition is fundamental to the astrological system. Learning to compromise, synthesize or marry the opposites acknowledges both sides of the coin and is akin to becoming whole.

In astrology, we imagine the planets as the ancients did - with their primal intelligence or intuition. We endow planets and other light bodies with divine mythology. The ancients knew that if these divine forces/mythologies/archetypes - the gods - were not honored, there would be hell to pay. The astrological opposition makes it crystal clear that by honoring both sides of the coin, or both divine archetypal stories, to create a third entity - the marriage -  the psyche becomes synthesized, fully operational in that particular situation. For example: If you have a 10th House Sun Opposite a 4th House Moon in your chart, both the masculine principle of your ego identity as you see yourself engaged in the outer world (Sun) - and the feminine principle of your inner emotions (Moon) demand to be acknowledged. You also have your public professional life (10th House) opposed your home/family life (4th House). Again, there are a myriad possible ways to accomplish this synthesis. The most obvious is to make time in your life, on a regular basis, for both your career and your home life; honor both your sense of self which acts in the world and your inner emotional world. It becomes a priority; instead of the 'either/or' option, honoring one and disavowing the other - which relegates the disavowed 'planetary god' to the unconscious where it will come back to bite you in the ass later - you pay your merely human dues to both, and live well to 'marry' another day.  

This clip is the film school classic example of Soviet Montage editing. Notice how separate many of the close-ups appear from the long or wider shots with which they are juxtaposed. This serves well as an example of Aries/Sun - Libra/Moon opposition with a Last Aspect opposite Uranus from the previous post. Consider the separate shots as the oppositions and the connection your brain makes to give meaning to the joined shots as the synthesis. (I included the whole sequence because it's beautifully shot, but long for a blog. If you want the 'shorter' Odessa Steps section, start at 3:50.)


SCENE: THE HOURS, 2002, Director: Stephen Daldry, Screenwriter: David Hare, Adapted from Michael Cunningham's novel. (The sound is low - use headphones) I chose this third act scene, offering Julianne Moore's remarkable performance revealing her motive for abandoning her family, as a gut-wrenchingly bittersweet example of the kind of transformation available at dramatic times such as the Lunar Eclipse. Meryl Streep's character, Clarissa Vaughn, has always believed Moore's character, Laura Brown, to be 'The Monster" mother of her artist ex-lover played by Ed Harris. How could she leave her young children? When Clarissa listens to Laura's story, though, we observe a release of judgment and a wash of understanding and forgiveness come over her. This scene is a product of brilliant writing, inspired acting and is transformational even to the witness. It offers a piece of profound wisdom for us all in the form of being willing to pay attention to the stories and perspectives of others. Peaceful resolution of conflict, both emotional and political, is available to us if we have the willingness and patience to listen before we judge or act.
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Eclipses most often come in pairs - Solar and Lunar - and are approximately two weeks apart. These two weeks can be seen as a sacred time for going deeper than usual, dissolving the categorical boundaries of rational thought, to be willing to go wherever your imagination leads you. It's a great time for not just looking at things, but for what Archetypal psychologist James Hillman calls seeing through. Psychologist Thomas Moore speaks of the liminal space 'inbetween' things, the threshold where "life takes place that is out of the ordinary, creative and once in a while genuinely magical...where we learn things that can't be discovered in any other way." This is what's available to us during this time. Take advantage!

Simply put, the astrological narrative for the eclipse period is based around the theme of Endings and New Beginnings. The Lunar Eclipse reflects its Full Moon culmination echoing that experience of coming to completion - letting go of what no longer serves who we have become. The Solar Eclipse, with its New Moon, ushers in the start of a new cycle. It's great when they happen in that order so we can clear out space for the new, but as we see in the current eclipse cycle, that isn't always the case.

Visually, when we see the life-giving light of the Sun eclipsed, we can imagine that the light of consciousness, or one's life force is blocked. Day appears as Night. We can understand the fear behind ominous predictions of the ancients when a mysterious event like this occurs. The gods must surely be enraged. Something must change. Even if disaster is not around the corner, this is surely a wake-up call for cleaning psyche's house. The arena is usually in the outside world of events with the Solar Eclipse. When the reflected light of the Moon is eclipsed it signals time for our inner life, psychological or emotional, to shift. Perhaps it's time to let go of old wounds or the blame we carry for past actions.

For you personally, if you know your chart, notice in which house or area of life the eclipse occurs. This would be the place that would be ripe for transformation - letting go or creating something. Notice also if there are any planets residing in this house and any aspects this planet makes to other planets. This will identify where to look for support for making the change, or seeing potential challenges to your endeavor.  Also, with your ephemeris - that holy book of astronomical data that charts planetary movements - check out when other planets will transit the eclipse point in the future. These are often significant moments which are worth preparing for!


FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE  at 8:01 am EST at 3 degrees Libra:  A Lunar Eclipse occurs only during a Full Moon, when the Earth, in its orbit around the sun, passes exactly between the Sun and the Moon and casts its shadow on the latter. (A great astronomical term for this kind of alignment of any grouping of planets is syzygy.) The Moon is full, then, when it is opposite the Sun: Generally speaking a Full Moon reflects the tension of The Feminine Principle (Moon) in opposition to the Masculine Principle (Sun). Today's eclipse is a partial Penumbral Eclipse.  Because it will occur in the morning sky for us on the east coast of North America, it will be visually subtle at best. But I think we'll feel it big time.

MOON ENTERS LIBRA at 1:23 am: This Moon in Libra is full because it has reached a culminating point in its cycle as it orbits around the earth and finds itself in opposition to the Aries Sun. Ruled by Venus, Libra reflects the Law of Attraction and addresses What we Value. We are likely to find ourselves yearning for Beauty in all things. We may evoke Beauty through Art, relationship, equality and balance. Remember the glyph (symbol) for Libra is the Scales. Also remember that Libra isn't necessarily inherently in balance. It strives for balance. Though we imagine Venusian behavior to be loving, harmonious and affectionate, the whole Aries/Libra axis is triggered, and like it's opposite, it's not uncommon for Libra to fight to the death for what it loves. Libra's need for harmony may not be able to express the conflict, though, and may demonstrate instead a passive-aggressive behavior. Get real. Find your Courage. Be willing to speak your Truth! Get clear about what you value.

ASPECTS OF THE MOON: We know about the opposition to the Aries Sun at 8:01am and given Mars is the ruler of this Aries Sun, we're likely to experience the Warrior archetype in tension with the Love and Beauty Archetype. But this tension doesn't have to show itself in conflict. For example, it could manifest by having great sex! In addition, the Moon also encounters two other planets during the day - an opposition to Mercury at 7:11am and a sextile to Mars at 12:33pm. These transits will likely add fuel to the fire especially with regards to irritating communication (writing, speaking) or travel scenarios...or (with the sextile to Mars) to more great sex! The thing is, when we know these forces are present we can more easily and consciously choose not to be at the effect of the aggressive nature of the aspect. Aries/Mars can be impulsive, so stop and muse before you act!

LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon opposite Uranus at 4:55pm on 3/24. The tension of the transits today and the Eclipse occurring so close to the Vernal Equinox point of 0 Aries is enough to reflect a heightened emotional time. This last opposition to Uranus would see this and raise the ante! This Moon will carry Uranian qualities while in Libra. The Uranus archetype is the principle of creative separation. It often reflects sudden circumstances that are a surprising, even shocking change from what was expected. The Uranian expression can range from revolution on the one hand to positive breakthroughs like an enlightenment experience on the other. It reflects a breaking down of the old traditions of Saturn and creates new innovation. Jung's psychological concept of individuation is an example of creative separation. Becoming one's own person, true to one's Self is, according to Jung, the goal of our life journey. We must separate from others, to whatever degree, in order to accomplish this. Uranus also rules intuition, sudden ah-ha's, electricity and the electronic/digital world. There's a yearning for freedom that is sometimes disruptive and sometimes like a great awakening. Great awakenings are often very disruptive to the status quo.

There's so much to talk about in this post. I want to describe what's happening, tell you the related astrological story as well as explain some fundamental astrological concepts. I'm going to post the basics first and expend on the rest as soon as I can, hopefully later today. Roll with all of this the best you can! It's a very powerful beginning to the New Year. I'll check back later. 

SCENE OF THE DAY:  2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY, 1968  This is Stanley Kubrick's sci-fi masterpiece which, as you'll see in this clip, is a visual trip! I also screen it in class as a profound example of how sound - or rather silence - can be used to support the dramatic narrative. This cult film is often considered one of the most provocative pieces of cinema ever made. Check out  Amazing article! The drama in this clip involves no humans - unless you think of us as stardust - just celestial light bodies demonstrating the end of a Lunar Eclipse.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


MOON VOID OF COURSE IN VIRGO: The moon is in between signs at this time, hence void of course (v/c). This is like a non-descript, disconnected time and it's recommended not to initiate action in the outer world at this time, unless for some reason you don't want it to work out.  Void of course times, like a Mercury retrograde, can be very magical for the inner life, however. Amazingly creative and intuitive places can be activated during this time, especially at this equinox time of New Beginnings! Try automatic writing - take out your journal, put pen to paper, don't use your logical mind, and let it flow! Imagine into your dreams from last night and let them take you deeper into your unconscious. This is a rare moment so take advantage of it!
THE MOON MAKES NO ASPECTS TODAY.  But we can imagine that yesterday's final Trine to Pluto would still resonate today.

SCENE FOR THE DAY: A BEAUTIFUL MIND, 2001; Director: Ron Howard. Russell Crowe, as mathematician John Nash, gets in the zone between a Virgonian analytical mind and a void of course intuitive knowing, as he stands zen-like still to let a Plutonian wartime code show itself to him. A very practical and powerful resolution to a critical military puzzle. The film won four Academy Awards: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Supporting Actress for Jennifer Connelly and Best Screenplay (Adapted) for Akiva Goldsman. Was there a beautiful stillness in your day today while your logical mind succeeded in keeping up with your creative imagination?


Sunday, March 20, 2016


Yes, you can stand an egg on its end. We did it!  
SUN ENTERS ARIES at 0:31 am. 3/20 - 4/19.  NEW BEGINNINGS!
The moment the Sun conjoins the 'Aries Point' (or 'Naught Naught Aries' as the Brits like to say -  that's zero degrees, zero minutes Aries) we have the Vernal Equinox. Today is one of the two times a year when daytime is equal to nighttime. Equinox means 'equal night'. Aries is one of the four Cardinal signs which all carry an initiating quality. Each of these signs begins a new season. In the Northern Hemisphere Cancer begins Summer, Libra begins Autumn, Capricorn begins Winter and Aries begins not only the Spring season but is the starting point for the entire astrological calendar. Happy New Year!

SUN IN ARIES, ruled by Mars is a great time for initiating any action, especially physical activity. It's also a good time to take the lead on a project. There's a lot of energy around to support you if you have what it takes. Be careful, though, not to consciously or unconsciously push someone's buttons to start a conflict. Mars is The Warrior archetype and tempers can flare!

MOON ENTERS VIRGO at 1:39 pm. Ruled by Mercury, it's a great time for analyzing, teaching, speaking, writing, cleaning, ordering your space and paying attention to details. Take advantage of it! You can get so much done. Be careful, though, about being too nit-picky, controlling and demanding perfection from those around you. Before 1:39 pm the Moon is Void of Course or in between signs.
This reflects a disconnected, 'no-mans-land' when it is ill-advised to initiate action; that is, unless you want something not to work out.
DAILY ASPECTS OF THE MOON: Moon Square Mars at 11:13 pm. In the few hours leading up to this transit it's important to pay attention to what might start a conflict. This challenging transit creates high tension. The drive for perfection and control can be a perfect trigger for a fight!
LAST ASPECT OF MOON (See March 1st Post for definition): Moon Trine Pluto on 3/21, 11:54 pm. The day's tension is likely to produce a positive result for you in the form of resources, both financially, emotionally and circumstantially. This reflects a time when you can go deeply and intensely into any mental analysis and be rewarded.

This is the first film I screen in my film analysis class every year. If you haven't seen it, treat yourself to Robert Redford's directorial debut which won the Academy Award for Best Film over Scorsese's Raging Bull! It was a radical film for its time - more of an Ingmar Bergman international psychological drama than the traditional Hollywood plot driven structure. Yet it still maintains a totally compelling story, remaining remarkably true to Judith Guest's novel. Tim Hutton won Best Actor for his acting debut. Redford won Best Director.  Notice how it reflects today's astrological elements: intense conflict, psychological analysis, resolution and a New Beginning!

Saturday, March 12, 2016


MOON IN SAG: 2/29 at 6:55pm - 3/2 at 9:55pm). We tend to be optimistic. It's a great time for publishing, waxing philosophic religious, or generally finding meaning and long-distance travel.
DAILY ASPECTS OF MOON: Moon Square Neptune at 1:49pm - Deception, illusion, confusion. Moon Square Sun at 6:11pm - The Feminine principle is in conflict with the Masculine principle.
LAST ASPECT OF MOON (Describes the result of actions initiated during the time the Moon is in this sign): Moon sextile Mercury - This is a beneficial result relating to all things Mercury: communication, travel, humor...All's well that ends well!

SCENE FOR THE DAY: WOMAN OF THE YEAR, 1942; Director: George Stevens.  Notice the male/female conflict, humor newspaper theme (publishing), confusion in their playful argument and clever Mercurial reconciliation. A Classic Spencer/Hepburn film!