“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Sunday, December 25, 2016


MOON ENTERS SAGITTARIUS at 10:19pm EST after a VOID OF COURSE day on Sunday December 25. It remains in Sag until Tuesday December 27 at 8:45pm. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Sextile Venus in Aquarius. The non-productive Void of Course day on the 25th will probably be more appreciated than usual, being Christmas and the first day of Chanukah. It's a great time to just Be, with family and friends, not attempting important practical activities. Actions initiated during this V/C period tend not to work out as planned or desired. As the Sagittarius Moon approaches, we are readying ourselves for the philosophic mode that comes with it. Ruled by Jupiter, this Mutable Fire sign is the Truth Seeker, the adventurer of mind and body, traveling long distances in either form for the purpose of comprehending the world and our place within it. "Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?" to quote post-impressionist French painter Gauguin. It is generally a time to optimistically look ahead to the future. Sag is drawn to philosophy, religion and abstract thoughts, theories and principles in general. We must pay attention to the details, though, as well as the bigger picture if we are to actually get anything accomplished. Sagittarius tends to need Freedom and Independence; most often their adventure is a solo one. Just as Jupiter is our largest known planet we also have to remember to minimize our tendency towards excess at this time. Overdoing it during the holidays is classic, so keep conscious about presents, sugar and family dynamics! This would be a GREAT few days if Mercury were not retrograde - the Last Aspect of Venus blesses this time. So, although retrograde cautions still apply in terms of important purchases contracts and travel, enjoy the Venusian love that's surrounds you, invisible though it may be. Love yourself as well.
SCENE OF THE DAY: Rectify, 2013-2016; Series Creator: Ray McKinnon, Sundance Channel. Our main character is most decidedly on a solo adventure as a man miraculously released from a Georgia prison after being on death row for almost twenty years. Daniel Holden, played by an other-worldly Aden Young, is one of the most complex and enigmatic dramatic characters of recent memory. He is the Truth Seeker because the line between reality and illusion as well as existence and non-existence is very thin for him indeed. I offer this clip as representational of the religious-philosophical theme that runs through the film, especially in these scenes between Daniel and Tawney, his step-brother's wife.  It is, however, only one thread in a magnificently woven tapestry of rectification. I'm currently thoroughly taken with this series. I suppose it's due to the depth and complexity of Daniel's character. But all the other characters are beautifully written and performed as well. Daniel finds his Venus and we're glad she's the One. I hope you treat yourself to this soulful saga. The first three series are streaming now on Netflix and the fourth and final series in on the Sundance Channel as well as YouTube. This clip is a compilation of several scenes - please begin at 7:50:00.

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