Moon goes V/C at 8:52am EST and remains until 3:01am Saturday Nov 26. Important practical contracts, projects and purchases tend NOT to work out as planned or desired. Best to go with the flow today and let your imagination go places you've never before envisioned. Best to wait until tomorrow to act.
MOON IN SCORPIO from 3:01am EST Saturday November 26 and remains until Sunday Nov. 27 at 4:48pm. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Sextile Venus in Capricorn. Finally! We're likely to spend Thanksgiving weekend purchasing and being passionate - both with GREAT SUCCESS! The Saturnian Venus may curb our spending, but you should find some things that please the eye and the wallet. If the stock markets were open on the weekend it would be a great time to invest, but if there's any other investment opportunity available at this time, its probably a good bet.
NOTE: Remember MERCURY GOES RETROGRADE on December 19 (remember the 3 days before and after shadow period which makes December 15th the last workable date - and considering beneficial Last Aspects, December 9th will be the last solid Good Day to initiate actions until after the Retrograde period. December 12 and 13 are also GOOD days, although they carry both the tension and culmination qualities of the FULL MOON - so they're a bit tricky! (Mercury turns Direct on January 8, which makes the January 12 Full Moon in Leo the first All Clear day - and really, January 15th's Moon in Virgo with Last Aspect: Moon Trine Sun in Capricorn is the first clear Great Day! It's a solid Earth day - so a perfect time to act with ambition to produce material results!)
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Pretty Woman, 1990; Director: Garry Marshall. Julia Roberts succeeds at both purchasing and passion in this classic film! The attraction between Roberts and Gere is totally palpable. In this clip we see how much fun it is to have a lover's no-limit credit card on Rodeo Drive. Now...I can't help but tell you the story of my Richard Gere dress...Years ago, I was shopping in Soho for a formal dress for a cousin's wedding. I brought my painter friend Daniel with me for yay's or nay's. We went into The Irish Shop and I chose one amazing silk dress in two colors, one silver grey and the other deep purple. I must have gone in and out of the dressing room four times with the different dresses on, Daniel voting for the silver and me still not sure. The last time I walked through the store in the dress I was so embarrassed about my indecision, I looked at the floor the whole time. A voice said, "I like the purple one!" I did take the purple one and when I got to the counter the saleswoman said, "Do you know who that was? It was Richard Gere." I had no clue. So now it's affectionately known as my Richard Gere dress!
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