“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Monday, December 5, 2016


MOON IS VOID OF COURSE ALL DAY MONDAY until it ENTERS PISCES at 11:31pm EST and remains until 9:05am Wednesday Dec. 7. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Saturn in Sagittarius. It's best to use this Void of Course day for planning future actions or doing inner/creative work. Important practical actions during this period will tend to have CHALLENGING results. The Pisces Moon period with the Last Aspect to Saturn reflects a harsh hit of reality while lost in our Neptunian dream world. Indeed, Neptune and Saturn could be considered complete opposites. Pisces has boundary issues where all is merged into one, the Great Dissolver of separations. Saturn is the great definer of form and structure, distinguishing things from one another, delineating boundaries. Pisces is the romantic idealist - Saturn, the pessimistic pragmatist. Be careful to separate truth from fiction at this time or you will have a rude awakening. Make Art for its own sake now, not with the intention to sell. Actions initiated during this Pisces Moon will tend to have CHALLENGING results. Pay attention to the practicalities and necessary limits of your boundless imagination and make sure to get a reality check from someone whose feet are on the ground!

SCENE FOR THE DAY: Days of Heaven, 1978; Director: Terrence Malick. In this clip from Malick's second full-length feature (twenty years after Badlands) a young Richard Gere admits to the Texas landowner (Sam Shephard) - where he, his sister and lover work the fields - that his dreams haven't come true. I always found this scene a simple profundity, a reality for most of us, in one way or another. For these two characters, pit against each other in love and death, this moment is an unusual intimacy shared before the storm will break. While this film was difficult for many of my students due to its minimal dialogue and simple plot, the visuals are unforgettable. Cinematographer Nestor Alemendros won an Academy Award for his expressive magic-time canvas of light. Malick has been considered cinema's poet/philosopher and this film, a Piscean wonder, clinched this legacy for him early in his career.

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