“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


The MOON is VOID OF COURSE from 11:42AM EDT until it enters TAURUS at 10:46pm EDT on Wednesday June 1 until 7:02pm EDT on Friday June 3rd. While most of Wednesday is Void of Course, in general actions initiated during this time are likely to have a CHALLENGING result. But the inner creative life is particularly rich at this time. Also if something needs to be done over, this is a great time for that! (Search April 7th VOID OF COURSE MOON Post for more.) The Taurus Moon is concerned with values, particularly Money. It's drive is to provide security. Ruled by Venus, this Fixed Earth sign loves the beautiful, sensuous cushy life and he's quite willing and able to work hard to attain it. He tends to measure his success by what he possesses. Taurus is considered the Master Builder. Grounded be he - slow, steady and productive! His Fixed nature often sees him resist getting off the couch and stubborn in his ways, but when he acts the result usually has substance. Venusian Beauty is a requirement at this time! A Taurean Venus is an Earthy Beauty so Gardens of all nature call to be!

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Opposite Mars at 10:46pm EDT. A conflict over one's own values and resources, usually money - and with the earthy moon, land - is likely to ensue during this Moon period. This is especially the case since Mars is still retrograde in Scorpio, reflecting other people's resources. The tension this opposition creates could be resolved, in the best of worlds, by some negotiation or compromise between the involved parties. The Sun's glorious conjunct to Venus now should help to ease the pressure. Try hard to find your flexibility. Given the fixed nature of the two opposing signs, it might take a miracle! This configuration may also manifest as a battle of wills (both financial and psychological!) as we can hardly find a stronger drive to get one's needs met than Mars in Scorpio opposing a Taurus Moon. Actions initiated during this period are likely to have a CHALLENGING result. This said, I also want to include that Mars' last venturing into Scorpio  is like a last chance opportunity at this time to have his natural access to Pluto's regenerative power. It calls to mind the 24th Hexagram in the I Ching: Return. A principle is at work to use all the resources around us to allow us rest, to have a period of gestatation in some container for our life force to be renewed. "The return of health after illness...understanding after an estrangement: everything must be treated tenderly and with care at the beginning, so that the return may lead to a flowering." When Mars returns to Sagittarius on August 2nd (after it turns Direct in Scorpio on June 29th) we may surge forward into our next adventure!

SCENE FOR THE DAY: WALL STREET, 1987; Director: Oliver Stone. The quintessential film about values. Charlie Sheen's Bud Fox asks Michael Douglas' infamous character Gordon Gekko, "How much is enough?" Gekko is a product of the concept 'you are what you're worth', monetarily. While he is on top of the market game, he's also morally bankrupt. In this scene Bud challenges Gekko about his unconscionable action of buying Bluestar Airlines, the company for which his father works, and dismembering it for profit. Gekko, like the stubborn Taurean Bull, is fixed in his value system - above all: MONEY and the cushy lifestyle it buys. In the end Gekko discovers security is a fragile concept.

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