“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Friday, June 24, 2016


MOON VOID OF COURSE from 11:48am until 10:30pm EDT Friday June 24. Important practical actions initiated during the VOID OF COURSE period are likely to have a CHALLENGING result, unless for some reason you prefer it not to work out! This time is EXCELLENT for creative and inner work as well as re-doing an action that didn't work out the first time. (SEARCH APRIL 7th POST for more info on VOID OF COURSE MOONS)
MOON ENTERS PISCES at 10:30pm EDT Friday June 24th until 3:55pm EDT Sunday June 26th. Ruled by Neptune, the Pisces Moon rules Dreamtime. The veil between the conscious and unconscious mind is very thin and Sensitive Ones are able to access both worlds. This Mutable Water sign highlights artistic endeavors including photography, music, film, poetry and dance. It's very satisfying now to allow the rational mind to drift into the in-between places of logical thinking to access intuitive wisdom, new ideas and the creative imagination. It's a wonderful time to get to the sea, the great symbol for the collective unconscious - or any body of water - where we might do rituals of redemption, purification and meditation. Swimming in natural waters can allow us to feel a unity with Mother Earth, who we celebrate this month with the Sun in Cancer, as well as a weightless liberation from the earthbound body. 

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Mercury in Gemini at 3:55pm EDT Sunday June 26. If you become frustrated because your mind wanders and you can't get work done, this is the time to go with the flow - let the anxiety go. Accomplish what you can and try to arrange for the work to be done on Monday the 27th when the Moon is in energetic Aries and we have a sextile to Mercury! Actions (other than those previously described) initiated during this time will tend to have a CHALLENGING result. Emotions are at odds with words and our mental processes. This very verbal Mercury, strong in its own sign Gemini, feels out of sync in Pisces' watery amorphous flow. It's impossible to describe the unknowable divine Neptune unity...or even our feelings! The metaphoric imagery of Poetry, the harmonic tones of Music, the rhythmic movement of Dance and the colored abstractions of Art are where we can turn in order to touch these holy places we are only able to sense and imagine.

SCENE OF THE DAY: MINORITY REPORT, 2002; Director: Steven Spielberg. Based on short story by Philip K. Dick. Agatha is a Pre-Cog. She (an outrageous Samantha Morton) along with two other pre-cogs live in a fluid tank where their brains are monitored. When they pick up thoughts of premeditated murder they alert authorities at the futuristic "Pre-Crime" unit in the District of Columbia. Pre-Crime proceeds to avert the murder. When Pre-Crime's director, John Anderton's (Tom Cruise) name appears as the next murderer he absconds with Agatha and this well-made intelligent sci-fi thriller takes off. In this scene Agatha taps the other world in order to tell Anderton and his wife about their son who disappeared years before. But as she relays her visions, she is interrupted by intruders...Spielberg, in top form, pulls spellbinding performances from Morton and Cruise and orchestrates special effects that are seamless. Roger Ebert says, "Minority Report reminds us why we go to the movies in the first place." I concur!

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