“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Sunday, June 19, 2016


MOON IN CAPRICORN from 7:55am EDT on Monday June 20th until 4:57am EDT Wednesday June 22nd, after having been VOID OF COURSE since 7:02am EDT Monday.  
SUN ENTERS CANCER AT 6:34pm EDT on Monday June 20th which marks the SUMMER SOLSTICE: 'The Day the Sun Stands Still'. This is a momentous time as we move from the FULL MOON Monday morning at 7:02am EDT to the first day of the Summer season in the evening! We have the opportunity here to clear the decks at the culmination time of the Full Moon in order to begin a new chapter as Summer begins. With the ongoing Mutable Grand Cross, Monday is a triple whammy of celestial events! (SEE POSTS FOR JUNE 17-20 and May 21 for more Full Moon info.)

The MOON IN CAPRICORN, ruled by Saturn - planet of structure, contraction, limitation, authority figures and manifestation - is in what we call Detriment. The Moon naturally rules Cancer, which is Capricorn's opposite sign. The Moon naturally desires a secure, tender and empathetic place of acceptance in order to express its needs. Saturn does not naturally offer this quality. We are likely to find it more difficult than usual to express our feelings at this time, experiencing the need to self-protect. This may appear cold to others. The drive for success may feel both strong and unattainable. We imagine ourselves to be our own authority figures though lingering doubts of self-worth may undermine accomplishments. This may be a serious period so take advantage of any opportunities for lightening up. You'll tend to feel better by being useful and productive - and making the attempt to find the right words to express your emotions. 

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Uranus in Aries at 3:57am EDT Wednesday June 22nd. The Capricorn authority figure is likely to be met with an unexpected confrontation, upset or aggression by the square to Uranus. We could use this as a wake-up call for lightening up, letting go and moving through the conflict. Actions initiated during this time will tend to be CHALLENGING. There's a lot of energy reflected by both these Cardinal signs, so you may be able to make use of the available initiating force to get things done.  
SCENE OF THE DAY: The Day the Earth Stood Still, 1951; Director: Robert Wise. Plot: We can't trust alien authority figures, especially ones that come in peace - too confusing. So we shoot them and set our own destruction in motion. Alien Klaatu, played by Michael Rennie, tells us that because it's so rare to find a planet that is life-sustaining, his race will annihilate us if we don't immediately stop and desist from all aggression towards each other. If we don't take responsibility for our Earth home, they will.
An appropriate narrative, I thought, given that we can't seem to stop killing ourselves lately...ever. The Warrior Archetype (Mars/Aries) lives in each of our psyches and, as all planetary archetypes, it must be honored and utilized. Otherwise it is denied, repressed and tends to explode out of control. Our animal instincts continue to draw us back into using anger and aggression as the default expressions of this archetype. There are alternatives, however. It is imperative that we realize what these other vehicles are and consciously choose them. The essence of Mars/Aries is a very creative, physical, initiating and intelligent force! The physical energy must be utilized. But it doesn't have to be through war or other acts of violence. We can use this energy to accomplish amazing physical feats, from athletics to sex. We can dance and sing out the rage. We can participate in controlled competition, as in Martial Arts, car races, name it. We can move kundalini energy up the spine to activate and release the energy in yoga to transform ourselves. Once the aggressive energy is released we are likely to have easier access to other Mars/Aries qualities such as great leadership and courage in times of duress. As Klaatu says, it's our choice.

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