“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Monday, June 20, 2016


SUMMER SOLSTICE: June 20th at 6:34pm EDT. At this time the Sun enters Cancer, the Cardinal Water sign this evening marking the First Day of Summer! This is a Turning Point of the year, a new chapter. All of our seasons are marked by the four Cardinal signs: 0 degrees Aries marks the Spring Equinox; 0 Cancer marks Summer Solstice; 0 Libra marks the Autumn Equinox; 0 Capricorn marks Winter Solstice. The Sun is at its highest point in the sky from the horizon in the Northern Hemisphere, as the tilt of our axis faces the Sun most directly at this time. The Sun appears to be standing still (sol=sun/stice=stasis or stillness) and we have The Longest Day of the year: 15 hours and 21 minutes of daylight.  At the moment of its climax of ascent it carries within itself the next moment of descent, the impulse for the opposite - the natural dialectic rhythm of life. The Sun is inhaling on ascent and exhaling on descent - the celestial yogic breath.

SUN IN CANCER: If the Luminary of the Sun carries the Archetype of the Masculine principle - The Father, authority figure, our sense of self/identity, outward impulses moving forward, action, Consciousness - entering Cancer, ruled by the Moon, is a contrary coloration. The Sun takes on the Moon's attributes of The Feminine principle - The Mother, going inward, being receptive, creating a safe, dark moist space for gestation, nurturing, being empathetic, emotional, very personal and subjective, sensitive and having an active sub-conscious where that which is just under the surface of consciousness suggests itself to us - urges, longings, needlings.
This is another inherent oppositional condition. The Masculine meets The Feminine and the opportunity is the integration of the two principles. Both must be honored. This is the Alchemical Marriage of Opposites - conjunctio. The Sun will need to continually reconcile itself, affording us excellent opportunities to learn synthesis and compromise. Examples might be: compassionate action, conscious and active nurturing, making meals and other activities together at home. We are often
graced with time in the summer to do these things...a benefit of longer days!
I'm always struck by men born under a Cancer Sun - they seem to be the sweetie pies of their gender. They are the kind, gentle-men who negotiate the masculine and feminine principles so beautifully. They are natural Fathers, being attentive and affectionate toward their children while still being authority figures - compassionate authority. Women with Cancer Suns are the Great Mothers in our communities, nurturing us with food, comfort, protection and sympathy.
These few weeks in New England, before and after Summer Solstice, are some of the most strikingly glorious, intensely sun-filled brilliant blue days I can remember. We are truly climaxing with the lush colors of roses and lupines and irises and cornflowers and lillies and tulips and peonies and pansies and petunias and lobelia and wisteria and of course our herb and veggie gardens! The lakes are warming up and we can immerse ourselves in nature's cool healing waters. We enter the season of being nurtured by our collective Great Moon Mother Cancer in all Her miraculous Beauty. Go out and partake! Drink Her in. Love Her up.

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