“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Monday, June 6, 2016


MOON IN LEO from 2:47am EDT on Wednesday June 8 until 3:14am EDT Friday June 10. Self-expression is the theme of this Moon period. Ruled by the Sun, this Fixed Fire sign, in his optimum pure expression, radiates with a life-affirming bright light that offers warmth and generosity to all he meets. Leo is the child of the zodiac, loving to love, play and live dramatically, forever enthusiastically drawn to the limelight. His innocent pure expression is not always what we witness, however! We often think of the myth of Narcissus when we encounter Leo, falling in love with his own image. The Sun is the center of our solar system and Leo desires center stage. But we forget that Narcissus, though seeing his own face in the water, believed it to be another. Perhaps for Leo too, his self-absorption is a reflection ultimately and ideally - as it is for each of us - of wanting to Be and Receive Love. 

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Mercury at 3:14am EDT Friday June 10th. This bravado Moon has the rug pulled out from under it when it encounters Mercury in Taurus at a 90 degree square angle. Both these signs are Fixed and when Lion meets Bull both are hard pressed to shift their positions. Free-style exuberant self-expression comes up against the need for practical financial security, tradition or the status quo and its idealistic bubble pops. Actions initiated during this time will tend to have a CHALLENGING result. Find whatever mutability might be in your wiring and respond from there. Leo loves entertainment; see if you can find a way to lighten up a deflating situation by directing the attention to what might be amusing, ridiculous or absurd. Or better yet, find a way to include the obstruction in your performance!

NOTE: If you've been reading the posts lately, you'll have noticed an abundance of squares and oppositions to Uranus and Mars, all with challenging evaluations. That's because Uranus and Mars are in the highest degrees of all the planets recently and, consequently, will most often be the planets the Moon aspects last before leaving a sign. Mercury catches up on the 9th for awhile as its degree is now higher than Mars. There are many other challenging evaluations the rest of the month so I wanted to alert you in advance to the GOOD moon periods that will tend to be more beneficial for initiating a project or event. The 10th through the 14th will see Virgo and Libra Moons with harmonious Last Aspects to Mars and Venus respectively; the 22nd to 23rd the Moon is in Aquarius with a harmonious Last Aspect to Uranus and the 27th to 28th the Moon is in Aries with a harmonious Last Aspect to Mercury. There are VOID OF COURSE periods within these times and I will give you more details as we proceed. But these will be my only GOOD recommendations for the rest of the month.
SCENE OF THE DAY: BILLY ELLIOT, 2000; Director: Stephen Daldry (The Hours, The Reader).  All Billy wants to do is dance; but for a boy living in a mining town in Northern England, this just won't do. If you've never seen this marvel of a film you're in for a real treat! Billy is played by Jamie Bell, who scored a BAFTA for his performance, and went on from this breakout role to films such as Jane Eyre and Snowpiercer. In this scene his Leonian passion for dance is confronted by his father (Gary Lewis), the Messenger without wings on his feet. The miners are striking, times are hard and seeing his son engaged with feminine activities such as ballet and modern dance is just too much. It doesn't take Mercury too many words here to communicate to Billy that the line has been crossed. This, of course, is not the end of the story!

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