“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


MOON VOID OF COURSE at 10:56:am EDT. After the NEW MOON IN ARIES this morning at 7:45am EDT (both the Sun and Moon at 18 degrees Aries) and last aspect Conjunct Uranus at 20 Aries at 10:56am (which pulls in the Square to Pluto at 17 Capricorn) the rest of the day is released from planetary description and drifts into the VOID at 10:56am EDT. This takes us to the place of the imagination where the sky is the limit. This time is CHALLENGING for initiating practical actions like making binding agreements or beginning new projects or travels. They tend not to work out or have to be re-done. This is a GREAT time for inner, creative, dream work. Tap ideas that your logical mind may not normally access. Free associate, muse on your dreams, use your active imagination (Jung) and automatic writing ('Morning Pages' from Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way) improvise with 'authentic movement' (a kind of dance therapy technique - google it and start a group!).

SCENE FOR THE DAY: WINGS OF DESIRE, 1987; Director: Wim Wenders. For this Void of Course period, to decide on a film clip I watched my thought process move from dream films like Dreams (Kurasawa) to movies that include writing (The Hours) or journaling - a great way for many of us to tap into our unconscious. The illogical images in my memory DISSOLVED TO: Wim Wender's journal about his films, The Logic of Images. Here he writes about his creative process in discovering the theme of the film which he eventually entitled, Der Himmel uber Berlin, or The Sky Over Berlin. We know this film as Wings of Desire. The film is a masterpiece on so many levels, visually, poetically, for character development, the story and particularly its unique use of sound. As if in a dream, we are transported to the omniscient pov of angels flying over post-war Berlin being witness to human life on earth. One angel, Damiel, yearns for the human sensory experience and considers sacrificing his immortality to know it.  He yearns to live in a physical body. (Interestingly, this void of course Moon next inhabits the sign of Taurus which, ruled by Venus, is the domain of the sensory and sensuous body.) Damiel, like a void of course Moon, straddles the space between here and there... until... This is a MUST SEE for lovers of cinema, poetry and philosophy. 

In the next post I'll quote from Wender's book the stream-of-consciousness writing that led him to formulate his filmic vision. It is a rare opportunity to be privy to this artistic process. This is a MUST READ - especially after seeing the film. In the following famous library scene the two angels drink in written human language as read by its readers. They are intoxicated with its Beauty.  I think you will be too...(subtitles might help...but it really doesn't even matter!)

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