MOON ENTERS ARIES at 8:45pm and remains until Saturday November 12 at 7:45am EST. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Conjunct Uranus in Aries. From my perspective Uranus has been the significating planet of this election. So, it's interesting that even days after this historical event, this planet continues to reflect our circumstances and attitudes. Uranus carries the archetype of Separation, Revolution, Surprises, Upsets, Renogades, Breakthroughs, Breakdowns, Liberation, Wake-Up Calls and Spiritual Awakenings. In the sign of Aries, ruled by Mars, where Uranus resides for seven years, it calls the Warriors of Higher Consciousness or innovative Scientific and Technological Wizards to the playing field. If these players don't show up, conflict, anger or aggressive armies fill our electronic screens and real daily life with death-threatening war games. It's our choice which part of the Uranus continuum we bring to the party.
The Election Day Chart was colored by an Aquarius Moon, ruled by Uranus. Both candidates demanded revolution of the system - Trump with his outsider renegade persona and platform, and Hillary's run at being the First Woman US President. But Trump's highly placed Uranus in his 10th house conjunct his Sun and North Node was a stronger placement, suggesting a win. There were many other astrological indicators of his victory, especially his 29Leo Ascendant, the most majestic point (Fixed Star Regulus) of all the constellations, even though Hillary was considered the front runner. Also, this point is only 2 degrees away from the Ascendant of the Election Day Chart and 3 degrees away from the Ascendant of the progressed US chart (Sibley). The Ascendant reflects the lens through which we see the world and the way the world sees us - our persona. The Midheaven's are 24Taurus for Trump and Election Day and 29Taurus on the progressed US chart. This is an indication that Trump's chart angles (the foundation of any Western horoscope) and his personal rhythm/timing are in sync with the symbols reflected for the day of the election as well as with the progression of the US character - who we have become over time as a collective. (For my students who want to delve deeper into these charts I'll be posting more soon!)
Trump's win was unexpected, an upset. These days that follow continue to resonate in Uranian after-shock for at least half the country. So, for this Aries Moon period, if your intention is to uphold the status-quo or convention, actions initiated during this time will tend to have CHALLENGING results. If you want to produce a breakthrough, wake-up call or a separation of some kind, actions initiated at this time will tend to have GOOD results. In any case, be prepared for a good fight.
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SCENE FOR THE DAY: The Candidate, 1972; Director: Michael Richie. Robert
Redford stars as Bill McKay, idealistic lawyer and son of an
ex-governor, who is convinced by the Democratic party to run for the
Senate. While not expected to win, he's swept along by
the political machine to an upset victory. The film was revolutionary in its realistic style of recreating the campaign trail. This is the closing scene of the film
where McKay asks the inevitable naive puppet's question: What do we do now? Many of us today are asking ourselves this same question.
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