MOON ENTERS LEO at 10:14pm EST on Friday Nov. 18 and remains until 3:33am on Monday Nov. 21. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Sun in Scorpio. The Feminine and Masculine archetypes are at odds. Actions initiated during this period tend to have CHALLENGING results.
time is best used for investigating the inner workings of your
child-self which wants, more than anything, to be acknowledged...Big Time.
This configuration reminds me of Hillary's chart which reflects a huge Nietzsche-esque Will to Power. Now, I voted for her and I do believe she has done amazing work throughout her career.
And...I would love to see the day when our country is finally able to let go of the Patriarchal Military Industrial Power Structure that has led us to manifest the persona of our current figurehead: a caricature of a man - a 'grotesquely exaggerated representation' of a self-deluded, beyond arrogant, master of diversion and flippant generalization...who dons a cartoon-like blonde comb/flip-over. [I researched psychological interpretations of this ridiculous 'do' and discovered some spot-on interpretations: "...having a comb-over goes hand in hand with massive denial and/or massive powers of (self-) persuasion." (Salon) I also read that Trump is considering changing the look when he becomes President - and get this - because it takes too long to style!] But I digress...back to Hillary.

With her stellium in Scorpio (Ascendant, Mercury, Venus, Chiron and South Node) closely squaring a mini-stellium in Leo (Scorpio's rulers Mars and Pluto, plus Saturn), her psyche appears to be waging war on itself for control and ego validation. The Leo nugget by itself, in its extreme expression, can reflect a dictator. Residing in her 9th house, it reflects a belief set or philosophy: 'This is what it takes to produce the desired result.' Because most of her Scorpio indicators reside in the 12th (including her Sun in Scorpio), this power drive might have remained hidden. The Scorpio Ascendant, however, betrays her. Reflecting arenas of sex, death, power, money, ruthlessness, resourcefulness, transformation, regeneration, a penetrating psychological mind as well as an inclination to withhold things for the purpose of self-protection, the Scorpio persona will tend to attract circumstances around these themes - whether they be true or false. The shadow side of Scorpio can undermine its yearning to do deeply penetrating transformational work that empowers others.
Evidently, in high school Hillary ran for Vice-President of her class one year and won; then she ran for President the next year and lost. Scorpio tends to bond deeply with others, driven to avoid the separateness of individuation. Perhaps an unconscious guilt of individuating keeps her from being at the top of the pyramid. Perhaps she does her best work directing others as part of a team. In any case this high school story might indicate the beginning of a pattern that resists being broken.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Citizan Kane, 1941; Director: Orson Welles. A previous clip from the original Manchurian Candidate
with Angela Lansbury playing the behind-the-scenes controller might have been perfect here, but given
Hillary's very public run for the highest office in the land, I turned to
the huge persona of Charles Foster Kane (Welles), another self-undermining political candidate, to reflect this very powerful Moon period. In this clip Kane's
arrogance and self-proclaimed prosecutor of evil, in the form of boss
Jim Gettes, is a melodramatic demonstration of Leo Moon square Scorpio
Sun: the egoistic drive for self-aggrandizement (shadow Leo) challenges the (perhaps fated) power of the collective (shadow Scorpio/Pluto). His affair with would-be singer Susan costs him the election.
PS: Notice the creative use of the sound bridge editing tool in this sequence. The clapping and dialogue is carried over to the next scene, making the cuts less visible. This is an element of Hollywood Classic or Continuous Style of Editing, the goal of which is to keep you in the story instead of paying attention to the form.