Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn will be like that we astrologers are all anticipating in January 2020. This conjunction can be 'deconstructed' as the tearing down (Pluto) of old traditional structures (Saturn) before rebuilding (Pluto)...or pruning or restructuring what no longer works in terms of our collective resources or power (fuel, global economy, political decisions - Pluto's archetype) or in our collective psyche. Any way you interpret the meeting of these two archetypes, the indications are strong and will most likely affect us deeply. As this current lunar position also creates the tension-producing Full Moon (Moon in Capricorn Opposite Sun in Cancer), be conscious as it approaches to allow whatever is up in your personal life for restructuring to move on out. It's likely to have something to do with our ambition to succeed or limitations to speaking our emotional truth. Exhale as you let it go. Then, knowing you've just made a quantum leap, smile at your courage!
NOTE: On Tuesday, the 26th MARS TURNS RETROGRADE at 9º Aquarius, and remains Retrograde until August 27 at 28º Capricorn when it TURNS DIRECT. Mars' archetype concerns our Identity, our Will or Intentionality, our Sexuality, our Warrior-nature (Anger) and our physical Actions. Use this time to reconsider who you truly are and if your Actions in the world signify this identity. Notice what House(s) early degrees of Aquarius/late Capricorn fall in your birth chart. Any action or decisions made in the area of life that this house represents will be given an opportunity to be reconsidered and perhaps, done over during the retrograde period. We're likely to feel the shift in energy from Aquarius' more erratic, impatient and rebellious attitude back to a steadfast, disciplined and responsible Capricorn. While Aquarius is more independent both are enterprising and are concerned with producing result. Innovative technologies are more accessible to us during the imaginative Aquarius Mars while it will serve us better to stay with tried and true conventional means while it's in Capricorn from August 14 - September 11. Interestingly, Mars will retrograde over the US 2nd House South Node to one degree away from its natal Pluto (which is Opposite Mercury), perhaps giving us opportunities to reconsider our Values, Resources and Financial decisions made in the last few months. We're moving towards a Pluto Return (transiting Pluto will conjoin natal Pluto in early 2022, which we'll begin to feel in 2020) - a huge moment of transformation for our country, particularly regarding these areas. Mars retrograding over this area now may indicate the circumstances to come - though its pretty clear that the whole arena is already in play. Along with erratic Uranus' recent move into money-driven Taurus, the advice is to get your financial ducks in as-secure-a-row-as-possible as soon as possible. Mars joins four other planets currently Retrograde: Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto! With all this - who we, as a collective, have considered ourselves to be, looks like it's about to change... radically.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZOaI_Fn5o4 |
mesmerizing Ryan Gosling, discovers buried below a solitary tree, the bones of a female replicant which has given birth. In fear of losing control of their society's order, Gosling's boss, Lieutenant Joshi (Robin Wright), demands he find the child and eliminate it. Of course, it's not a huge surprise that the parents are...well, no spoilers here...but even from the trailer we know Harrison Ford's original title character shows up
for what, I thought, was some of the best dramatic acting of his career. Villeneuve is said to leave much of the actor's choices to their own devices and the end result is an invisible veil between reality and illusion. Legendary cinematographer Roger Deakins (Skyfall, No Country for Old Men, The Reader) won the Academy Award for Best Cinematography for this film and his visuals are nothing short of gorgeous. This is not your average sci-fi movie containing all the expected conventions of the genre. Mysteries continue to prevail and while the plot is definitive, the narrative is most surely and richly character driven. If you haven't seen this magnificent piece of filmmaking - or its predecessor - you're missing a real treat. On HBO.
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