MOON ENTERS GEMINI at 2:53am EDT on Tuesday, June 12 and remains here until Wednesday, June 13 at 3:43pm when it goes VOID OF COURSE for the rest of the day. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Conjunct Sun in Gemini. NEW MOON is EXACT: Wednesday, June 13 at 3:43pm at 22º Gemini. This Moon
period is ruled by Mercury, planet of Communication, Mind Processes,
Travel and The Trickster. That both the Sun and Moon reside here now
makes it a New Moon and a time for New Beginnings along these themes.
Take off on a short mid-week trip. Keep it light and flexible. Catch up
on all the calls you need to make and messages you've been putting off
writing. At this time they're likely to meet with connection and
positive responses. Mercury is the information gatherer - all the pieces that go together to make up our understanding and decisions with intelligence. This is a great time for expressing your true self
while being very social. Teaching, writing, reading and speaking in general are Gemini's arena. The Trickster Archetype is likely to have you
playing games with others or feeling played by the universe! Keep
smiling and keep going...The joke's on
all of us!
GEMINI NEW MOON FILM SCENE: Won't You Be My Neighbor? 2018; Director: Morgan Neville. This documentary about the life of Fred Rogers, Presbyterian minister and children's PBS television show host, is one of the most endearing and emotionally penetrating films to be produced this year - or any year, for that matter. A legendary, mysterious and provocative teacher of young children, the mostly beloved Mr. Rogers offered all children a healing perspective for a variety of life's experiences. From the meaning of divorce to expressing one's anger, from issues of race and segregation to the concept of death, he disseminated information that supported children in their daily lives. While his demeanor was a soothing, loving and accepting voice in an increasingly chaotic and confrontational world, he was also a vehicle for seemingly radical viewpoints. He routinely utilized the friendly faces of puppets to ease into controversial, complex and often confusing subjects for kids. His language was simple and clear; his pace was slow and steady (not a classic Geminian trait!) He gave his viewers a sense that each and every person had value, whatever their circumstances - and most of all, that he wanted them to be part of his community. Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood was an inclusive place where everyone belonged. How remarkable that a unique character such as Fred Rogers found his way onto electronic airwaves and into our living rooms. While his Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus were all in Pisces - no surprise there - his North Node was in Gemini, so we could easily say it was his destiny.
Check out this clip from Rogers' 1969 testimony in front of the Senate Sub-committee on Communications in support of federal funding for PBS - what the right words from the right person at the right moment can do - nothing short of a miracle.
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