MOON REMAINS IN AQUARIUS until 4:05pm EST at which time the ECLIPSE IS EXACT. SEE FEB. 13 FOR AQUARIUS NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE INFO. This Partial Eclipse will only be visible in Antarctica, the Atlantic Ocean and Southern South America. At 4:05pm the Moon goes VOID OF COURSE until 9:42pm. At this time the MOON ENTERS PISCES and remains here until Saturday, February 17 at 5:13pm when it goes VOID OF COURSE for the rest of the night. LAST ASPECT OF PISCES MOON: Moon Trine Jupiter in Scorpio. This is a rich and poignant Neptune-ruled Moon period when we should have the emotional depth to mine our true feelings and express them with great benefits. If you are a creative person, take advantage of this time to initiate some work of art that is important to you. It is likely to also be meaningful and healing to others. If you can be engaged in art, music or meditation now it should take you on a profound journey which will bring great rewards. These days may offer the experience of feeling united with others in a way you haven't know in a long time. Neptune reflects Compassion
and between the intensity of this last Eclipse period and the next challenging Aries Moon, it is a welcome interlude. The Divine may show herself to you. You might find her by the Sea or a nearby smaller body of water - even the bath. Listen to her poetry. Listen to her music. Soak Her In.
ECLIPSE NOTES: To add a clarification to yesterday's post...As we approach any Eclipse, energy intensifies. While the Moon may overcome the Solar energy in valuable metaphorical ways - as I mentioned in that post - it also blocks the positive, Light and Life-giving associations that the Sun's Archetype offers. Even though I gave an Excellent evaluation for actions initiated during this Eclipse period, I don't think I acknowledged as much as I should have (and as I've stated before for previous Eclipses) that the heightened energy often reflects intense circumstances in the inner life and outer world. The Florida school assault yesterday was only miles away from where I am at the moment and, true to Uranus-ruled Aquarius symbolism, is shocking and yet another Wake Up Call.
Hopefully, what I wrote in the previous post: that the resolution to these recurring shocking events all over the world may be found in the Wake Up Calls themselves, is true. That the source of this volcanically expressed deep rage, both individually and collectively, resides in personal childhood wounding (Chiron's placement in the chart) - and perhaps the collective US Chiron at 20º Aries in the 4th House (Sibly chart). As I stated previously, The current recurring Eclipses fall along the Aquarius/Leo axis, ruled by Uranus and the Sun respectively. So the Uranus/Sun aspects, particularly the Opposition and the Conjunction may offer suggestions on the existing tension (Opposition) and resolution (Conjunction).
If the collective imagination is shifting into the Uranus-ruled Aquarian Age (from the Neptune -ruled Piscean Age: within the Archetypal theme of Unity - ranging from Divinity to Boundary Issues and all-out Illusion/Deception/Confusion), this Aquarian/Leo Eclipse period may be alerting us to pay attention to its fundamental themes: Independence, Separation, Equality, Community, Change, Revolution, Individuation and Distribution of Information or the Free Press, particularly of the electronic variety. Again, the challenge is to discover how to be a unique individual within the collective community.

The final piece of this interesting puzzle is that the US Chiron (collective/cultural place of wounding) resides at 20º Aries in the Fourth House of Home and Family (Sibley chart). The Sabian Symbol (Dane Rudyar) for this point (read 21º Aries) reads: "A Pugilist (Boxer) Enters the Ring: The release and glorification of social aggression. Here we find potency glorified as muscular strength and will-to-power. Because it is potency operating at a harshly competitive level, it can and often does imply the possibility of defeat or disfiguration. In one sense the symbol translates into social terms the primordial struggle for survival of the fittest, adding to it an eagerness for social fame and social power (e.e. money). In another sense, the ring with two fighters in it can be referred to the Tai Chi symbol and the interplay between Yang and Yin. Each of the two types of energy wins in turn. Victory is always temporary in a dualistic world." Revealing? I think so. (I have to tell you that the preceding Sabian Symbol of 20º Aries is: "A Young Girl Feeding Birds in Winter". The following Symbol at 22º Aries is: "The Gate to the Garden of All Fulfilled Desires". But there we are at 21º!)
Uranus was going back and forth over this 20º Aries point during the 2016 presidential campaigns, the election and made its final pass soon after the January 2017 Inauguration. Pluto is squaring this point right now. The universe is calling us out: Heal your cultural original wounding. Rise to the occasion and address your aggression towards Native Americans and African Americans. And your aggression against Women. I believe that the US soul will not be healed until we have Native American and African American Women in major leadership roles. OMG! I just looked up and it's 4:05pm EST as I write this. The Eclipse is Exact!
Dare I mention that the US Moon is exactly at the Solar Eclipse point of 27º Aquarius? The Moon can represent Public sentiment as well as the Soul of the chart and, of course, The Feminine. The Eclipse is activating this point and screaming for Action! This is an amazing number of elements constellating at a single point which, by the way, is an exact harmonious Sextile to the Center of the Galaxy as 27º Sagittarius.
So, of course I had to look up the Sabian Symbol of 27º Aquarius (read 28º Aquarius): An Old Bridge Over a Beautiful Stream is Still in Constant Use. The enduring elements in a society which reveal its ability to significantly link the genius of its individuals to the everyday needs of the collectivity. The synchronicity abounds.
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