“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Tuesday, February 13, 2018


MOON ENTERS AQUARIUS at 10:11am EST on Tuesday, February 13 after a VOID OF COURSE early morning and remains in Aquarius until 4:05pm on Thursday, February 15. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Conjunct Sun in Aquarius. This Last Aspect creates the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE and is EXACT at 4:05pm at 27º Aquarius. This is an EXCITING New Moon! A time for beginning New Chapters in areas of our lives that move us away from our old conventional ways of doing things. Be inspired and re-awakened to what's possible to create! The recent Full Moon Lunar Eclipse offered the opportunity to clear the decks of what no longer works for us. Now we have some empty psychic space available for new awareness to enter. Muse on what really excites you and Follow Your Bliss. Ruled by Uranus, Aquarius carries the archetype of sudden change - to the degree of revolution. If the previous Capricorn post referred to challenges through old patterns and structures, this moment in time begs for the transformation of these antiquated ways. This is an opportunity for major changes in your life as well as for the collective. Uranus signifies the Future, Saturn the past. If you are engaged in alternative ways of being in the world, any innovative communities or forms of political activism, take advantage of this heightened time. You have an abundance of celestial support for your endeavors. The world is waiting for you to step up. It needs you act on what only you can offer. It needs you to be uniquely you. Be a revolutionary in your own life and Begin it NOW!
AQUARIUS SOLAR ECLIPSE SCENE FOR THE DAY: Disobedience, 2017; Director: Sebastián Lelio (Gloria, A Fantastic Woman). The title speaks volumes about the radical potential of Uranus/Aquarius. Two women, Rachel Weisz as Ronit and Rachel McAdams as Esti, follow their revolutionary bliss to rediscover their love for each other - which of course, as convention would have it, is forbidden. The tradition to which I refer is Orthodox Judiasm - where convention, rules and regs predominate. Ronit's father was a rabbi from whom she liberated herself by moving away to New York - while Esti grabbed hold of the Saturnian Jewish structure with all her might. She married the next holy man in line after the rabbi and buried her heart along with her passion. When Ronit returns to London for her father's funeral, old attractions return to the surface. These women want their Freedom and buck a three thousand year old religion - etched in Saturnian stone tablets - to attempt to get it. This feels particularly significant given the description of the previous post on Capricorn, ruled by Saturn. This Aquarius New Moon Solar Eclipse is a breaking away from old beliefs, behaviors and boundaries. Mark this moment and be inspired by these women to find your own revolution.

ECLIPSE NOTES: The Solar Eclipse exists at the New Moon, when the Moon Conjuncts the Sun and, in its orbit around Earth, is positioned exactly between the Earth and Sun blocking the Solar radiance, completely or partially. It is a time for New Beginnings. The Lunar Eclipse occurs at the Full Moon when the Moon is Opposite the Sun in a particular alignment when the shadow of the Earth is projected on the Moon. 
NASA image of Moon Crossing Sun
Of the five Eclipses in 2018, three are Partial Solar Eclipses (Feb.15, July 13, August 11) and two are Total Lunar Eclipses (January 31 and July 27). The Aquarius/Leo axis will be a recurring theme for all but one of these Eclipses. The Aquarius/Leo axis relates back to the dramatic Solar Eclipse in August 2017 - The Great American Eclipse, which many astrologers interpreted as a strong symbol for the significant shift that is occurring in the United States. This axis is ruled by Uranus (Aquarius) and The Sun (Leo). 
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipses (Sun Opposite Moon) beg a resolution of the tension between opposites. The Conjunction of Sun and Moon (New Moon Solar Eclipse) suggests a description of this resolution (the alchemical Marriage of Opposites) and the way to Begin Again. In the Conjunction, the two Archetypes stand together as equals, blending their qualities so both contribute and both are honored.
We could describe the Aquarian New Moon Eclipse as honoring the Sun and the Moon (Masculine and Feminine Archetypes) equally in an egalitarian, humanitarian, community oriented (think small and local) and participatory (within itself and with other communities) manner. The Free Press is fundamental - Aquarius rules the distribution of information freely and with integrity. And of course, Aquarius demands Freedom for All and an Independent spirit.

ECLIPSE TRUMPED: Let's get political. So interesting: Trump's birth chart has the Sun Conjunct Uranus (in Gemini) Opposite The Moon (in Sagittarius). He was born during a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (The Feminine Moon blocked by the Shadow of Earth). This would indicate to psychological astrologers that not only does Trump's psyche carry the current challenging dynamic but may actually also carry a possible resolution. This is as hard for me to write as it most likely is for you to read - impossible to imagine. But let's muse on the idea. 

Someone with Sun Conjunct Uranus radically shakes things up. The Sun Opposite Moon suggests the Masculine Archetype opposed the Feminine. The opposition reflects the polarization we are witnessing. Uranus suggests a Breakthrough...perhaps the Breakdown Before Breakthrough. It also rules the digital electronic arena which seems to be the medium for governing now. Uranus concerns personal and collective Freedom and Independence. It suggests we may endure shocks of rude Awakenings as well as sudden insights of higher consciousness - all which serve to liberate and release us from that which no longer serves us. Intuition is strong for Uranus and our challenge is to trust what it brings and discern what is valuable, True and Morally honorable from what is...just Not.   
The Sun Archetype (Leo) is about the Center: The center of our Solar System, The Ego, One's Sense of Self, The Child, Play, The Creative, Light, Consciousness and Individuation (the journey to one's whole Self). The dynamic between Uranus (Aquarius) and The Sun is to negotiate between honoring the Self (it's needs, health, desires, security, resources etc) and participating responsibly with the Collective (Aquarius): To be one's unique self within one's Community.

Trump's ideas and actions are Shaking us to our core! They are polarizing us. Women are rising up, gathering courage and voice to speak Truth to Power. Government structure appears to be breaking down. Besides the Sun Conjunct Uranus in Trumps chart, there is also his most dramatic Ascendant at 28º 59 Leo - the Fixed Star Regulus, the most illustrious symbol in the zodiac - nearly the exact degree of The Great American Eclipse. His personal psyche and behavior reflect the collective zeitgeist. The Solar Eclipse occurs a degree away from his Descendant, one of the four major angles of a chart, triggering relationships. It's likely that his 'leadership' will result in a major response/reaction that will catapult us onto a new course. May we have the 'aha' moments of enlightened thought that release us from the polarization and inequality many of us feel. May our response be one that serves us All.
So on Thursday, Feb. 15 the Moon in Aquarius will partially eclipse the Sun in Aquarius. The Feminine Archetype of The Mother: Receptivity, Nurturing, Home, Family, Women, Food, Container, The Dark of the Womb, The Night Sky and The Soul - all symbolized by The Moon - eclipses the Masculine Solar Archetype. In ideal circumstances we notice that the Light of Day dims, if not disappears, and we can sometimes see stars and planets during a Solar Eclipse. I love the idea that, while the life-giving Sun radiates and symbolizes ideas and feelings brought to consciousness, it simultaneously obliterates the Light Bodies visible in the Night Sky. It is only when the Sun sets that we are able to witness the contrast between light and dark and experience the Beauty and Mystery that these Light Bodies (planets, asteroids, fixed stars or constellations...) offer. Blessed Be the Night Sky. May we make her proud.

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