LUNAR ECLIPSES are considered celestial markers for Releasing old patterns of behavior or projects that no longer serve us. Accompanying SOLAR ECLIPSES (they come in pairs or sometimes threesomes - two partial Solar and one total Lunar this July/August) are wake-up calls for Beginning Anew. Consequently, it benefits us when the Lunar Eclipse occurs before the Solar so we can clear our decks for the next chapter. The NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE occurs on February 15th at 27º Aquarius.

Again, a BLUE MOON is the second Full Moon in a month; the BLOOD MOON refers to the reddish tint of the Eclipse as the Moon passes through the Earth's Shadow; The SUPERMOON refers to the strikingly large lunar disc we observe when the Moon is closest to the Earth in its orbit (Perigee). It is the first time since March 1866 that these three conditions have occurred simultaneously.
Note: I'm always struck by the metaphor of the Shadow of Earth which plays such a dramatic role in the Lunar Eclipse phenomenon - when the Sun Opposes the Moon and the Earth between them projects its shadow, exactly covering and blocking the Sun's projected Light on the Moon. Psychologist CG Jung brought to our awareness the concept of having a shadow aspect of our individual psyche - that dark material of which we are yet unconscious or in denial - that often has more control of our feelings and behavior than we realize. And that we often project this unconscious behavior onto others we encounter and believe it to be originating from them. We then tend to blame them etc. for what we don't see in ourselves. Consider now the collective Shadow of Earth. What might we as collective Earthlings be projecting at this time?...on the Moon. (Both the Moon and Earth carry the Feminine Archetype.) We might muse on some interpretations: if, in the normal state of astronomical conditions, the Sun (the Masculine Archetype of Consciousness and Authority) projects its Light on the Dark Feminine Moon - might the Feminine be being seen through the Masculine lens? Does the Earth's shadow blocking this Solar perspective at this time give pause for re-considering this interpretation? Might the timing of this particularly unique Lunar Eclipse suggest it might be called the 'Me-Too Eclipse'? See The Post interview with Spielberg and cast that follows the film clip and check out the quote from Streep that speaks to this exact concept.
LEO LUNAR ECLIPSE CLIP: The Post, 2017; Director: Steven Spielberg.
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I didn't initially register the current heightened importance of the story: military analyst Daniel Ellsberg, employed by the Rand Corporation, steals a Pentagon report (aka the Pentagon Papers) detailing the evolution of Vietnam War policies and releases sections to the NY Times which publishes articles. After the government legally blocks further publication, The Post gets even more of the material and makes the hard decision to publish. I realized in a flash that this 70's period narrative mirrors what's happening now. This preface to the Watergate chapter of US history illuminates the similarity of Nixon's attempt to coverup decades of presidential lies about the Vietnam War to Trump's present attempts to control the Freedom of the Press. Though Spielberg got the original Liz Hannah script while in high-gear pre-production for another film (sci-fi Ready Player One) when he realized the urgent relevancy of the First Amendment theme, he immediately braked, downshifted, took a hard left turn and floored his accelerator to develop, produce and release The Post asap. The film has been nominated for most of the major Academy and Golden Globe Awards.
Best quote from The Post: "In the First Amendment, the Founding Fathers gave the free press the protection it must have to fulfill its essential role in our democracy. The free press was to serve the governed, not the governors." (Judge Hugo Black, writing for the 6-3 U.S. Supreme Court majority that decided in favor of the press.)
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Streep: "Women have learned the language of men...[when you learn a new language] it isn't your language until you dream in it. The only way to dream in it is to speak it and women speak it. Women Men don't speak women. They don't dream in it." (at 51 mins)
Bradley Whitford (West Wing's Josh): These founding documents - you have to hold them to that...You don't get a democracy. You gotta make it every day. "(at 49 mins)
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Katherine Graham and Ben Bradlee |
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