“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


MOON ENTERS TAURUS at 8:39am EST on Wednesday, January 25 and remains here until 10:17pm on Thursday, January 26. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Trine Mercury in Capricorn. Ruled by Venus, Taurus is the money sign and traditionally reflects 'What we Value'. The optimistic Last Aspect supports purchases especially in Mercury's realm - travel and communication. With Jupiter in a close harmonious Sextile to Pluto (abundance of resources), we should have access to the resources we need. Fixed Earth Taurus is noted for its stubborn nature, so try to be as adaptable as possible. Even the best aspect between Moon and Mercury can be tricky...thus the Good evaluation instead of Excellent. Our feelings (Moon) and minds (Mercury) are such different phenomena, symbolized by their respective elements of water and air respectively. Heavier Earth rather plods along. But it gathers things of Beauty and a Ground on which to stand wherever it goes! Taurus, the Master Builder, reflects providing Security for our Loved Ones. And so we are Grateful!
TAURUS SCENE FOR THE DAY: Molly's Game, 2017; Writer/Director: Aaron Sorkin. Molly Bloom is the 'Poker Princess' - she runs high-stakes games for the rich and famous. Based on the true story of one time Olympic hopeful, the narrative demonstrates the unconscious motives that rule our passion for more money. Jessica Chastain (Zero Dark Thirty) is so powerful in her delivery of Bloom's driven character and Idris Elba (Luther)  is spot-on as her lawyer. Sorkin is in top form in both creative roles for this film! His razor sharp use of Bloom's voice-over description is reminiscent of Ryan Gosling in The Big Short. If you enjoy his machine-gun-speed wit, you'll love this script! It's a challenge to keep up but it's totally satisfying when you can. Molly needs to have control over powerful men and develops the resources to do just that. Eventually we find out why. Venus is such a compelling force! This is a Great cinematic experience!

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