“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Monday, November 20, 2017


MOON ENTERS CAPRICORN at 2:14am EST on Tuesday, November 21 and remains here until 5:33am on Thursday, November 23. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Uranus in Aries. Ruled by Saturn, this Cardinal Earth sign Moon is likely to encounter unexpected conflicts. Saturn rules form and structure and is associated with the limiting of space. The Uranus principle is motivated by the need for Freedom and is driven to separate or break down these structures. Saturn reflects convention, tradition and the past. Uranus points to the future with innovative thinking and technological inventions. Saturn rules that which has crystallized. In the body it rules bones and teeth. Move consciously now as we don't want these structures to break!
The emotion-based Moon is in detriment in Capricorn, the opposite sign to its ruler, Cancer. We'll tend to see restraint in the expression of feelings now. So be it. You'll talk when you're ready. The natural Capricorn ambition to succeed may also be thwarted now. The power of conventional authority figures, both collective (think government, church and corporations) and personal (the traditional Father Archetype) is being disrupted. In general, actions initiated during this Moon period tend to have CHALLENGING resolutions.

NOTE: Refer back to the September 4th post regarding Uranus in its late degrees of Aries being the most common planet as Last Aspect. Every time a planet moves through a Cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn) it has, and will, engage this late-degree Uranus as a hard Last Aspect. Uranus is working something out now. Each planetary archetype will have its own arena that is going through a major Uranian change. For Capricorn, it signifies the ongoing breaking apart of the Saturnian Archetype. It's likely these structures no longer serve us. We might also keep in mind to hold on to what still works about our traditions while being willing to let go of what doesn't.
CAPRICORN SCENE FOR THE DAY: "Goodbye, Lenin!" Germany, 2003; Director: Wolfgang Becker. The Berlin Wall has just come down. East German Alex (Daniel Brühl), whose nationalistic mother has just awakened from being in a coma, is afraid the shock will kill her. In this comedy-esque story Alex, a satellite system salesman, sets up a fictitious reality at their home where the old conservative German party still rules! Of course, his mother eventually discovers the radical change to her beloved country - the literal Uranian tearing down of the Saturnian wall and all that that implies. This is an endearing, small family story about this huge paradigm shift which shook the world. Roger Ebert, in his informative review of the film, refers to the mother's natural inclination to hold on to the past because it is part of her and what she knows. With the courage and trust to let go, though, how surprisingly liberating a Liberation can feel.

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