“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Monday, September 4, 2017


You may have noticed that most of the Last Aspects the Moon has been making recently have been  to Uranus. This is because this planetary ruler of Aquarius has been moving through the late degrees of Aries and is, therefore, the last planet with which the Moon engages before it changes signs. As a consequence, the Uranus archetype is the narrative which currently and dramatically colors our world. So while the Moon is in Aquarius this month I thought it might be helpful to go more into depth about this planet's themes and muse on some personal and collective ways its symbols might be expressed.
Moon as Aquarian Water Bearer
THE MYTHOLOGY in brief...
Ouronus, or Uranus, is the Greek primordial sky god, married to (and the son of) Gaia/Earth. They birthed the Titans (the youngest of whom was Cronus or Saturn) Hekatonkheires, and the one-eyed giants - the Cyclopes. Having little liking for his progeny, Uranus buried them in Tatarus, deep withing Gaia, which was very painful for her. She asked her children to castrate Uranus and Saturn obliged. After Uranus was disempowered, Saturn re-imprisoned the Hekatonkheires and Cyclopes. Uranus and Gaia then prophesied that Saturn was destined to be overthrown by his own son; so in order to avoid this fate he devoured his young. Saturn's youngest son, Zeus or Jupiter, was hidden by his mother Rhea and in some versions of the myth followed through with the prophecy.

Uranus reflects the principle of separation, a sudden breaking apart - as in achieving psychological individuation or the ah-ha moment of an enlightenment experience. It also indicates the unusual, unique, creative and revolutionary elements of existence. It indicates radical change. Uranus reflects the high vibration of electricity and the electronic arena where science, technology and other mental innovations are found. Here we also get the objective and detached nature of the archetype. The New Age Aquarian element of brother/sisterhood or community and friendship is present here, highlighting the Uranian quality of equality and freedom. The Uranus/Aquarian persona is likely to shake things up and reveal the qualities of existing or traditional structures that no longer serve us. It's time for these elements to go. Uranus offers the challenge of finding our unique sense of self within the collective/community.

Because of the ongoing prominence of Uranus, when evaluating the candidates for the 2016 Presidential election, I looked at which chart had the strongest Uranus presence. Hands down it was Donald Trump - with his Sun Conjunct Uranus and his North Node, all in his 10th House of Public Achievement. Uranus also opposes his natal Moon and exactly Trines his natal Jupiter. There's no question he's actively shaking things up which is quite likely what the US karma now whatever end. His live-wire-manic-tweeting-unpredictable-loose-cannon Uranian nature is also likely to be his downfall. We feel the preparation for revolution all around us. Many feel the carpet being pulled out from under or at least the sands shifting. Uranus means change. In its most optimum expression, it is the Great Awakener. Mostly, what wakes us up is unexpected and even shocking - the Lightening Bolt. It takes a lot to inspire a shift. Expect the unexpected and you'll be more prepared for the surprises to come.
This is a time to get serious about your intentional inner work - whatever grounds and centers you, whatever gives you self-worth and trust. Whatever allows you to be your unique self within your community. Meditation, yoga and any other spiritual/centering practice will be so helpful now. Engaging in artistic projects, including music and creative writing, will trigger our imagination and inspire innovative ideas about living and thriving in the changing world.
Looking forward to 2020, when Saturn moves into its own sign Capricorn and takes center stage by joining Pluto and Jupiter there as well, we can expect the innovations achieved with Uranus to be tested and re-structured. Uranus will have moved into Tauru$ (May 2018) and while the strong Capricorn and Tauru$ Earth elements may keep us grounded, we are still likely to be shaken up with a financial revolution. There's a lot of preparation to do to keep ourselves viable and now is the time to begin!
URANUS/AQUARIUS SCENE: Hair, 1979; Director: Milos Forman. The obvious film representative for the Uranian archetype is the musical Hair. The iconic soundtrack and protest of the Vietnam War narrative are reflective of the Aquarius demand for unique individual expression. Screening scenes from this film brings back that revolutionary time in many of our lives when we believed we could do anything. The images are dated for sure, but the Awakening experience is still inspiring! It's time to bring that feeling back! Featuring Treat Williams, John Savage and Beverly D'Angelo as well as choreography by Twyla Tharp, this movie is not only nostalgic but a beacon for the future.

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