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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdjGiIn9HMM |
Friday, September 29, 2017
MOON ENTERS AQUARIUS at 0:40 EDT on Saturday, September 30 and remains here until 7:13am on Monday, October 2. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Trine Jupiter in Libra. This is a Great time for success in community
relations or friendship! The only caution is that Aquarius tends to be
detached so try not to take any distance you feel too personally. This
Fixed Air sign also rules the electronic arena, so projects on the
computer or other digital devices are prime for auspicious results.
Aquarius, the Water Bearer, reflects the brother/sisterhoods of our cultures and the
equality and freedom that must be expressed. While Leo, Aquarius' opposite sign, rules the Heart, Aquarius rules the circulatory system - distributing what the heart creates. Being a mental Air sign, Aquarius is often engaged in circulating information. Finding our individuality within whatever our community happens to be is the
Aquarian quest. With the Trine to the Great Beneficent Jupiter, optimum
results are right at our fingertips. Go for it! This is the time for an Ah-ha moment!
AQUARIAN SCENE FOR THE DAY: Social Network, 2010; Director: David Fincher; Writer: Aaron Sorkin. Jesse Eisenberg, as Facebook's Mark Zukerberg, is prince of innovation on the computer and knows that social information distribution is a goldmine. In this scene we witness his Aquarian ah-ha moment which is the last piece necessary for the launch of this culture-changing phenomenon. I personally think it behooves us - as a culture getting to take a good look at ourselves lately - to also take notice of the origin of and motivation for creating Facebook. As astrologers we know that the moment of initiation defines the nature of the beast! Zukerberg's fixation on evaluating and 'getting girls' may be a popular pastime but his social networking sensation begs us to get clear about our personal and collective values, particularly the Aquarian regard for equality. That said, Facebook has its obvious upside of making our voices heard, collecting support for our ideas and disseminating vital information in an immediate way. As always, it's primarily about consciousness.
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
MOON ENTERS CAPRICORN at 12:24pm EDT on Wednesday, September 27 after a VOID OF COURSE morning and remains here until Friday, September 29 at 8:14pm. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Jupiter in Libra. Ruled by Saturn, this
Cardinal Earth sign reflects the physical manifestation of form and
structure. It symbolizes our drive for professional success in our careers. It rules Time and tends to 'delay but not deny.' It symbolizes old age and the crystalization
of bones. It contracts, limits and tests. We may feel the need to limit our emotions fearing the results of their expression. Saturn brings karmic moments when life changing decisions are made. It's a time of editing out what no longer serves us. It is also associated with conventionality, tradition,
government and leaders. It lends an ambitious, responsible,
stick-to-it-ive-ness quality to any action. The aspect to Jupiter in general is beneficial; the only down side is that it might reflect that we take our ambition or any other of these qualities too far. Having the motivation to get out and do your thing is perfect for this
Moon period. Your ambition to succeed may be expanded to consider the morality involved in a project; this might bring with it conflicting issues. As long as you're aware of the pitfalls, actions initiated during
this Moon period will tend to have Good resolutions.
CAPRICORN SCENE FOR THE DAY: Citizen Kane, 1940; Director: Orson Wells. In this classic scene we witness young Kane's parents, having struck oil on their property, signing the contract that binds him and his future care to their banker Mr. Thatcher. We never see his mother or father again and imagine that Charles doesn't either. Kane becomes one of the wealthiest men in the country as well as obsessed with power and collecting objets d'art throughout the film. We see his two relationships self-destruct because of his Saturnian emotional distance. Charles Foster Kane, played by Wells, is the classic example of Capricorn Moon in Jupitarian excess - unconsciously accruing money and material possessions to cover up emotional pain. The climactic moment of the film is the discovery that what he really desires is the emotional connection to his childhood from which he was torn. Capricorn is naturally opposite the sign Cancer which symbolizes home and family. This scenario is a perfect representation of Capricorn's need to integrate ambition with the Cancerian arena. NOTE: I use this scene in film class to demonstrate the power of mise-en-scene which literally means 'placement in the frame'. It covers composition, movement, color and many other visual components of a frame. If you watch this scene notice how your attention is directed towards the mother, played by Agnes Moorehead, who also controls the narrative at this point. It is she who makes the decision to sign the contract - hence controlling her son's future. She visually instigates camera movement as well as looming largest in the frame. It's so cool to discern the cinematic elements that influence our experience of watching and interpreting a film - and Orson Wells was a master at it!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LX27W51kB0 |
Sunday, September 24, 2017
MOON ENTERS SAGITTARIUS at 0:01am EDT on Monday, September 25 and remains here until 7:08am on Wednesday, September 27. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Trine Uranus in Aries. Freedom is the operative word for this moon period; Individuation is the opportunity. Ruled by Jupiter, this Mutable Fire sign reflects the Truth Seeker, the Philosopher. It's important now to lift up our heads from the grind of daily tasks and details to see the bigger future picture or context of our lives. If we mused on these concepts during the long Void of Course period on Sunday, now we have an excellent time to act. The Trine to Uranus suggests innovative ideas for future development will come through to us in a flash of awareness. With all this Fire we will want to ground ourselves in some kind of structure or routine.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ml0zRkknbWo |
Saturday, September 23, 2017

It's also the High Holy days for Jews all over the world, when the Book of Life is opened on Rosh Hashanah or the New Year (September 20) and the Divine One considers which names to inscribe in it. It is a time of repentance and forgiveness. Ten days later, on Saturday September 30, Yom Kippur, the Book is closed and fates are sealed. A Void of Course Day is a perfect moment to meditate on one's state of affairs - what our true values are; how we might attain them; recognizing who we may have harmed, even unconsciously; how we can apologize and make things right. Meditating suggests being in stillness; this quietude allows us to be available to a numinous place where mystery and magic may offer images which suggest ideas and direction. Stay with the images; let them lead you.
Thursday, September 21, 2017
MOON GOES VOID OF COURSE at 9:04am EDT on Friday, September 22 and remains here until 1:40pm when it ENTERS SCORPIO. MOON REMAINS IN SCORPIO until Sunday, September 24 at 3:33am. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Sextile Mercury in Virgo. AUTUMN EQUINOX IS EXACT when SUN ENTERS LIBRA at 4:02pm on Friday. Ruled by Pluto, this
Fixed Water sign reflects going deep into the unconscious to analyze the psyche.
The Sextile to Mercury supports these efforts big time, reflecting the
accessibility and opportunities for the objective logical mind to bring
this wisdom to consciousness. This is also a great time to communicate
about finances and other shared resources. This Moon period is also ripe for researching and making
investments if you are careful to pay attention to when to get out of the market. You
may find this to be a sexually fulfilling time if you consider that
relationship is a function of good communication. The Sextile suggests
that attention to the details pays off in a big way!
SCORPIO SCENE OF THE DAY: The Big Short, 2015; Director: Adam McKay. In this scene, after rigorous housing bond research, Christian Bale's money manager Michael Burry meets with bankers about the details of betting against, or 'shorting' the market. Believing he's grossly misinformed and that they will reap the benefit of his ignorance, the bankers happily accept his investment. Based on a real-life characters and situations, while Burry's logic was accurate, he didn't include the banks and government agencies willingness to defraud investors. Ryan Gosling and Steve Carrel also star. This financial 'comedy' is one of the best creative explanations of the horror that was the 2008 financial crash.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cxjdj5_5yNM&t=190s |
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
NEW MOON IS EXACT at 1:30am EDT on Wednesday, September 20 at which time it goes VOID OF COURSE until 6:06am. MOON ENTERS LIBRA at 6:06am and remains there until Friday, September 22 at 9:04am. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Opposite Uranus in Aries. Important practical actions initiated during the VOID OF COURSE period tend not to work out as planned. It's best to use this time for inner creative work or planning for future action. Ruled by Venus, the Libran Moon is opposed by an Aries (Mars-ruled) Uranus now. We are likely to encounter unexpected upsets in relationships. Cardinal Air sign Libra wants things nice, pretty and balanced. Conflict is difficult for Libra, but know, as a Cardinal initiator, she will fight to the end if she has to, for the peace she craves. Art and Legal affairs are also her arena, putting high value on Beauty and Justice. These things may be difficult to achieve if begun during this time and in general actions initiated now will tend to have CHALLENGING resolutions. It's probably best to engage with your creative medium of choice.
LIBRA SCENE OF THE DAY: Kramer vs. Kramer, 1979; Director: Robert Benton. A separated couple, played by Meryl Streep and Dustin Hoffman, have their relationship buttons pushed even harder when a custody suit develops over their son. The conflict results in a courtroom drama based on a real-life situation. The movie also features Jane Alexander who plays the friend in the middle and young Justin Henry as the precious son Billy. Libra's need for no-conflict is indeed tested in this situation and while the process is painful on everyone involved, the family comes to a justified working balance.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_ejjr2-4WE |
Monday, September 18, 2017
MOON ENTERS VIRGO at 0:52am EDT on Monday, September 18 and remains here until Wednesday, September 20 at 1:30am. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Conjunct Sun in Virgo at 1:30am, when the NEW MOON IS EXACT. This is an
exciting Virgo time when this Mutable Earth archetype is strong. Ruled
by Mercury, our perceptions will tend to be grounded and clear,
naturally driven to get things in order and successfully accomplish the
desired end. We are analytical and discerning now, able to pay attention to the details, trying hard to keep
looking up at the bigger picture. This is a great time for cleaning, organizing and
readying our homes for winter. I can smell the apples and grapes in
the late summer sunny breeze right now! Virgo's Archetype reflects the sacred vestal virgins, priestesses and keepers of ritual and the hearth fire; so this aspect of The Feminine, as well as the nurturing Medicine Woman is activated now. Honor Her. (See link to previous Virgo post for more details.) Actions initiated during this
Moon period will tend to have Excellent resolutions. Be careful to avoid
Virgo's need for perfection and do try to let the small stuff go!
NEW MOON IN VIRGO SCENE OF THE DAY: In America, 2002; Director: Jim Sheridan. New Moons are about new beginnings. In America is about an Irish family coming to America for a fresh start - by healing and creating a new sense of order after their young son dies. Paddy Considine, as Johnny, and Samantha Morton, as Sarah, offer two of the most moving and memorable performances from Sundance 2003... not to mention Sarah and Christy Bolger, the two precious daughters who befriend neighbor and AIDS victim Mateo (Djimon Hounsou). In this scene we witness the necessity of saying goodbye before we can truly begin again. This film was nominated for three Academy Awards including Best Original Screenplay by Jim, Naomi and Kirsten Sheridan (a family affair); Samantha Morton for Best Actress and Djimon Hounsou for Best Supporting Actor. One of my all-time favorites!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7rZsWVUAFI |
Friday, September 15, 2017
MOON REMAINS IN CANCER until 5:23pm EDT when it goes VOID OF COURSE until 9:09pm. SEE SEPTEMBER 13 for Cancer info. Important practical
actions initiated during the V/C Moon tend not to work out as planned.
It's best to use this time for inner creative work or planning for
future action. At 9:09pm the MOON ENTERS LEO where it remains until Sunday, September 17 at 8:55pm. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Trine Uranus in Aries. Ruled by the Sun, this Leo Moon should be very happy with its Trine
to Uranus in Aries. There's lots of passionate enthusiasm for beginning new
creative projects, especially ones which demonstrate electric self-expression! Again, the
Virgo Sun should offer excellent grounding for all this Fire - indicating
that you will pay attention to order and details as well as the big
picture and spirit of the endeavor. This is a time to PLAY while feeling
confident and courageous. Uranus may indicate some surprising twists and turns but use this fire to go with the changing flow. And because Leo can be self-focused, just remember the other people on stage with
you. They want to be acknowledged too! Actions initiated during this
Moon period will tend to have Excellent resolutions.
LEO SCENE FOR THE DAY: Begin Again, 2013; Director John Carney. Electric music comes to mind for this Leo Trine Uranus Moon, and this is a scene from one of my favorite musical films by Once director, Carney. Main character Gretta (Keira Knightly) finally finding her Leo courage and her own voice shares the rooftop stage with her recovering producer Dan (Mark Ruffalo) and his novice guitar-playing daughter Violet (Hailee Steinfeld). Even though it's a night scene, a Leo Sun (and Moon) shines through the warmth and mutual admiration each character has for the other. This new song along with the entire street-recording adventure is a huge success! If you haven't seen this small film, check it out - it's a fun evening of great music!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3euj8m2_pug |
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
MOON REMAINS IN GEMINI until 2:35pm EDT on Wednesday, September 13 when it goes void of course until 6:12pm. SEE SEPT. 11 FOR GEMINI INFO. Important practical actions initiated during the VOID OF COURSE periods tend not to work out as planned. It's best to use this time for creative inner work or planning for future action. MOON ENTERS CANCER at 6:12pm and remains here until Friday, September 15 at 5:23pm. LAST ASPECT OF MOON IN CANCER: Moon Square Uranus in Aries. The Moon is in its own sign now so its archetype is strong. Emotions are likely to run high and be more sensitive than usual for this Cardinal Water sign. There is often a need for connection, belonging and nurturing. The square to Uranus may test our relationships, particularly with Mothers and other women, as well as circumstances around the home. Try to speak your truth while remaining as objective as possible. Stand in the other's shoes and know this is a vulnerable time. Things may happen unexpectedly to throw you off your center so keep breathing! Breaking bread at home with friends and family is most often the most enjoyable way to express Cancer Moons. Actions initiated during this Moon period will tend to have Challenging results.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCJO6Ax_ev8 |
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Maude and Everett's Home |
Sunday, September 10, 2017
MOON IS VOID OF COURSE until 3:29pm EDT on Monday, September 11 when it ENTERS GEMINI. It remains in Gemini until Wednesday, September 13 at 2:35pm. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Sextile Uranus in Aries. Ruled by Mercury, this Mutable
Air sign, as the information gatherer, suggests a GREAT time for embarking on travel or
writing/teaching projects. You should have lots of enthusiastic energy
for action. Plans are likely to change but you should be able to adapt
pretty easily and successfully. Make sure you stay grounded with all
this Air and Fire. The Earthy Virgo Sun will support you, but being
square to the Moon, you may find yourself being too critical of any
shifts in arrangements. Let it go and keep moving. Gemini wants to MOVE!
As the sign of the Twins siblings, particularly brothers, are highlighted; it's a good time to connect with yours. You may also find things come in two's now. This is also also an auspicious time to
publish or submit work via your computer. This Moon's Last Aspect suggests Uranian opportunities such as a new understanding, a shift in perspective or any engagement with electronic media. In general, actions initiated during this
Moon period tend to have Excellent resolutions.
GEMINI SCENE OF THE DAY: Avatar, 2009; Director: James Cameron. Jake Sully takes his murdered brother's place as Avatar driver in what has become this cult film-favorite of all times. Gemini is the mythology of the twins, one light 'of spirit' and the other dark 'of the material world.' Here we have idealist scientist vs. military warrior. Jake eventually morphs the two archetypes together to find his center - on Pandora among the Na'vi with whom he comes to love and belong. Sam Worthington, as Jake, is remarkable from beginning to end.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNvwzlRZVik |
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Boynton Beach, FL from NY Times, Sunday, Sept. 9 2017 |
"In a year where the world has been spun around, turned upside down, where shock and surprise seem almost constant, Nature has now delivered a mirror for the destructive energies in the collective psyche. Hurricanes north of the equator spin counterclockwise, a direction in many indigenous traditions for the undoing of things, the dissolving of what has been built, the destruction of order.
At times, the insight that comes from astrological reflection can be disturbingly accurate. The specter of multiple fires in the West, and unbreathable air, the record breaking heat, the twin hurricanes bearing down on highly populated regions of the US, fill us with dread for those whose safety and security will be upended, whose lives my be in danger. These twinned destructive forces parallel the dangerous split in the American political psyche. In the heavens, Saturn has been stationing opposite Mars in the chart for the Declaration of Independence. Mars is both courage and war, while Saturn often brings us face to face with the consequences of our actions, and with fate. President Trump has his Gemini Sun conjunct the US Mars, with Moon opposing. This connection to the warlike Mars archetype of the US chart is not unusual in US presidents, but combined with his own powerful and uncontained Mars, conflicts of all kinds have been heightened .
The past few days, as Mercury stationed on the eclipse degree. Hurricane Irma powered through the Atlantic. At the same time the US administration announced a dismantling of a law that protects young people who came to the US illegally as children. These Dreamers, as they are known, may now see their own lives smashed beyond repair. The roof over their heads is threatened by a slower moving threat, one that could be equally devastating on an too fast/too slow six month time scale.
On September 3rd, 2017, when Mercury and Mars, the planet of war, came together in the sky, North Korea carried out a nuclear bomb test, claiming they had exploded a hydrogen bomb. a resulting 6.3 earthquake confirmed there had been a powerful underground explosion. As it happens the conjunction was on a ‘hot’ degree, 28 Leo.. the same degree as the August 21st solar eclipse, virtually the degree of Trump’s personal Mars. Even before Trump was elected,a number of astrologers had remarked on the likelihood that Trump would find an adversary in North Korea, given the way Mars was projected there in his Astrocartography map. North and South Korea have been split since 1948, and the disconnect is now a threat to us all.
It has been heartening to see the way Houstonians, and other Texans helped each other after Harvey. In the face of a greater danger, many unnamed individuals have stepped in to rescue and to succor. The outward aggression of Mars has been re-channeled into heroism, courage and kindness. Our nation has Mars in Gemini, the sign of siblings, and the impulse of brotherly/sisterly love may yet rise up during these crises to vanquish the misunderstandings that are roiling the body politic. Without this healing counterforce the world we have known may crumble and fall. At its best Mars in Gemini brings what is split back into relationship. Pray for those in harms way. Pray for us all."
Friday, September 8, 2017
MOON IS IN ARIES until 11:52am EDT today Saturday, September 9, when it goes VOID OF COURSE until 12:23pm. See Sept. 7 for Aries info. Important practical actions initiated during the V/C Moon tend not to work out as planned. MOON ENTERS
TAURUS at 12:23pm and remains here until
Sunday, September 10 at 8:54pm. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Venus
in Leo. Ruled by Venus the Fixed Earth Taurus Moon loves its sensual
pleasures and strives to provide security for those he/she loves. He is
the Master Builder, so manifesting in the material and financial world is
a skill he values and at which he excels. The square to Taurus'
ruling planet isn't severe, as Venus is considered the Lesser Beneficent
(Jupiter being the Greater) so any hard angles to her suggest minimal
stress. But the Moon and Venus are the two major Feminine archetypes, so
it may be a little tricky in that arena: Relationships between women
may be tested; feelings could get hurt from Taurus' stubbornness in
conflict with Leo's desire for acknowledgement and appreciation. The two Fixed signs can be stuck in their ways. This is a lesson in compromise. Venus in Leo is likely to want to be extravagant financially and the practicality of Moon in Taurus resists. Try to
see the other's need and be willing to negotiate ways to appreciate each
TAURUS SCENE OF THE DAY: Streetcar Named Desire, 1951; Director: Elia Kazan. Two iconic sisters, Stella and Blanche, (Kim Hunter and Vivien Leigh) find themselves in conflict over Stella's husband Stanley, played by the icon himself, Marlon Brando. Written by the legendary playwright Tennessee Williams, both stage and screenplay, each character exudes so much depth and soul it's hard to imagine American literature without them. Both passionately fixed in their ways - Blanche in her desperate clinging to an illusion of past southern elegance with her Leonian need for appreciation and Stella in her Taurean sensuous bond to Stanley. The two sisters clearly love each other but are cut from different cloth. Directed by one of America's iconic film masters, this classic film is not to be missed.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfniNOclXKs |
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
MOON ENTERS ARIES at 8:01am on Thursday, September 7 and remains here until 11:52am on Saturday, September 9. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Trine Mercury at 29º Leo (Regulus point of last Solar Eclipse!) This should be a strong time to set
projects in motion with this Cardinal Fire sign in harmony with a
dramatic Mercury turned direct and conjunct the Royal Fixed Star Regulus! We encountered
the power of Regulus with all the events around the Solar Eclipse on
August 21st. Make good use of this creative intuitive energy! Egos can
be strong now too, so be conscious of others' needs at this time as well
as your own. Also be careful of being too impulsive. Aries confrontations have a good chance at positive resolution through energetic communication! It's also a Great time
for taking off on a trip! The "3-day after" Mercury Retrograde period clears on the 9th. Actions initiated during this Moon period will
tend to have GOOD results.
ARIES SCENE OF THE DAY: The Fighter, 2010; Director: David O. Russell. This film has one confrontational scene after another...but they're so well crafted and integral to the narrative that you stay engaged, rooting for Micky (Mark Wahlberg) and Charlene (AmyAdams), two totally amazing performances. They're at odds with Micky's family who has coached and managed his boxing career from the beginning. But there are issues...lots of issues. In this scene we see Micky's brother and coach Dicky (another remarkable performance by a very thin and wired Christian Bale) having it out with Charlene, Micky's girlfriend. This particular confrontation, unlike many others, actually resolves itself into a delicate truce: Moon in Aries Trine Mercury in Leo!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKV-U-HcGVk |
Monday, September 4, 2017
MOON ENTERS PISCES at 1:23am EDT on Tuesday, September 5 and remains here until Wednesday, September 6 at 4:29pm when it goes VOID OF COURSE for the rest of the day. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Saturn in Sagittarius. FULL MOON is exact at 3:03am on Wednesday September 6 at 13 Pisces. Moon Square Saturn in
Sagittarius. Ruled by Neptune, this Mutable Water sign reflects an
emotional time which may feel limited by circumstances or depressed due
to self-doubt, chaos and confusion. It's best to tap into your meditative and
creative Self, preparing to cross over inner boundaries for new
strength. MERCURY STATIONS DIRECT at 7:30am on Tuesday the 5th. Remember, it's in its most vulnerable placement for the next few
days, so refer back to advice from September 2. To add to the current
alerts, we are waxing towards a FULL MOON tomorrow: Pisces Moon Opposes Virgo Sun. The sensitivity
of the Pisces Moon is heightened as it conjoins with its ruler Neptune, also in Pisces. We are likely to feel more intensity in the form of confusion, false starts and possibly deception and illusion as we build towards the
climax and completion of the Full Moon. This particularly affects actions begun at the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE on
August 21st. Protect yourself energetically if you are naturally sensitive to picking up psychic fields or get distracted easily. Imagining a cocoon of white light around you is a good practice. So is carrying stones in your car for grounding. Artistic and spiritual projects are more apt to be supported during this time and are good outlets for this energy! Sensibilities and intuition are heightened. Watch your dreams! Sea god Neptune can drown or overwhelm us but can also reflect transcendence. This is the time where the threshold between the rational world and the magical realm is thin. Allow yourself to cross over and witness. In the practical reasonable world, pay attention to details - check and double check information.
PISCES/VIRGO FULL MOON SCENE: Bosch: The Garden of Dreams, 2016; Director: Jose Luis Lopez Linares. In this recent documentary, Hieronymus Bosch's epic tryptich "Garden of Earthly Delights" is addressed as an intentional mystery without resolution. Its Neptunian elements of overwhelming chaos and confusing interpretation lives quite harmoniously with its container of clearly defined Virgonian detail. So many oppositions are evident: the two side panels reflect the divine meeting of Adam and Eve on the left vs. a kind of hell on the right; numerous other male/female engaged bodies in the center panel; the primitive alongside human forms; the fantastic juxtaposed with realism; darkness and light. It seems all is possible in Bosch's world and the only judgment cast is the witness' own.
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http://www.boschthegardenofdreams.com/ |
You may have noticed that most of the Last Aspects the Moon has been making recently have been to Uranus. This is because this planetary ruler of Aquarius has been moving through the late degrees of Aries and is, therefore, the last planet with which the Moon engages before it changes signs. As a consequence, the Uranus archetype is the narrative which currently and dramatically colors our world. So while the Moon is in Aquarius this month I thought it might be helpful to go more into depth about this planet's themes and muse on some personal and collective ways its symbols might be expressed.
THE MYTHOLOGY in brief...
Ouronus, or Uranus, is the Greek primordial sky god, married to (and the son of) Gaia/Earth. They birthed the Titans (the youngest of whom was Cronus or Saturn) Hekatonkheires, and the one-eyed giants - the Cyclopes. Having little liking for his progeny, Uranus buried them in Tatarus, deep withing Gaia, which was very painful for her. She asked her children to castrate Uranus and Saturn obliged. After Uranus was disempowered, Saturn re-imprisoned the Hekatonkheires and Cyclopes. Uranus and Gaia then prophesied that Saturn was destined to be overthrown by his own son; so in order to avoid this fate he devoured his young. Saturn's youngest son, Zeus or Jupiter, was hidden by his mother Rhea and in some versions of the myth followed through with the prophecy.
Uranus reflects the principle of separation, a sudden breaking apart - as in achieving psychological individuation or the ah-ha moment of an enlightenment experience. It also indicates the unusual, unique, creative and revolutionary elements of existence. It indicates radical change. Uranus reflects the high vibration of electricity and the electronic arena where science, technology and other mental innovations are found. Here we also get the objective and detached nature of the archetype. The New Age Aquarian element of brother/sisterhood or community and friendship is present here, highlighting the Uranian quality of equality and freedom. The Uranus/Aquarian persona is likely to shake things up and reveal the qualities of existing or traditional structures that no longer serve us. It's time for these elements to go. Uranus offers the challenge of finding our unique sense of self within the collective/community.
Because of the ongoing prominence of Uranus, when evaluating the candidates for the 2016 Presidential election, I looked at which chart had the strongest Uranus presence. Hands down it was Donald Trump - with his Sun Conjunct Uranus and his North Node, all in his 10th House of Public Achievement. Uranus also opposes his natal Moon and exactly Trines his natal Jupiter. There's no question he's actively shaking things up which is quite likely what the US karma now requires...to whatever end. His live-wire-manic-tweeting-unpredictable-loose-cannon Uranian nature is also likely to be his downfall. We feel the preparation for revolution all around us. Many feel the carpet being pulled out from under or at least the sands shifting. Uranus means change. In its most optimum expression, it is the Great Awakener. Mostly, what wakes us up is unexpected and even shocking - the Lightening Bolt. It takes a lot to inspire a shift. Expect the unexpected and you'll be more prepared for the surprises to come.
This is a time to get serious about your intentional inner work - whatever grounds and centers you, whatever gives you self-worth and trust. Whatever allows you to be your unique self within your community. Meditation, yoga and any other spiritual/centering practice will be so helpful now. Engaging in artistic projects, including music and creative writing, will trigger our imagination and inspire innovative ideas about living and thriving in the changing world.
Looking forward to 2020, when Saturn moves into its own sign Capricorn and takes center stage by joining Pluto and Jupiter there as well, we can expect the innovations achieved with Uranus to be tested and re-structured. Uranus will have moved into Tauru$ (May 2018) and while the strong Capricorn and Tauru$ Earth elements may keep us grounded, we are still likely to be shaken up with a financial revolution. There's a lot of preparation to do to keep ourselves viable and now is the time to begin!
URANUS/AQUARIUS SCENE: Hair, 1979; Director: Milos Forman. The obvious film representative for the Uranian archetype is the musical Hair. The iconic soundtrack and protest of the Vietnam War narrative are reflective of the Aquarius demand for unique individual expression. Screening scenes from this film brings back that revolutionary time in many of our lives when we believed we could do anything. The images are dated for sure, but the Awakening experience is still inspiring! It's time to bring that feeling back! Featuring Treat Williams, John Savage and Beverly D'Angelo as well as choreography by Twyla Tharp, this movie is not only nostalgic but a beacon for the future.
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Moon as Aquarian Water Bearer |
Ouronus, or Uranus, is the Greek primordial sky god, married to (and the son of) Gaia/Earth. They birthed the Titans (the youngest of whom was Cronus or Saturn) Hekatonkheires, and the one-eyed giants - the Cyclopes. Having little liking for his progeny, Uranus buried them in Tatarus, deep withing Gaia, which was very painful for her. She asked her children to castrate Uranus and Saturn obliged. After Uranus was disempowered, Saturn re-imprisoned the Hekatonkheires and Cyclopes. Uranus and Gaia then prophesied that Saturn was destined to be overthrown by his own son; so in order to avoid this fate he devoured his young. Saturn's youngest son, Zeus or Jupiter, was hidden by his mother Rhea and in some versions of the myth followed through with the prophecy.
Uranus reflects the principle of separation, a sudden breaking apart - as in achieving psychological individuation or the ah-ha moment of an enlightenment experience. It also indicates the unusual, unique, creative and revolutionary elements of existence. It indicates radical change. Uranus reflects the high vibration of electricity and the electronic arena where science, technology and other mental innovations are found. Here we also get the objective and detached nature of the archetype. The New Age Aquarian element of brother/sisterhood or community and friendship is present here, highlighting the Uranian quality of equality and freedom. The Uranus/Aquarian persona is likely to shake things up and reveal the qualities of existing or traditional structures that no longer serve us. It's time for these elements to go. Uranus offers the challenge of finding our unique sense of self within the collective/community.
Because of the ongoing prominence of Uranus, when evaluating the candidates for the 2016 Presidential election, I looked at which chart had the strongest Uranus presence. Hands down it was Donald Trump - with his Sun Conjunct Uranus and his North Node, all in his 10th House of Public Achievement. Uranus also opposes his natal Moon and exactly Trines his natal Jupiter. There's no question he's actively shaking things up which is quite likely what the US karma now requires...to whatever end. His live-wire-manic-tweeting-unpredictable-loose-cannon Uranian nature is also likely to be his downfall. We feel the preparation for revolution all around us. Many feel the carpet being pulled out from under or at least the sands shifting. Uranus means change. In its most optimum expression, it is the Great Awakener. Mostly, what wakes us up is unexpected and even shocking - the Lightening Bolt. It takes a lot to inspire a shift. Expect the unexpected and you'll be more prepared for the surprises to come.
This is a time to get serious about your intentional inner work - whatever grounds and centers you, whatever gives you self-worth and trust. Whatever allows you to be your unique self within your community. Meditation, yoga and any other spiritual/centering practice will be so helpful now. Engaging in artistic projects, including music and creative writing, will trigger our imagination and inspire innovative ideas about living and thriving in the changing world.
Looking forward to 2020, when Saturn moves into its own sign Capricorn and takes center stage by joining Pluto and Jupiter there as well, we can expect the innovations achieved with Uranus to be tested and re-structured. Uranus will have moved into Tauru$ (May 2018) and while the strong Capricorn and Tauru$ Earth elements may keep us grounded, we are still likely to be shaken up with a financial revolution. There's a lot of preparation to do to keep ourselves viable and now is the time to begin!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cb8luHdpR84&t=195s |
Friday, September 1, 2017
MOON ENTERS AQUARIUS at 4:06pm EDT on Saturday, September 2 after being VOID OF COURSE from 12:30pm. MOON REMAINS IN AQUARIUS until Tuesday, September 5 at 1:15am. Important practical actions initiated during the
V/C Moon tend not to work out as planned. It's best to use this time for
creative inner work or planning future actions. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Opposite Mars in Leo. This is likely to be a testy time when
bravado personal action offends a more objective community oriented
climate. Actions initiated during this Moon period tend to have
CHALLENGING results. Also Mercury is about to Station Direct on the 5th,
so we begin the '3-day before' period when the Retrograde qualities are
strongest. Make sure you check and double check all information,
vehicles and communications. It's advisable to wait until September 9
for the All Clear message to make major purchase and formal agreements.
AQUARIAN SCENE OF THE DAY: Any Given Sunday, 1999; Director: Oliver Stone. In this scene we witness the tension between football coach Tony D'Amato, (top-of-his-game Al Pacino) telling his replacement quarterback, 'Steamin' Willie Beamen, (explosive Jamie Fox) the way it is. For D'Amato, the bottom line in football comes down to the relationship between the star player and the team. He tells Beamen that a great leader isn't a center-stage take-over Aquarian Moon opposite Mars-in-Leo kinda guy. A great leader demonstrates to the collective that she's willing to sacrifice and fight for every inch in the game. When the team sees this quality in their quarterback they'll be willing to fight and sacrifice for him. This is s GREAT film! It features Dennis Quaid, Cameron Diaz, Matthew Modine, James Woods and an amazing Ann-Margaret.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoKB96b3Vfo |
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