MOON REMAINS IN GEMINI until 2:35pm EDT on Wednesday, September 13 when it goes void of course until 6:12pm. SEE SEPT. 11 FOR GEMINI INFO. Important practical actions initiated
during the VOID OF COURSE periods tend not to work out as planned. It's
best to use this time for creative inner work or planning for future
MOON ENTERS CANCER at 6:12pm and remains here until Friday, September 15 at 5:23pm. LAST ASPECT OF MOON IN CANCER: Moon Square Uranus in Aries. The Moon is in its own sign now so its archetype is
strong. Emotions are likely to run high and be more sensitive than
usual for this Cardinal Water sign. There is often a need for connection, belonging and nurturing. The square to Uranus may test our
relationships, particularly with Mothers and other women, as well as circumstances around the home. Try to speak
your truth while remaining as objective as possible. Stand in the
other's shoes and know this is a vulnerable time. Things may happen
unexpectedly to throw you off your center so keep breathing! Breaking bread at home with friends and family is most often the most enjoyable way to express Cancer Moons. Actions initiated during this Moon period will tend to have Challenging results.
CANCER SCENE OF THE DAY: Maudie, 2016; Director: Aisling Walsh. The Uranian rug gets pulled out from under folk-artist Maude when unexpected circumstances compel her to seek a new home. Maude's blissfully unusual character is captured completely by an endearing-as-usual Sally Hawkins (Happy-Go-Lucky). Based on the true story of a treasured Canadian painter, Maude finds shelter as a live-in maid for an ornery fishmonger Everett, played by Ethan Hawke, who successfully pushes his own envelope. Theirs is a most unusual arrangement that, even with its blatant difficulties and surprises, finds a way to make, what must be one of the original tiny houses, home. The Nova Scotia/Newfoundland landscape is exquisitely photographed by Guy Godfree. A Must See Movie!
Maude and Everett's Home |
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