“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Saturday, May 7, 2016


MOON enters CANCER at 1:24pm EDT on Monday May 9th after being VOID OF COURSE all morning. The Moon is the natural ruler of Cancer so it is very much at home here. The Moon carries the archetype of The Feminine: Receptive, Emotional, Protective, Nurturer, Container, The Mother, The Dark Unconscious, Intuitive, The Past, Memory, Family, Home. While the Moon is in its own sign these qualities tend to be activated. So it is often an emotionally sensitive time where the women in our lives are center stage. There will be needs that need to be addressed - and for all you readers who just can't get with the emotional expression program, please do try to address them! It will make life much easier. And you may be surprised how much talking about your feelings actually does clear the air. Cancer is a Cardinal Water sign so in spite of the reserved and private kind of atmosphere, the conversation about what's really going on beneath the cover-up politeness, denial or avoidance will be initiated by someone. And then, because all the Cancers I know are unifocused on FOOD, you can all go out and have a great meal!    

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon square Uranus at 3:34am, Wednesday May 10. You may notice that we're having a lot of Uranus Last Aspects this month. That's because Uranus is the highest degree of most all the planets (21-23 degrees Aries). And that means a lot of great or terrible surprises, upsets, separations, revolutions or sudden enlightenment experiences or technological breakthroughs. Moon Square Uranus is no exception. This would be a time of some form of disruption to expectations held dear...emotionally dear. Expect emotional responses too. These sudden changes are likely to be in the vicinity of home and family and yes, particularly the females in our mood swings, temper tantrums, breakdowns and breakthroughs. But don't forget: there's a feminine side to every male. Actions initiated during this time will tend to have a CHALLENGING result. 

SCENE FOR THE DAY: Requiem for a Dream, 2000; Director: Darren Aronofsky. This shocking dysfunctional family drama epitomizes a broken home. (Uranus square Cancer Moon). The container of protection and nourishment is smashed into the powder everyone is ingesting by various means. The story is centered around the archetypally-extreme Mother character played unbelievably believably by actress extrordinaire Ellen Burstyn. If you don't want your children to do drugs and you are very very brave, have them watch parts of this film...well, maybe not. But you get my drift. Mother and son (Jared Leto) live in their own worlds, doing everything they can to satisfy their own fantasies barely surviving the ordeal known as daily life. Aronofsky is a mold-breaking director with films like Pi, The Fountain, The Wrestler and The Black Swan in his filmography. I swear I didn't know this but I just checked his natal chart and his Sun is in Uranus-ruled Aquarias and he has Moon square Uranus. This actually isn't an uncommon phenomenon. We do live out our charts in one way or another.  Making a film about a broken home is much better than having to live it.

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