“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Sunday, April 17, 2016


MOON IN LIBRA. Enters at 7:24am EDT on 4/19 until 2:13am EDT on 4/21. Ruled by Venus, reflecting the Law of Attraction, the Libra Moon is very much concerned with relationship, partnership, love, Beauty and Art. Libra is a Cardinal Air sign which indicates a rather mental and objective orientation to relationship. It also tends to be an active initiator (Cardinal) - as compared to the other Venus ruled sign, Taurus which, because it is a Fixed Earth sign is much more focused on the personal sensuous physical body and providing security for it. The glyph for Libra is the scales which bring to mind the balance, grace and equality that it seeks. We remember though that Libra will fight vigorously for what it loves, as it is the polar opposite of Aries. Each sign is designed to negotiate with its opposite to create the optimum 'marriage' that reflects their wholeness. 

LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon opposite Uranus in Aries at 2:13am EDT on 4/21. Here we have the polarity of Libra/Aries engaged. While Libra carries in itself that active cardinal force, when triggered by a CHALLENGING opposition to martial Aries Uranus we are likely to encounter some resistance from the Other during this time. Things set in motion now may tend to have an upsetting or at least surprising result. Relationships may be shaken up or have a wake-up call. On the other hand, an innovative art form (Venus) initiated at this time could revolutionize its genre. Or perhaps something on the internet or a digital image (Uranus) might be disturbing but enlightening (Uranian). Choose wisely how to engage with this aspect.

SCENE FOR THE DAY: GHANDI, 1982; Director: Richard Attenborough. The quintessential non-violent resistance story. Revolution is demonstrated to be possible with alternative means to the Aries default of physical warfare and weaponry. Aries strength of will is activated by India's leadership instead of its strength of might. This is an innovative and creative (Uranus) use of the Warrior Archetype. Ghandi exuded a great Love for his country even when ashamed at its weakness. Ben Kingsley owns this character with an unrelenting courage and integrity (Aries) and we are awed by both actor and real life revolutionary leader.  

SUN ENTERS TAURUS at 11:30 EDT on 4/19 until 5/20 at 7:37am EDT.  We move from the beginning spark of spring to its slow-building development in Taurus. A whole month of growth in Nature, the goal of which is to provide sustenance and Venusian Beauty for us all. The Fixed Earth quality of Taurus reflects this part of the season. Its stubborn nature might suggest to us that some tenacious element is necessary in order to produce the desired results. Of course, we are reminded that moderation usually works best in this arena lest we get stuck in our ways and offend those we really mean to care for. A little flexibility is a good lesson for Taurus to incorporate into his stockpile.  Get out of your easy chair and go work in the garden. Or push the envelop of your comfort zone now and develop a new creative venture. One's own resources, values and ability to make money is highlighted at this time so take advantage of the celestial support for desired earthbound delights.

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