“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


FULL MOON IN SCORPIO. VOID OF COURSE DAY on 21st until Moon enters Scorpio at 8:17pm EDT on 4/21 until 4/23 at 5:46pm EDT. This Void of Course day and evening - a GOOD time to go inward and do creative imagining but CHALLENGING to initiate something important (see post April 7 Con't.) - will give you time to reflect on what circumstances or feelings might be brewing for a climax very early tomorrow morning at the Full Moon. Ruled by Pluto, the Moon in the Fixed Water sign Scorpio is most often an emotionally intense time. It calls up stored patterns from our deep unconscious psyche to be transformed. One's fundamental sense of personal power and/or sexuality is likely to be at stake here. Scorpio Moons operate from Pluto's principle of accessing resources/power (usually the Other's) to use life-giving creative energy to accomplish a slow deep transformation and regeneration. It takes a journey to the underworld, Pluto's or Hades' domain, for this change to occur. This is a critical psychological time in our individuation process to wholeness, so time must be taken to consider one's options wisely. This Scorpio Moon is likely to be a heightened experience as it builds to a FULL MOON on Friday 4/22 at 1:24am EDT at 2 Scorpio (see 3/23 post). This is a slow crescendo in a multi-dimensional emotional symphony which can lead to a volcanic eruption if communications are left undelivered for too long. The Full Moon reflects a culmination of some circumstance in life. The more prepared you are, the more work you've done on yourself, the more you will benefit from this potentially regenerative transit.

LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon opposite Mercury at 5:46pm EDT on Saturday 4/23. With Mercury we are dealing with issues in the arena of the mind, communication and travel. Scorpio's well-kept secrets may be revealed at this time. You may be told of an inheritance issue about which you have been unaware. You may discover resources which you had been depending on are not available to you. Choose your words carefully and gently now as the hard aspect to Mercury might get you in trouble. Check your car before you travel. For actions initiated during this time the 180 degree opposition is likely to signify a potentially productive reconciliation through CHALLENGING circumstances. As the I Ching wisely counsels: Perseverance furthers!
SCENE FOR THE DAY: GIANT, 1956. Director: George Stevens. A volcano of wealth and revenge erupts in this scene as James Dean's complex character Jett Rink discovers oil on property he has inherited from his employer's family. These are all Pluto qualities. It is an early culmination point - not to mention a huge transformation - in this character's dramatic arc after being set up as a lowly farmhand. This is probably the most memorable scene from Giant, one of only three films Dean made - all classics (including Rebel Without a Cause and East of Eden). His vulnerable yet cocky, innocent yet wise persona remains legendary. Elizabeth Taylor in her Aphrodite prime along with Rock Hudson and Chill Wills offer a rich ensemble of characters to draw you into this epic film. An adaptation of Edna Ferber's muckraking novel about Texas racist white male supremacy as seen through Taylor's outsider feminine perspective, gives a truly Scorpionic flavor to this collective lust for power.  

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