MOON IN ARIES: Moon enters Aries at 1:04pm EDT on May 3 until 0:17am EDT May 5. Ruled
by Mars this is an energetic and feisty time. Emotions can run high and
combative, especially towards evening when at 5:11pm the Moon squares
Pluto. Strong wills may collide. Get active. Instead of fighting use
this energy for an enthusiastic workout or some satisfying athletic
LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon conjunct Uranus at 0:17am EDT on May 5. Uranus,
archetype of surprising if not shocking and unexpected actions, can
have a very disruptive effect with this Martian Moon. Keep your antennae
up and your consciousness clear for this one. It can be ripe for
accidents if you don't stay present. Be ready for excitement,
separation, or dodging bullets! This is a time of fast motion, quick
changes and flare-ups. Thing initiated during this time will tend to
result in CHALLENGING circumstances. Though this is the most common experience of Moon conjunct Uranus, what may also be available to us is to come to know Uranus in its most optimum expression: complete freedom, individuation and spiritual release. Then it can be Ecstasy! You choose.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Thelma and Louise, 1991; Director: Ridley Scott. Screenwriter: Callie Khouri. Though
this is the last climactic scene of the film, since you've all seen it
I'm sure, no spoiler alert needed. Everything about this scene is
reflected by Mars ruled Aries Moon. From the the screaming cops and
automatic weapons to the racing cars. The shocking flying convertible over, or into. the Grand Canyon would of course be reflected by that dramatic conjunction to Uranus in its ultimate liberation.
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
MOON IN PISCES: Moon enters Pisces at 10:33am EDT after being Void of Course in the morning. This is the creative Dreamtime. Carlos Castenada Magic time. Ruled by Neptune this Moon dissolves the line between reality and illusion. On the one hand be wary of deception and confusion - distinctions between things may be unclear. On the other watch your imagination soar. You can have your best creative ideas appear at this time. Music, Poetry - all forms of Art are more accessible now. It is said that much of Art, perhaps in its highest manifestation, reflects some aspect of the perfection or unity of the world. Totally Neptune. You might witness your identity dissolve into another character and discover the Actor in you. Perhaps the door to the Divine is open wider now and we experience a sense of wholeness, connectedness: All is One and One is All.
LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon Sextile Mercury at 1:08am May 3rd. This is a GOOD time for having, remembering and talking about Dreams! Mercury - the archetype of Communication, Mind Processes and Travel, not to mention the Trickster - will bring opportunities to the Neptunian world. You are likely to have some great ideas sourced by your unconscious at this time. It's a place where the logical rational mind is in sync with the imagination. Perhaps an image that seems to come out of nowhere will inspire you to take the trip of a lifetime or write a song, compose a poem, novel or film. (Save the actual trip or publishing till after Mercury - and possibly Mars go direct!)
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Inception, 2010; Director: Christopher Nolan. In this scene, DiCaprio's character Cobb explains the phenomena of Lucid Dreaming and Inception to Page's appropriately named character Ariadne. The unconscious mind as labyrinth is the theme here and, as in the Minotaur myth, Ariadne offers a thread for the characters to follow out of the dreamworld maze. The Trickster plays his part making the dreamscape precariously realistic. Mercury and Neptune reflect opposing worlds of the conscious and unconscious psyche. To honor both, bringing the unconscious to consciousness is to become individuated and whole.
LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon Sextile Mercury at 1:08am May 3rd. This is a GOOD time for having, remembering and talking about Dreams! Mercury - the archetype of Communication, Mind Processes and Travel, not to mention the Trickster - will bring opportunities to the Neptunian world. You are likely to have some great ideas sourced by your unconscious at this time. It's a place where the logical rational mind is in sync with the imagination. Perhaps an image that seems to come out of nowhere will inspire you to take the trip of a lifetime or write a song, compose a poem, novel or film. (Save the actual trip or publishing till after Mercury - and possibly Mars go direct!)
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Inception, 2010; Director: Christopher Nolan. In this scene, DiCaprio's character Cobb explains the phenomena of Lucid Dreaming and Inception to Page's appropriately named character Ariadne. The unconscious mind as labyrinth is the theme here and, as in the Minotaur myth, Ariadne offers a thread for the characters to follow out of the dreamworld maze. The Trickster plays his part making the dreamscape precariously realistic. Mercury and Neptune reflect opposing worlds of the conscious and unconscious psyche. To honor both, bringing the unconscious to consciousness is to become individuated and whole.
Monday, April 25, 2016
MOON IN AQUARIUS. Moon enters Aquarius at 4:47am EDT until 10:56pm on 4/30. Ruled
by Uranus, this Moon will reflect our need for FREEDOM and
Independence! The Uranus principle is one of separation - it breaks
things apart. Aquarius is a time of detachment, revolution, objectivity,
collectives gathering, publishing and distributing information, technology, excitement, sudden and perhaps upsetting changes. The Moon Sextiles Mars at 7:19pm EDT on the 29th so the hours building to this time are likely to become even more highly charged though also suggesting an impulse for action. Later at 11:29pm EDT Moon Squares Sun so the night may get even more tension ridden.
VENUS ENTERS TAURUS APRIL 29th: at 5:36pm EDT to May 24th at 5:45am. We will be drawn to the sensuous physical side of love for the next month. Venus is in her own sign in Taurus, so feels incredibly comfortable expressing her heart's desires. Creature comfort may be the keywords...and the money it will take to acquire it! You'll want all the physical Beauty around you you can find or make...especially works of Art. Taurus is a Fixed Earth sign, so try to get off the couch and get out and make your garden lush and gorgeous!
LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Mercury at 10:56pm EDT on April 30. Chances are it's going to be a CHALLENGING time to initiate actions for a positive result during this Aquarian Moon. Because both Uranus and Mercury carry themes of communication (Uranus is considered the higher reflection of Mercury) computers, phones and other technological devices are likely to complain, especially as Mercury is turning retrograde (Search Post for April 17). Be aware that what is being communicated may not be accurate so check and double check your info. If someone is being aloof or distracted, don't take it personally. Any form of transportation and travel is also likely to be affected. Scheduled events may be changed which can cause upsets. Just know that life during this period is probably not going to turn out as expected. Try to go with the flow as best you can. Revolution is in the air! Just make sure you know when and where to show up!
SCENE FOR THE DAY: A WALK ON THE MOON, 1999; Director: Tony Goldwyn. Woodstock - one of the quintessential events of the 60's cultural revolution. Richie Havens' Freedom song is the soundtrack for this scene as Diane Lane and Viggo Mortenson's characters get deeper into their affair. We survey all the classic liberation accoutrements of Woodstock in all its colorful enthusiasm and glory. Venus in Taurus is Diane's alias. Body art and sensuous dance rule! The square to Mercury reflects the several upsets that follow as a result of their affair. Here we see her daughter, played by Anna Paquin, catching their liberation through binoculars and well...freaking out...
VENUS ENTERS TAURUS APRIL 29th: at 5:36pm EDT to May 24th at 5:45am. We will be drawn to the sensuous physical side of love for the next month. Venus is in her own sign in Taurus, so feels incredibly comfortable expressing her heart's desires. Creature comfort may be the keywords...and the money it will take to acquire it! You'll want all the physical Beauty around you you can find or make...especially works of Art. Taurus is a Fixed Earth sign, so try to get off the couch and get out and make your garden lush and gorgeous!
LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Mercury at 10:56pm EDT on April 30. Chances are it's going to be a CHALLENGING time to initiate actions for a positive result during this Aquarian Moon. Because both Uranus and Mercury carry themes of communication (Uranus is considered the higher reflection of Mercury) computers, phones and other technological devices are likely to complain, especially as Mercury is turning retrograde (Search Post for April 17). Be aware that what is being communicated may not be accurate so check and double check your info. If someone is being aloof or distracted, don't take it personally. Any form of transportation and travel is also likely to be affected. Scheduled events may be changed which can cause upsets. Just know that life during this period is probably not going to turn out as expected. Try to go with the flow as best you can. Revolution is in the air! Just make sure you know when and where to show up!
SCENE FOR THE DAY: A WALK ON THE MOON, 1999; Director: Tony Goldwyn. Woodstock - one of the quintessential events of the 60's cultural revolution. Richie Havens' Freedom song is the soundtrack for this scene as Diane Lane and Viggo Mortenson's characters get deeper into their affair. We survey all the classic liberation accoutrements of Woodstock in all its colorful enthusiasm and glory. Venus in Taurus is Diane's alias. Body art and sensuous dance rule! The square to Mercury reflects the several upsets that follow as a result of their affair. Here we see her daughter, played by Anna Paquin, catching their liberation through binoculars and well...freaking out...
Friday, April 22, 2016
MOON GOES VOID OF COURSE at 11:51am EDT until 7:54pm EDT when it ENTERS CAPRICORN. This Void of Course day and evening (See April 7th Con't Post) is a time to reflect on what you'll want to manifest when the Moon enters Capricorn. Use your imagination but don't act yet! When it enters Capricorn the Moon will be 'in detriment', it's natural ruler being Cancer, the opposite sign. Saturn rules structure and form. Structure limits space. So, on the one hand, the Capricorn Moon can feel constricted. Self-expression, especially feelings, can be limited. We might even feel depressed or in denial at this time. On the other hand, Capricorn, a Cardinal Earth sign, wants to bring things to form - to Manifest. It feels more comfortable being active, practical and traditional, all within a known structure and clear rules. Saturn also reflects our sense of Reality - and that often feels like a harsh reality. So instead of feeling stuck, use this ambitious drive for success to produce results. Saturn rules bones and teeth so it's a good time to get a reality check and address any issues in these areas now! Also remember that we're in the three day period before Mercury Stations and turns Retrograde at 1:20pm EDT on Thursday the 28th. This is often considered the most vulnerable time for Mercury's arenas of Communication, Mind Processes and Travel. Check and double check all communications and travel arrangements. Contracts and agreements often don't work out. See Post for April 17th. If at all possible wait to make important agreements and purchases until after the three days following Mercury Stations Direct on May 22 at 9:20am EDT. The first clear day would be May 26th.
LAST ASPECT TO THE MOON: Moon square Venus at 3:07am EDT on 4/29. Any aspect to Venus - be it harmonious or hard - is a relatively gentle experience. The 90 degree square may have Venus and the Moon, our two reflectors of the Feminine, indicating friction between women. Venus in Aries might show her feisty demanding side. Or one may simply not feel as attractive as one would like. Whatever you initiate during this time is likely to have a MILDLY CHALLENGED result... feelings might get hurt. Venus also rules money, so you may not be compensated for your endeavor as much as you might have expected.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: CASABLANCA, 1942; Director: Michael Curtiz. Like traditional Saturn, the black and white celluloid reflects the clear good guy/bad guy polarity that inhabit this political thriller/love story. Capricorn Bogart takes charge in his very dependable and practical way. Not one to give into the fantasy of romantic love, he knows what's best for Ilsa (Ingrid Bergman) and France. In this case, that means Venus loses. But, yes, they'll always have Paris...and the Close Ups are CLASSIC!
LAST ASPECT TO THE MOON: Moon square Venus at 3:07am EDT on 4/29. Any aspect to Venus - be it harmonious or hard - is a relatively gentle experience. The 90 degree square may have Venus and the Moon, our two reflectors of the Feminine, indicating friction between women. Venus in Aries might show her feisty demanding side. Or one may simply not feel as attractive as one would like. Whatever you initiate during this time is likely to have a MILDLY CHALLENGED result... feelings might get hurt. Venus also rules money, so you may not be compensated for your endeavor as much as you might have expected.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: CASABLANCA, 1942; Director: Michael Curtiz. Like traditional Saturn, the black and white celluloid reflects the clear good guy/bad guy polarity that inhabit this political thriller/love story. Capricorn Bogart takes charge in his very dependable and practical way. Not one to give into the fantasy of romantic love, he knows what's best for Ilsa (Ingrid Bergman) and France. In this case, that means Venus loses. But, yes, they'll always have Paris...and the Close Ups are CLASSIC!
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
MOON IN SAGITTARIUS from Sunday 4/24 at 8:46am EDT until Tuesday 4/26 at 11:51am. The
great adventurer Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, can be described as the
principle of expansion in every way: the journey to the other side of
the world; the far-reaching journeys in the mind of the philosopher; the
published author who distributes her work globally; the Truth Seeker. This is Zeus' myth of leadership, independence, abundance, optimism and wisdom - known
in astrology as 'The Great Beneficent'. He bestows his generous
blessings on whatever he touches. This Mutable Fire sign may steam up the naturally watery Moon so make sure to pay attention to the feelings of those around you while you're engaged with the bigger picture! The only downsides to Jupiter/Sag are excess and arrogance.
LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon trine Venus at 11:51am EDT on Tuesday 4/26. It doesn't get much sweeter than this! This is a GREAT time! Especially for the women in your life. Moon and Venus, the two light bodies that reflect The Feminine, are in total sync as this final harmonious aspect colors our time in Sagittarius. While Jupiter is out on his quest he finds his feminine receptive and inclusive side. This could be a bit of a lazy adventure, given that Venus loves to lounge and be served, or a survey of the most magnificent Beauty imaginable. Given that Venus is in Aries, the two fire signs are more likely to be passionate, inspiring and very active! Love, Beauty, Art and Adventure are all in the air and whatever you choose to initiate at this time Venus, as 'The Lesser Beneficent', will bless your endeavor. Be Aware: Since Mercury is about to turn Retrograde (on the 28th - but remember the 3 days before and after period of adjustment) the 24th is the last best day to initiate actions, make major purchases etc. before the 3-4 week period most benefited by inner focus. We should note that Mars is already retrograde which will also tend to reflect a slowing down, going inward and reconsideration of actions. See Post for April 17th about these Retrogrades!
SCENE FOR THE DAY: OUT OF AFRICA; 1985; Director: Sydney Pollak. So here we have the ultimate Sagittarian love scene: Independent and ever the adventurer Redford with Venus Streep flying high over Africa's exquisite expansive landscape, falling in love. Just because Retrograde Mars may indicate how this story might end, it will not ruin this scene...ever!
LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon trine Venus at 11:51am EDT on Tuesday 4/26. It doesn't get much sweeter than this! This is a GREAT time! Especially for the women in your life. Moon and Venus, the two light bodies that reflect The Feminine, are in total sync as this final harmonious aspect colors our time in Sagittarius. While Jupiter is out on his quest he finds his feminine receptive and inclusive side. This could be a bit of a lazy adventure, given that Venus loves to lounge and be served, or a survey of the most magnificent Beauty imaginable. Given that Venus is in Aries, the two fire signs are more likely to be passionate, inspiring and very active! Love, Beauty, Art and Adventure are all in the air and whatever you choose to initiate at this time Venus, as 'The Lesser Beneficent', will bless your endeavor. Be Aware: Since Mercury is about to turn Retrograde (on the 28th - but remember the 3 days before and after period of adjustment) the 24th is the last best day to initiate actions, make major purchases etc. before the 3-4 week period most benefited by inner focus. We should note that Mars is already retrograde which will also tend to reflect a slowing down, going inward and reconsideration of actions. See Post for April 17th about these Retrogrades!
SCENE FOR THE DAY: OUT OF AFRICA; 1985; Director: Sydney Pollak. So here we have the ultimate Sagittarian love scene: Independent and ever the adventurer Redford with Venus Streep flying high over Africa's exquisite expansive landscape, falling in love. Just because Retrograde Mars may indicate how this story might end, it will not ruin this scene...ever!
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
FULL MOON IN SCORPIO. VOID OF COURSE DAY on 21st until Moon enters Scorpio at 8:17pm EDT on 4/21 until 4/23 at 5:46pm EDT. This Void of Course day and evening - a GOOD time to go inward and do creative imagining but CHALLENGING to initiate something important (see post April 7 Con't.) - will give you time to reflect on what circumstances or feelings might be brewing for a climax very early tomorrow morning at the Full Moon. Ruled by Pluto, the Moon in the Fixed Water sign Scorpio is most often an emotionally intense time. It calls up stored patterns from our deep unconscious psyche to be transformed. One's fundamental sense of personal power and/or sexuality is likely to be at stake here. Scorpio Moons operate from Pluto's principle of accessing resources/power (usually the Other's) to use life-giving creative energy to accomplish a slow deep transformation and regeneration. It takes a journey to the underworld, Pluto's or Hades' domain, for this change to occur. This is a critical psychological time in our individuation process to wholeness, so time must be taken to consider one's options wisely. This Scorpio Moon is likely to be a heightened experience as it builds to a FULL MOON on Friday 4/22 at 1:24am EDT at 2 Scorpio (see 3/23 post). This is a slow crescendo in a multi-dimensional emotional symphony which can lead to a volcanic eruption if communications are left undelivered for too long. The Full Moon reflects a culmination of some circumstance in life. The more prepared you are, the more work you've done on yourself, the more you will benefit from this potentially regenerative transit.
LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon opposite Mercury at 5:46pm EDT on Saturday 4/23. With Mercury we are dealing with issues in the arena of the mind, communication and travel. Scorpio's well-kept secrets may be revealed at this time. You may be told of an inheritance issue about which you have been unaware. You may discover resources which you had been depending on are not available to you. Choose your words carefully and gently now as the hard aspect to Mercury might get you in trouble. Check your car before you travel. For actions initiated during this time the 180 degree opposition is likely to signify a potentially productive reconciliation through CHALLENGING circumstances. As the I Ching wisely counsels: Perseverance furthers!
SCENE FOR THE DAY: GIANT, 1956. Director: George Stevens. A volcano of wealth and revenge erupts in this scene as James Dean's complex character Jett Rink discovers oil on property he has inherited from his employer's family. These are all Pluto qualities. It is an early culmination point - not to mention a huge transformation - in this character's dramatic arc after being set up as a lowly farmhand. This is probably the most memorable scene from Giant, one of only three films Dean made - all classics (including Rebel Without a Cause and East of Eden). His vulnerable yet cocky, innocent yet wise persona remains legendary. Elizabeth Taylor in her Aphrodite prime along with Rock Hudson and Chill Wills offer a rich ensemble of characters to draw you into this epic film. An adaptation of Edna Ferber's muckraking novel about Texas racist white male supremacy as seen through Taylor's outsider feminine perspective, gives a truly Scorpionic flavor to this collective lust for power.
LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon opposite Mercury at 5:46pm EDT on Saturday 4/23. With Mercury we are dealing with issues in the arena of the mind, communication and travel. Scorpio's well-kept secrets may be revealed at this time. You may be told of an inheritance issue about which you have been unaware. You may discover resources which you had been depending on are not available to you. Choose your words carefully and gently now as the hard aspect to Mercury might get you in trouble. Check your car before you travel. For actions initiated during this time the 180 degree opposition is likely to signify a potentially productive reconciliation through CHALLENGING circumstances. As the I Ching wisely counsels: Perseverance furthers!
SCENE FOR THE DAY: GIANT, 1956. Director: George Stevens. A volcano of wealth and revenge erupts in this scene as James Dean's complex character Jett Rink discovers oil on property he has inherited from his employer's family. These are all Pluto qualities. It is an early culmination point - not to mention a huge transformation - in this character's dramatic arc after being set up as a lowly farmhand. This is probably the most memorable scene from Giant, one of only three films Dean made - all classics (including Rebel Without a Cause and East of Eden). His vulnerable yet cocky, innocent yet wise persona remains legendary. Elizabeth Taylor in her Aphrodite prime along with Rock Hudson and Chill Wills offer a rich ensemble of characters to draw you into this epic film. An adaptation of Edna Ferber's muckraking novel about Texas racist white male supremacy as seen through Taylor's outsider feminine perspective, gives a truly Scorpionic flavor to this collective lust for power.
Sunday, April 17, 2016
MOON IN LIBRA. Enters at 7:24am EDT on 4/19 until 2:13am EDT on 4/21. Ruled by Venus, reflecting the Law of Attraction, the Libra Moon is very much concerned with relationship, partnership, love, Beauty and Art. Libra is a Cardinal Air sign which indicates a rather mental and objective orientation to relationship. It also tends to be an active initiator (Cardinal) - as compared to the other Venus ruled sign, Taurus which, because it is a Fixed Earth sign is much more focused on the personal sensuous physical body and providing security for it. The glyph for Libra is the scales which bring to mind the balance, grace and equality that it seeks. We remember though that Libra will fight vigorously for what it loves, as it is the polar opposite of Aries. Each sign is designed to negotiate with its opposite to create the optimum 'marriage' that reflects their wholeness.
LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon opposite Uranus in Aries at 2:13am EDT on 4/21. Here we have the polarity of Libra/Aries engaged. While Libra carries in itself that active cardinal force, when triggered by a CHALLENGING opposition to martial Aries Uranus we are likely to encounter some resistance from the Other during this time. Things set in motion now may tend to have an upsetting or at least surprising result. Relationships may be shaken up or have a wake-up call. On the other hand, an innovative art form (Venus) initiated at this time could revolutionize its genre. Or perhaps something on the internet or a digital image (Uranus) might be disturbing but enlightening (Uranian). Choose wisely how to engage with this aspect.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: GHANDI, 1982; Director: Richard Attenborough. The quintessential non-violent resistance story. Revolution is demonstrated to be possible with alternative means to the Aries default of physical warfare and weaponry. Aries strength of will is activated by India's leadership instead of its strength of might. This is an innovative and creative (Uranus) use of the Warrior Archetype. Ghandi exuded a great Love for his country even when ashamed at its weakness. Ben Kingsley owns this character with an unrelenting courage and integrity (Aries) and we are awed by both actor and real life revolutionary leader.
SUN ENTERS TAURUS at 11:30 EDT on 4/19 until 5/20 at 7:37am EDT. We move from the beginning spark of spring to its slow-building development in Taurus. A whole month of growth in Nature, the goal of which is to provide sustenance and Venusian Beauty for us all. The Fixed Earth quality of Taurus reflects this part of the season. Its stubborn nature might suggest to us that some tenacious element is necessary in order to produce the desired results. Of course, we are reminded that moderation usually works best in this arena lest we get stuck in our ways and offend those we really mean to care for. A little flexibility is a good lesson for Taurus to incorporate into his stockpile. Get out of your easy chair and go work in the garden. Or push the envelop of your comfort zone now and develop a new creative venture. One's own resources, values and ability to make money is highlighted at this time so take advantage of the celestial support for desired earthbound delights.
LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon opposite Uranus in Aries at 2:13am EDT on 4/21. Here we have the polarity of Libra/Aries engaged. While Libra carries in itself that active cardinal force, when triggered by a CHALLENGING opposition to martial Aries Uranus we are likely to encounter some resistance from the Other during this time. Things set in motion now may tend to have an upsetting or at least surprising result. Relationships may be shaken up or have a wake-up call. On the other hand, an innovative art form (Venus) initiated at this time could revolutionize its genre. Or perhaps something on the internet or a digital image (Uranus) might be disturbing but enlightening (Uranian). Choose wisely how to engage with this aspect.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: GHANDI, 1982; Director: Richard Attenborough. The quintessential non-violent resistance story. Revolution is demonstrated to be possible with alternative means to the Aries default of physical warfare and weaponry. Aries strength of will is activated by India's leadership instead of its strength of might. This is an innovative and creative (Uranus) use of the Warrior Archetype. Ghandi exuded a great Love for his country even when ashamed at its weakness. Ben Kingsley owns this character with an unrelenting courage and integrity (Aries) and we are awed by both actor and real life revolutionary leader.
SUN ENTERS TAURUS at 11:30 EDT on 4/19 until 5/20 at 7:37am EDT. We move from the beginning spark of spring to its slow-building development in Taurus. A whole month of growth in Nature, the goal of which is to provide sustenance and Venusian Beauty for us all. The Fixed Earth quality of Taurus reflects this part of the season. Its stubborn nature might suggest to us that some tenacious element is necessary in order to produce the desired results. Of course, we are reminded that moderation usually works best in this arena lest we get stuck in our ways and offend those we really mean to care for. A little flexibility is a good lesson for Taurus to incorporate into his stockpile. Get out of your easy chair and go work in the garden. Or push the envelop of your comfort zone now and develop a new creative venture. One's own resources, values and ability to make money is highlighted at this time so take advantage of the celestial support for desired earthbound delights.
Saturday, April 16, 2016
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A Perspective of Earth from Mars |
Mars carries the myth of the Warrior. When it's activated it reflects a range of behavior - from initiating action, impulse, life force, asserting one's will and sexuality - to willfulness, anger, conflict, war. Mars in Sagittarius, a Mutable Fire sign, is a high energy! The idealistic philosophical warrior is off on a distant conquest with great optimistic spirit, vigor and a spot of self-righteous arrogance. Turned retrograde, this warrior may put his/her sword down for a brief zen moment - which feels, in this case, like over two months - and delay his/her action and find him/herself contemplating his/her motivations and purpose in life. With Mars retrograding back into Scorpio from late May to early August, the willfulness and sexuality would be heightened. Very tricky for a retrograde...Tantric Yoga perhaps?
You can see all this might not be such a bad thing. Retrogrades are opportunities to put our usual behaviors on pause and either get to do-over what you blew originally or go inward and meditate on how creative you can be with the particular planetary energy in play. You just have to adjust your expectations and be willing to slow down and let go of the willful world as we know it. You may just discover some very valuable truths about yourself, that when Mars goes direct and passes the 8 degree original turning point after August 22, you can act on. (Clips to come soon!)
I also want to add here in advance that on April 28th Mercury will also Station Retrograde at 1:20pm EDT until May 22nd at 9:20am EDT. A double whammy! It's almost always about a three to four week period. Rule of thumb is that it goes into effect three days before and lasts three days after the turning points. I'll write more later, but my suggestion would be to take advantage of the few GREAT times coming (basically the Virgo Moon now and the Sag Moon on the 24th!) to put in motion any action that fits the Virgo quality previously discussed. You won't want to initiate anything important during a retrograde Mercury unless for some reason you don't want it to work out as planned. Another traditional rule of thumb is not to sign contracts/agreements, make major purchases or take significant journeys. If you do, know that schedules tend to go awry and mechanical breakdowns are subject to occur. In general, Mercury's domain of communication and travel are affected. Notice your computer, phones and vehicles during this time. Most importantly, check and double check important communications. Make sure all participants are on the same page! Use the time to reap amazing benefits by going inward: watch your dreams, follow your intuition and imagination, get creative ideas down - ready to activate at the end of May. Let the frustration of mis-connections go. When you know what's happening it keeps things in perspective.
Friday, April 15, 2016
IN VIRGO. Enters at 7:23pm on 4/16 until 8:29am on 4/18. (Moon is Void
of Course from 1:48pm to 7:23pm having been in Leo until 1:48pm...see
previous post!) Moon in Virgo, ruled by Mercury is becoming one of my favorite times. As you'll see in the film clip, you can get so much work accomplished now!
Virgo's archetype is a complex one, most often associated with the
feminine Maiden - pure, innocent and vestal virgin, keeper of the sacred hearth fire- as in the Virgin Queen Elizabeth I
(herself a Virgo). There is the true humility of service available to Virgo that most other signs don't access. Yet Virgo also reflects the mother/daughter theme which carries a
deeper feminine wisdom expanding into generations of women as in the Demeter/Persephone myth. Here in this Mutable Earth sign we see a maturation process over time to the sensuous life-giving feminine. She is a part of embodied Mother Nature whose orderly rhythm is in her being. Virgo's drive
towards order, cleanliness and health products that help keep our
bodies and environments as close to perfection as possible is one
of her most evident traits. Yet in this striving for perfection, she
can be overly critical and judgmental when she's not as conscious as she
would prefer. Mercury's influence shows up in Virgo's attention to
precise language. This is the ultimate writer, speaker, teacher. Her focus is on the details and she can get lost there if she doesn't pick her head up occasionally from the written page to be reminded of the Piscean (Virgo's opposite) bigger picture (see Post 3/23: Hidden Opportunitiy in Oppositions).
LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon Trine Mercury at 8:29am EDT. It doesn't get any better than this for support from mental Mercury! Writers are on alert to use this time to let the ink flow! Brain synapses should be firing on all cylinders now. This is an EXCELLENT time to use your mind in any capacity - be the Messenger of the gods! With wings on his feet, Mercury can set you on productive travels while the Moon is in Virgo this month. Artists with a flair for crafts can use this time to begin new projects. Mostly...'tis the season - it's the best time for SPRING CLEANING!! Notice the difference in quality between yesterday's playful firey Leo and today's reserved earthy Virgo.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: LIMITLESS...AGAIN! I do love this film and this scene is one of the reasons. It's a Virgo's dream to have the energy and attention Bradley Cooper's character Eddie Morra has when he pops this brain enhancing pill. It's certainly mine! And I kid you not, I look forward now every month and take advantage of this time to do exactly what you witness here..and other Mercurial activities. Not only does he transform his apartment, but sits down at his typewriter and unblocks his stuck brain so that words and thoughts feel like they're falling from heaven onto his page...which he is typing a mile a minute. When the last aspect to a Virgo Moon is trine its ruler, Mercury...look what you can do!
LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon Trine Mercury at 8:29am EDT. It doesn't get any better than this for support from mental Mercury! Writers are on alert to use this time to let the ink flow! Brain synapses should be firing on all cylinders now. This is an EXCELLENT time to use your mind in any capacity - be the Messenger of the gods! With wings on his feet, Mercury can set you on productive travels while the Moon is in Virgo this month. Artists with a flair for crafts can use this time to begin new projects. Mostly...'tis the season - it's the best time for SPRING CLEANING!! Notice the difference in quality between yesterday's playful firey Leo and today's reserved earthy Virgo.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: LIMITLESS...AGAIN! I do love this film and this scene is one of the reasons. It's a Virgo's dream to have the energy and attention Bradley Cooper's character Eddie Morra has when he pops this brain enhancing pill. It's certainly mine! And I kid you not, I look forward now every month and take advantage of this time to do exactly what you witness here..and other Mercurial activities. Not only does he transform his apartment, but sits down at his typewriter and unblocks his stuck brain so that words and thoughts feel like they're falling from heaven onto his page...which he is typing a mile a minute. When the last aspect to a Virgo Moon is trine its ruler, Mercury...look what you can do!
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
MOON IN LEO from 9:53am 4/14 until 4/16 at 1:48pm EDT. Ruled by the Sun, the Lion is a fixed fire sign which rules the heart and back. Leo is not only royalty in his own court but would very much like to be known as the center of the universe at large! He is the child of the zodiac in this sense and when he doesn't feel appreciated can be petulant and demanding of his required attention. We are all aware of his style and sense of drama. You can bet when a Leo is being obnoxious or hiding out in the background resisting his power, all it will take is a grand compliment to bring him back to his shining self. Then you will know his true inner light as he bestows his big-hearted generosity and love to all he encounters. You'll notice I'm using a lot of 'he's and him's'... Leo is decidedly the male lion and women often find it somewhat of a challenge to carry this soul.
LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon trine Uranus at 1:48pm EDT. Yet every month, like now, the feminine Moon is asked to carry this bravado not to mention that many of we Leos are in female bodies all our long years! And here we see the feminine royalty of the Queen. With the last aspect trining Uranus, this Queen is going to shake things a big way. She's going to do it in her own unique and often dramatic way which may be a Uranian shock to many. Whatever you initiate at this time, it is likely to result in a GREAT success. There can be an inventiveness and exciting creativity now, though with any Uranus contact there may be an upset or two involved. If your creative project includes the electronic digital world which Uranus rules, it will be all the better for it!
SCENE FOR THE DAY: ELIZABETH: THE GOLDEN AGE, 2007; Directo: Shekhar Kapur. And shake things up, this ultimate Drama Queen does! In this 'sequel' to Elizabeth, when faced with the tradition of marriage for the sake of the country, Queen Elizabeth I, defies history to be her own Uranian indie woman. She chooses to commit herself only to England. She will be the Virgin Queen. As opposed to our previous Cancerian Moon which felt so attached to her family, the firey Leo Moon colored by Uranus will feel decidedly more detached. She makes some bold moves in battle as well as in court and, as the end credits confirm, her radical choices result in The Golden Age of England.
LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon trine Uranus at 1:48pm EDT. Yet every month, like now, the feminine Moon is asked to carry this bravado not to mention that many of we Leos are in female bodies all our long years! And here we see the feminine royalty of the Queen. With the last aspect trining Uranus, this Queen is going to shake things a big way. She's going to do it in her own unique and often dramatic way which may be a Uranian shock to many. Whatever you initiate at this time, it is likely to result in a GREAT success. There can be an inventiveness and exciting creativity now, though with any Uranus contact there may be an upset or two involved. If your creative project includes the electronic digital world which Uranus rules, it will be all the better for it!
SCENE FOR THE DAY: ELIZABETH: THE GOLDEN AGE, 2007; Directo: Shekhar Kapur. And shake things up, this ultimate Drama Queen does! In this 'sequel' to Elizabeth, when faced with the tradition of marriage for the sake of the country, Queen Elizabeth I, defies history to be her own Uranian indie woman. She chooses to commit herself only to England. She will be the Virgin Queen. As opposed to our previous Cancerian Moon which felt so attached to her family, the firey Leo Moon colored by Uranus will feel decidedly more detached. She makes some bold moves in battle as well as in court and, as the end credits confirm, her radical choices result in The Golden Age of England.
Monday, April 11, 2016
MOON IN CANCER: From 4:07am on 4/12 until 4/13 at 11:59pm. The Moon is in the sign of its ruler in Cancer. A Cardinal Water sign, the Moon feels at home in the fluid, emotional and moody Crab. Home, Family and the attachment that accompanies them are the center of attention for the Cancer Moon, for good or otherwise. As we witness the Moon go through its phases, so does its time spent in its own sign feel changeable, high and low like the tides. Be willing to go with the flow.
LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon Square Sun at 11:59pm on 4/13. The square aspect is a 90 degree hard angle which is CHALLENGING, especially for the heightened feeling nature of Cancer. Our feelings are likely to be delicate today and vulnerable to anything resembling a harsh tone. External circumstances may offer a difficult relationship moment, especially between male (Sun) and Female (Moon). Or something literally to do with one's home may cause concern. Although actions initiated during this time will likely have resolutions that don't work out the way you'd have imagined or intended, you might just experience a time of darkness before the dawn. You may want to play it safer and delay setting something in motion until...say Thursday after 9:53am on the upcoming couldn't-be-more-promising Leo Moon!
SCENE FOR THE DAY: THE SECRET OF ROAN INISH, 1994; Dir: John Sayles. The theme of wounded family life on the water immediately brings this film to mind. One's emotions cannot help but be stirred by the sweet sad face of young Fiona as she listens to the story about her ancestors from the abandoned Irish island of Roan Inish. Her own baby brother was lost at sea and the family continues to mourn his disappearance. This is also a tale of the ancestral Selkie wife/ mother/seal whose skin is stolen and who cannot return to the sea until it is found. Though this scene is most decidedly reflective of Moon square Sun, the movie is far from depressing. It is, on the contrary, simply poignant, beyond beautiful and ultimately pays off in spades. The most unique quality this film offers is that its myth-based story feels somehow more real than many reality-based narratives. This film is an example of the darkness before the dawn. It's a real gem.
LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon Square Sun at 11:59pm on 4/13. The square aspect is a 90 degree hard angle which is CHALLENGING, especially for the heightened feeling nature of Cancer. Our feelings are likely to be delicate today and vulnerable to anything resembling a harsh tone. External circumstances may offer a difficult relationship moment, especially between male (Sun) and Female (Moon). Or something literally to do with one's home may cause concern. Although actions initiated during this time will likely have resolutions that don't work out the way you'd have imagined or intended, you might just experience a time of darkness before the dawn. You may want to play it safer and delay setting something in motion until...say Thursday after 9:53am on the upcoming couldn't-be-more-promising Leo Moon!
SCENE FOR THE DAY: THE SECRET OF ROAN INISH, 1994; Dir: John Sayles. The theme of wounded family life on the water immediately brings this film to mind. One's emotions cannot help but be stirred by the sweet sad face of young Fiona as she listens to the story about her ancestors from the abandoned Irish island of Roan Inish. Her own baby brother was lost at sea and the family continues to mourn his disappearance. This is also a tale of the ancestral Selkie wife/ mother/seal whose skin is stolen and who cannot return to the sea until it is found. Though this scene is most decidedly reflective of Moon square Sun, the movie is far from depressing. It is, on the contrary, simply poignant, beyond beautiful and ultimately pays off in spades. The most unique quality this film offers is that its myth-based story feels somehow more real than many reality-based narratives. This film is an example of the darkness before the dawn. It's a real gem.
Saturday, April 9, 2016
MOON IN GEMINI until 2:57pm. At 2:57pm MOON GOES VOID OF COURSE. Before 2:57pm refer to yesterday's post. After 2:57pm refer to April 5 and/or 7 posts on Void of Course Moon. Moon enters Cancer on Tuesday, April 12 at 4:07am EDT.
MOON ENTERS GEMINI at 1:59am until 4/11 at 2:57pm. Though we mostly think of Communication and Travel for Mercury, ruler of Gemini, The Trickster Archetype is also one of Mercury's masks. Fool's Day may have passed but this would be the day to be on your toes for spontaneity and clever fun. Prepare to have a lot of conversations...Gemini loves to share what's on his mind, and that may be more than some can take, especially when talk turns to gossip. As Messenger to the Gods, Mercury has wings on his feet and loves to be in constant motion. Taken too far can this can lead to being scattered and having little substance. Use Gemini's intelligent mind wisely: gather your facts, make your calls and write your story.
LAST ASPECT TO MOON: Moon Sextile Sun at 2:57pm. This is a GREAT GREAT DAY to begin a journey, a piece of writing or get in touch with someone you've been meaning to contact. It should prove to be a fun, light, playful day full of opportunity and successful results when you engage in any of the above Geminian activities. The Moon is in harmony with the Sun and affords wonderful possibilities for self- expression.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: THE STING, 1973; Director: George Roy Hill. This is probably the most classic con-film the trickster has ever conjured. If you haven't seen it, be advised of a Spoiler Alert in this clip. This is the sting scene. Redford and Newman at their cleverest! The set up is brilliant and complete satisfaction is guaranteed.
LAST ASPECT TO MOON: Moon Sextile Sun at 2:57pm. This is a GREAT GREAT DAY to begin a journey, a piece of writing or get in touch with someone you've been meaning to contact. It should prove to be a fun, light, playful day full of opportunity and successful results when you engage in any of the above Geminian activities. The Moon is in harmony with the Sun and affords wonderful possibilities for self- expression.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: THE STING, 1973; Director: George Roy Hill. This is probably the most classic con-film the trickster has ever conjured. If you haven't seen it, be advised of a Spoiler Alert in this clip. This is the sting scene. Redford and Newman at their cleverest! The set up is brilliant and complete satisfaction is guaranteed.
Moon enters Gemini at 1:59am on April 10.
Enter the Dreamtime and imagine the Trickster (Mercury) Archetype acommin'!
Mercury rules Gemini, so Sunday the 10th is a GREAT DAY to begin a journey, a piece of writing or make that call you've been putting off. Be Back Soon with More! Happy Trails~
Moon enters Gemini at 1:59am on April 10.
Enter the Dreamtime and imagine the Trickster (Mercury) Archetype acommin'!
Mercury rules Gemini, so Sunday the 10th is a GREAT DAY to begin a journey, a piece of writing or make that call you've been putting off. Be Back Soon with More! Happy Trails~
Thursday, April 7, 2016
MOON ENTERS TAURUS at 2:10am until 4/9 at 5:49am. Ruled
by Venus, the Taurus Moon strives to provide
security for themselves and those they love - so money becomes an important
value. It also asks us to get clear on what we want, what our own values are as distinct from others who might influence us
or who we want to please. Taurus is a fixed earth sign so the bull-headed
symbol appropriately reflects its incredibly stubborn nature.Taurus is the Master Builder, literally and
metaphorically. Taurus loves the beautiful cushy comforts of the physical life and will have them. He doesn’t ever have to
leave home to be happy, in fact it may be hard to take him on holiday. Most of
all, Taurus is in his body. He places a high value on its sensuous
beauty and sensorial satisfaction.
LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon Trine Pluto. Wow. Taurus Moon trine Scorpio’s ruler Pluto! This is
a GREAT time for the sensual/sexual pleasures of life. If this option isn’t
available, it’s a GREAT time to invest or make a major purchase, especially
property or some expensive creature comfort. (Note: Take advantage of this time now because at the end of the month Mercury goes Retrograde and you won't want to make major purchases for the following 3-4 weeks...more about this later.) Some of you with the appropriate
natal chart may even reflect this time by receiving a legacy. Another GREAT harmonious resolution would be the willingness to share resources.
also a great time to delve deep into the emotional life with great rewards. If
someone close to you is acting resistant, plant the seed and let them think it
was their idea. Then they’ll get off the couch and play!
SCENE FOR THE DAY: THE NOTEBOOK, 2004; Director: Nick Cassavetes. I could be totally embarrassed about this
choice, but I couldn’t help noticing all the Taurean qualities in this scene.
And I’m a huge unabashed Ryan Gosling fan. (Have you seen The Believer?) In
this clip, they’re
standing on the steps of the house he built for her and the opening lines are: “It’s about Security… MONEY!” He continues the argument
by demanding (the Bully) that she get clear on what she wants/ values – and not
do what other people want. They, of course, do have a positive resolution to their dilemma. These two actors have tangibly explosive chemistry both
in their on screen fights and love scenes …not to mention in
their past personal life. How could I resist? For a little gravitas
justification, I could mention that director Cassavetes’ father, John, was one
of the original and legendary indie filmmakers. And his mother, Gena Rowlands,
who plays the elder Rachel McAdams character with Alzheimer’s, is a legendary actress.
Check out the very substantial Cassavetes' A Woman Under the Influence and Rosemary's Baby.
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
THIS IS AN EXCERPT FROM The Logic of Images: Essays and Conversations by Wim Wenders (refer to previous post):
The following, written in 1986, is from the first treatment for Wings of Desire.
And we, spectators always, everywhere,
looking at, never out of, everything!
—Rilke, “The Eighth Elegy”
At first it’s not possible to describe anything beyond a wish or a desire.
That’s how it begins, making a film, writing a book, painting a picture, composing a tune, generally creating something.
You have a wish.
You wish that something might exist, and then you work on it until it does. You want to give something to the world, something truer, more beautiful, more painstaking, more serviceable, or simply something other than what already exists. And right at the start, simultaneous with the wish, you imagine what that “something other” might be like, or at least you see something flash by. And then you set off in the direction of the flash, and you hope you don’t lose your orientation, or forget or betray the wish you had at the beginning.
And in the end, you have a picture or pictures of something, you have music, or something that operates in some new way, or a story, or this quite extraordinary combination of all these things: a film. Only with a film—as opposed to paintings, novels, music, or inventions—you have to present an account of your desire; more, you even have to describe in advance the path you want to go with your film. No wonder, then, that so many films lose their first flash, their comet.
The thing I wished for and saw flashing was a film in and about Berlin.
A film that might convey something of the history of the city since 1945. A film that might succeed in capturing what I miss in so many films that are set here, something that seems to be so palpably there when you arrive in Berlin: a feeling in the air and under your feet and in people’s faces that makes life in this city so different from life in other cities.
To explain and clarify my wish, I should add: it’s the desire of someone who’s been away from Germany for a long time, and who could only ever experience “Germanness” in this one city. I should say I’m no Berliner. Who is nowadays? But for over twenty years now, visits to this city have given me my only genuine experiences of Germany, because the (hi)story that elsewhere in the country is suppressed or denied is physically and emotionally present here.
Of course I didn’t want just to make a film about the place, Berlin. What I wanted to make was a film about people—people here in Berlin—that considered the one perennial question: how to live?
And so I have “BERLIN” representing
I know of no place with a stronger claim.
Berlin is “a historical site of truth.”
No other city is such a meaningful image,
so exemplary of our century.
Berlin is divided like our world,
like our time,
like men and women,
young and old,
rich and poor,
like all our experience.
A lot of people say Berlin is “crummy.”
I say: there is more reality in Berlin
than any other city.
It’s more a SITE than a CITY.
“To live in the city of undivided truth,
to walk around with the
invisible ghosts of the future and
the past . . .”
That’s my desire, on the way to
becoming a film.
My story isn’t about Berlin
because it’s set there
but because it couldn’t be set
anywhere else.
The name of the film will be:
because the sky is maybe the only thing
that unites these two cities,
apart from their past
of course. Will there be a common
“Heaven only knows.”
And language, much invoked,
would seem to be shared also,
but in fact its plight
is the same as the city’s:
one language comprises two
with a common past
but not necessarily a shared future.
And what of the present?
That’s the subject of the film:
In, with, for, about Berlin . . .
What should such a film
“discuss,” “examine,” “depict,”
or “touch on”?
And to what end?
As if every last particle
of Berlin hadn’t been
tapped, taped, typed.
Not least because it’s now
750 years old
and has been promoted to
which, while not unreasonable,
doesn’t do anything to clarify
the condition “Berlin,”
rather the opposite.
The sky above it is the only
clear thing you can understand.
The clouds
drift across it, it rains and snows
and thunder-
and-lightnings, the moon sails through it
and sinks, the sun shines on the divided city,
today, as it did on the ruins in 1945
and the “Front City” of the fifties,
as it did before there was any city here,
and as it will when there is no longer
any city.
Now what I want is starting to emerge:
namely to tell a story in Berlin.
(With the right stress—not for once
a STORY but:
A story.)
That requires objectivity, distance,
or, better yet, a vantage point. Because
I don’t want
to tell a STORY OF UNITY but
something harder:
one story about DIVISION.
Oh, Berlin isn’t easy.
You’re delighted to find moral
support on the back of the catalog
for the exhibition Legendary Berlin,
in this sentence from Heiner Müller:
“Berlin is the ultimate. Everything else
is prehistory.
If history occurs, it will begin
in Berlin.”
Does that help?
In the film, of course, it’s not HISTORY
but A story, though of course
a STORY may contain HISTORY,
images and traces of past history,
and intimations of what is to come. Anyway:
You need the patience of an ANGEL
to sort all that out.
STOP! It’s right here at this point
that the film,
into my mind, begins:
with ANGELS.
Yes, angels. A film with angels.
I know it’s hard to grasp,
I myself can hardly grasp it yet:
The genesis of the idea of having angels in my Berlin story is very hard to account for in retrospect. It was suggested by many sources at once. First and foremost, Rilke’s Duino Elegies. Paul Klee’s paintings too. Walter Benjamin’s Angel of History. There was a song by the Cure that mentioned “fallen angels,” and I heard another song on the car radio that had the line “talk to an angel” in it. One day, in the middle of Berlin, I suddenly became aware of that gleaming figure the Angel of Peace, metamorphosed from being a warlike victory angel into a pacifist. There was an idea about four Allied pilots shot down over Berlin, an idea about juxtaposing and superimposing today’s Berlin and the capital of the Reich, “double images” in time and space; there have always been childhood images of angels as invisible, omnipresent observers; there was, so to speak, the old hunger for transcendence, and also a longing for the absolute opposite: the longing for a comedy!
I’m amazed myself.
What’s a film going to look like—what can it look like—possibly
a comedy, that has angels as its main characters?
With wings and with no flying??
I’m not after a “screenplay” here. All I can do is go on describing what’s “ghosting around” in my imagination.
MOON VOID OF COURSE at 10:56:am EDT. After the NEW MOON IN ARIES this morning at
7:45am EDT (both the Sun and Moon at 18 degrees Aries) and last aspect Conjunct Uranus at 20 Aries at 10:56am (which pulls in the Square to Pluto at 17 Capricorn) the rest of the day is released from
planetary description and drifts into the VOID at 10:56am EDT. This takes us to the
place of the imagination where the sky is the limit. This time is CHALLENGING
for initiating practical actions like making binding agreements or beginning
new projects or travels. They tend not to work out or have to be re-done. This is a GREAT time for inner, creative, dream work.
Tap ideas that your logical mind may not normally access. Free associate, muse
on your dreams, use your active imagination (Jung) and automatic writing
('Morning Pages' from Julia Cameron's The
Artist's Way) improvise with 'authentic movement' (a kind of dance therapy technique - google it and start a
In the next post I'll quote from Wender's book the stream-of-consciousness writing that led him to formulate his filmic vision. It is a rare opportunity to be privy to this artistic process. This is a MUST READ - especially after seeing the film. In the following famous library scene the two angels drink in written human language as read by its readers. They are intoxicated with its Beauty. I think you will be too...(subtitles might help...but it really doesn't even matter!)
Wenders. For this Void of Course period, to decide on a
film clip I watched my thought process move from dream films like Dreams (Kurasawa) to movies
that include writing (The Hours) or journaling - a great way for many of us to tap into our
unconscious. The illogical images in my memory DISSOLVED TO: Wim Wender's
journal about his films, The Logic of
Images. Here he writes about his creative process in discovering the
theme of the film which he eventually entitled, Der Himmel uber Berlin, or The Sky Over Berlin. We
know this film as Wings of Desire. The film is a masterpiece on so many levels,
visually, poetically, for character development, the story and particularly its
unique use of sound. As if in a dream, we are transported to the omniscient pov
of angels flying over post-war Berlin being witness to human life on earth. One
angel, Damiel, yearns for the human sensory experience and considers
sacrificing his immortality to know it. He yearns to live in a physical
body. (Interestingly, this void of course Moon next inhabits the sign of Taurus
which, ruled by Venus, is the domain of the sensory and sensuous body.) Damiel,
like a void of course Moon, straddles the space between here and there...
until... This is a MUST SEE for lovers of cinema, poetry and philosophy.
In the next post I'll quote from Wender's book the stream-of-consciousness writing that led him to formulate his filmic vision. It is a rare opportunity to be privy to this artistic process. This is a MUST READ - especially after seeing the film. In the following famous library scene the two angels drink in written human language as read by its readers. They are intoxicated with its Beauty. I think you will be too...(subtitles might help...but it really doesn't even matter!)
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
MOON IN ARIES enters 4/6 at 2:46am to 4/7 at 10:56am EDT and NEW MOON IN ARIES on 4/7 at 7:24am EDT. Ruled by Mars, Aries is the time of the Warrior archetype which asserts itself, shows its leadership and initiates actions. We must be aware of the impulsive nature of the energy and slow down to consider what we will choose. Conflicts may ensue if we do not consider those around us. Aries' focus is on the self while it's opposite, Libra is on the other. Be conscious of the whole polar axis. Interestingly, Venus, ruler of Libra, also enters Aries today, an uneasy placement we call being 'in detriment'. So the marriage of opposites is the key...imagine how you can honor both ends of the axis. Eg. Be a Warrior of Beauty!
LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon conjunct Uranus. While the Moon makes several aspects during its travels through Aries - a conjunction to Venus at 4:01am, a trine to Mars at 3:51pm, a trine to Saturn at 4:33am on the 7th, a square to Pluto at 6:25am and the NEW MOON conjunction to the Aries Sun at 7:24 am EDT on the 7th - the LAST ASPECT lands on a conjunction to Uranus. This gives actions initiated during this Aries Moon either a disruptive, surprising, upsetting result or an innovative, transformative or enlightening resolution...or any combination of the above - especially because the New Moon pulls in the continuing Uranus Square Pluto transit in the sky. The Uranus archetype is the principle of separation and freedom, one of sudden change such as a revolution striving for equality. It rules science and technology and the electric and electronic world. Because the nature of the Moon is feminine and is associated with a womb-like container of protection, the conjunction to the Uranian separating force is most often at odds with its nature. Therefore, actions initiated at this time will tend to have a disruptively CHALLENGING outcome...unless the goal is to shake things up, liberate or reinvent yourself! Because the force is strongest upon approach, take advantage of the coming New Moon early tomorrow morning and consciously use the appropriate action to begin a new chapter in your life TODAY.
SCENE OF THE DAY: ELIZABETH, 1998; Director: Shekhar Kapur. The ultimate feminine warrior! Cate Blanchett's Queen Elizabeth appears over the hill on white horse in full armor to address her army in preparation for initiating battle. The image is nothing short of awe inspiring. We see her character transform from a young uncertain and playful girl in love to the queen who demonstrates she is a woman of convictions, courage and intelligence. With this battle she begins a new chapter for her country. She brings about a revolution for England's religious life including freedom from persecution in this unexpected triumph over Catholic Spain. One of my favorite films!
LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon conjunct Uranus. While the Moon makes several aspects during its travels through Aries - a conjunction to Venus at 4:01am, a trine to Mars at 3:51pm, a trine to Saturn at 4:33am on the 7th, a square to Pluto at 6:25am and the NEW MOON conjunction to the Aries Sun at 7:24 am EDT on the 7th - the LAST ASPECT lands on a conjunction to Uranus. This gives actions initiated during this Aries Moon either a disruptive, surprising, upsetting result or an innovative, transformative or enlightening resolution...or any combination of the above - especially because the New Moon pulls in the continuing Uranus Square Pluto transit in the sky. The Uranus archetype is the principle of separation and freedom, one of sudden change such as a revolution striving for equality. It rules science and technology and the electric and electronic world. Because the nature of the Moon is feminine and is associated with a womb-like container of protection, the conjunction to the Uranian separating force is most often at odds with its nature. Therefore, actions initiated at this time will tend to have a disruptively CHALLENGING outcome...unless the goal is to shake things up, liberate or reinvent yourself! Because the force is strongest upon approach, take advantage of the coming New Moon early tomorrow morning and consciously use the appropriate action to begin a new chapter in your life TODAY.
SCENE OF THE DAY: ELIZABETH, 1998; Director: Shekhar Kapur. The ultimate feminine warrior! Cate Blanchett's Queen Elizabeth appears over the hill on white horse in full armor to address her army in preparation for initiating battle. The image is nothing short of awe inspiring. We see her character transform from a young uncertain and playful girl in love to the queen who demonstrates she is a woman of convictions, courage and intelligence. With this battle she begins a new chapter for her country. She brings about a revolution for England's religious life including freedom from persecution in this unexpected triumph over Catholic Spain. One of my favorite films!
Monday, April 4, 2016
MOON VOID OF COURSE ALL DAY (from 6:33 am to 4/6 at 2:46 am) We
remember that V/C Moons are the in-between place the Moon travels
after leaving one sign and before entering a new sign. It is considered
void of course after the last aspect (major angle) it makes to a planet
before entering this liminal space. It's not a time to make any
important agreements, begin any project or take
any trip you want to resolve successfully. This is the highly creative
time of the dream world or the imagination. Fruits will be born of this
time if used appropriately. So, let's give it a CHALLENGING time for
practical projects or agreements etc. and GREAT time for works of the
imagination. This 'empty space' time is a bridge for the Moon to cross
over from the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces, a time of endings to
the first sign of Aries. This will lead us to a special New Moon this
month because Thursday April 7 will be a New Moon in a New Astrological
Year! The Aries Moon will be conjunct the Aries Sun. Get ready to begin something exciting!
SCENE FOR THE DAY: WHAT DREAMS MAY COME, 1998; Director: Vincent Ward. This film is all about the imagination, dream life and especially COLOR! Because Annabella Sciorra's character is a painter, when her beloved husband (Robin Williams) suddenly dies, he enters the afterlife on a palette of the most richly saturated painted flowers. It is truly as sight to behold. It is his gentle and optimistic bridge to the other world which we can, for our purposes, imagine to be a new beginning. This film is considered one of the great cinematic successes - a quantum leap in computer generated visual effects, for which it won the Academy Award. The bigger the screen on which you bathe in its Beauty, the better!
SCENE FOR THE DAY: WHAT DREAMS MAY COME, 1998; Director: Vincent Ward. This film is all about the imagination, dream life and especially COLOR! Because Annabella Sciorra's character is a painter, when her beloved husband (Robin Williams) suddenly dies, he enters the afterlife on a palette of the most richly saturated painted flowers. It is truly as sight to behold. It is his gentle and optimistic bridge to the other world which we can, for our purposes, imagine to be a new beginning. This film is considered one of the great cinematic successes - a quantum leap in computer generated visual effects, for which it won the Academy Award. The bigger the screen on which you bathe in its Beauty, the better!
Saturday, April 2, 2016
by Neptune, god of the Sea, Sacrifice and Redemption, the Moon enters
Pisces at 1:46 am and stays until 6:33 am on the 5th. This is a GOOD time to
go deep into the emotional life or one's dream life to bring to
awareness the symbolic offerings of the unconscious - both personal and
collective. It's also a perfect time to begin any artistic project, as
Neptune also rules the arts, especially music...a primary trigger of the
feeling life. Just getting to the water, be it lake, sea or a soak in the tub will
be healing and imagination-brewing!
LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon Sextile Pluto. There is incredible emotional depth available to us with this transit. Serious issues involving resources/money or life/death scenarios which are initiated at this time may be resolved with this positive 60 degree angle.
SCENE: MASTER AND COMMANDER, 2003; Director: Peter Weir. Neptune rules explosively in this storm at sea. Winning Academy Awards for Best Cinematography and Sound Editing, Master Crowe and his crew are humbled by the Plutonian power that can also be Neptune's. His waters can giveth life and taketh it away. We can be overwhelmed and even drowned by Piscean oceanic emotions especially where Pluto is present (even in sextile which is often the indicator of opportunity). The crisis is resolved: survival by sacrifice (Neptune) when the line is cut, one mate is lost at sea, but the rest of the crew is saved when the ship is righted. The scenes of Crowe and Doctor Paul Bettany playing Boccherini on violin and cello is an unexpected Piscean treat. (check next post)
LAST ASPECT OF THE MOON: Moon Sextile Pluto. There is incredible emotional depth available to us with this transit. Serious issues involving resources/money or life/death scenarios which are initiated at this time may be resolved with this positive 60 degree angle.
SCENE: MASTER AND COMMANDER, 2003; Director: Peter Weir. Neptune rules explosively in this storm at sea. Winning Academy Awards for Best Cinematography and Sound Editing, Master Crowe and his crew are humbled by the Plutonian power that can also be Neptune's. His waters can giveth life and taketh it away. We can be overwhelmed and even drowned by Piscean oceanic emotions especially where Pluto is present (even in sextile which is often the indicator of opportunity). The crisis is resolved: survival by sacrifice (Neptune) when the line is cut, one mate is lost at sea, but the rest of the crew is saved when the ship is righted. The scenes of Crowe and Doctor Paul Bettany playing Boccherini on violin and cello is an unexpected Piscean treat. (check next post)
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