MOON ENTERS VIRGO at 10:03pm EDT on Monday, May 21 after a VOID OF COURSE DAY and remains in Virgo until Wednesday, May 23 at 10:55am when it goes VOID OF COURSE for the rest of the day. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Trine Pluto in Capricorn. A VOID OF COURSE DAY is usually a time when things seem to be in limbo. Plans just don't gel. Let your expectations of 'business as usual' go. Instead, use the day for any creative act. Brainstorm ideas. This is about lingering in the unknown and letting the imagination loose. Follow the images that come through. It's often the pathway to where life wants to take you. Moving into the Virgo Moon makes me think it will be a good idea to take notes on your musings...
This is the next-to-the-last
VIRGO MOON for literal Spring Cleaning
support! We have one more Virgo Moon right before Summer Solstice on
June 21. Ruled by Mercury, this Mutable Earth sign reflects a time of
striving for perfection on the material and analytical planes. When you
feel the urge to organize and order everything in your environment, go
with it! As Virgo is the Feminine sign of the Vestal Virgin, Keeper of the Sacred Hearth, invite some women to create order with you! Just remember the shadow side of Virgo - wanting, expecting,
perhaps demanding others go with your flow. Both Virgo and Pluto
have control issues, so the two together are likely to step into this
complex, though the Trine suggests that some good would come of it! Everyone has their own
rhythm and priorities so conjure up some leniency and freedom as you hurricane
through your closets, drawers and gardens! It is, as always, prime time
for writers, speakers and researchers to do their nitty-gritty detail
work. Pluto's presence suggests tapping resources that others might
offer. It also symbolizes the ability to
go deep, both in your cleaning and investigating. Psychological benefits are there in spades to harvest. Virgo also rules health - keeping the body in order. Pluto suggests that regeneration is a good possibility! In general, actions initiated during this Moon period are likely to have Good resolutions.
VIRGO FILM SCENE: Sunshine Cleaning, 2008; Director: Christine Jeffs. Amy Adams and Emily Blunt are sisters who open a crime cleaning business which turns out teaching them a thing or two about life. A Sundance favorite and nominated for its Grand Jury Prize, the film was a vehicle for both actresses to take on leading roles. Crime scenes often involve death (ruled by Pluto) so the movie lends itself to some great dark humor and being a perfect example of this Moon period! The last line of the trailer says it all! Both actresses have gone on to brilliant careers from this small indie film: Emily Blunt is compelling in The Young Victoria, The Devil Wears Prada, Salmon Fishing in Yemen and, most recently with husband John Krasinsky, A Quiet Place; Amy Adams went on to star in Julie and Julia, The Arrival and American Hustle - my favorite is her standout role in The Fighter. There's nothing quite like two sisters attempting to solve relationship issues, including the one with their deceased mother, while scrubbing blood spatter off a murder scene. Enjoy!

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