MOON REMAINS IN ARIES until 2:05pm EDT on Sunday, May 13 when it goes VOID OF COURSE for ten minutes. At 2:15pm MOON ENTERS TAURUS and remains here until Tuesday, May 15 at 4:30pm. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Trine Mars in Capricorn. NEW MOON EXACT at 7:48am on Tuesday, May 15 at 24º Taurus. Ruled by Venus, the Fixed Earth Taurus
Moon should have lots of Mars in Cap energy and ambition for being the Master Builder that it represents.
And the NEW MOON indicates the moment to Begin something new! Both
Taurus and Capricorn strive to manifest in the material world and be
recognized for their achievements! So, if you have a project that
results in a physical product now would be an Excellent time to begin
the work! Accomplishing tangible results around the home, where Venus loves to create beauty and comfort, is a wonderful use of this Taurus New Moon. Taurus may be a slow worker but he's thorough, committed and has endurance... he is strong like Bull. He's also the lover of the sensuous
life - and the Trine to Mars could add some very sexy energy to this
time. In general, practical and physical actions initiated during this
time will tend to have VERY GOOD resolutions.
TAURUS FILM SCENE: "The Apu Trilogy"1950-1959, India; Director Satyajit Ray; Adapted from novels by Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay. The Earthy sensuous New Moon in Taurus brings to mind the very earthy and visually sensuous life journey of young Apu in Ray's classic and groundbreaking Indian saga. I stepped into Apu's world in the late 70's at AFI when Ray came to speak to our class and screened the three films. We were transported to a very rich and colorful black and white reality and felt the very human connection between our very different cultures through it all. This was a New Moon first for almost all the participants in the cinematic endeavor: Ray was a commercial artist who felt compelled to adapt the serial novel of Apu; the cinematographer, Subrata Mitra, was a still photographer who, at Ray's urging, borrowed a 16mm camera to shoot his first motion picture; most of the cast had never acted before and Ravi Shankar (father of musicians Nora Jones and Anoushka Shankar), who performs the soundtrack, was a novice at the time. (Click on links for some performances) Roger Ebert wrote a glowing review - here's the link: - and here's a quote from it: "The great, sad, gentle sweep of "The
Apu Trilogy" remains in the mind of the moviegoer as a promise of what
film can be. Standing above fashion, it creates a world so convincing
that it becomes, for a time, another life we might have lived. The three
films, which were made in India by Satyajit Ray between 1950 and 1959, swept the top prizes at Cannes, Venice and
London, and created a new cinema for India--whose prolific film industry
had traditionally stayed within the narrow confines of swashbuckling
musical romances. Never before had one man had such a decisive impact on
the films of his culture." The trilogy follows Apu in three stages of his life: "Pather Panchali", "Aparajito" and "The World of Apu." Step into Apu's world yourself - slow down into Taurus' rhythm and
experience the gorgeous earthy reality of life's demand for endurance.

Satyajit Ray |
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