During the two weeks between the two Eclipses and even the week following the Solar Eclipse, energy is heightened. While historically the Solar Eclipse has been associated with dark circumstances, many believe this to be a time when the duality of life can be unified - an opportunity for the alchemical conjunctio, or the Marriage of Opposites - the Opposition resolved in the Conjunction. The challenge is to consciously honor both ends of the polarity. In this case, the Sun Conjuncts the Moon in Leo - the Child and Heart of the Zodiac. The Masculine Archetype (Sun) and Feminine Archetype (Moon) are joined together in this sacred marriage, creating new life, the Child. Perhaps we can imagine this magical and rare Eclipse occultation or darkening of the Sun - totally blocked by the Moon as seen from Earth - as a cleansing or purification preparation for a new kind of life.
That Mercury is Retrograding during this highly charged time might reflect an even stronger opportunity to re-visit old wounds, choices and circumstances to reconsider our beliefs and behavior about them. With the coming New Moon we are supported in making new choices and creating clearer, less emotionally charged perspectives. Leo, the Lion, is about Courage. Let's find ours.
MERCURY RETROGRADE traditionally signifies a period when Mercury's archetype - representing all forms of communication, travel and mind processes - is called into question. The retrograde of any planet suggests a 'going-back-over' past circumstances in the planet's particular archetypal meaning to reconsider new action or perspectives. It is also a time when things in this arena tend not to go as planned or expected. For Mercury, making decisions, purchases, agreements or beginning any form of travel can often result in breakdowns, misunderstandings or failures. Our task is to be conscious, rigorous and as clear as possible in our communications. Check and double check instructions, directions, vehicles and the fine print of documents. Ask for clarification. It's advisable to wait until September 9th - waiting three days after Mercury Stations Direct on September 5 - to make important agreements or begin new projects. Interestingly, Mercury Stations Direct at 28 Leo, conjuncting Mars a few days before, at the same degree as the New Moon Solar Eclipse!
This is such a charged point. The channeled Sabian Symbols for 28 Leo (read SS 29 Leo) is telling: "A Mermaid Emerges From the Ocean Waves Ready for Rebirth in Human Form." See the link for more.
There is so much symbolism associated with this Eclipse period. I thought I'd include a ten minute video from Peruvian Shamanic Healer, Oscar Miro-Quesada, whose description of the events are particularly insightful. Scroll down when you get to the site to see the video.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtxU3u9zF58 |
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