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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3ETOQMSym0 |
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Sunday, August 27, 2017

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KerwQ_DokIw |
Saturday, August 26, 2017
MOON ENTERS SCORPIO at 4:53am EDT on Saturday, August 26am EDT and remains here until Monday, August 28 at 5:38am. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Mars in Leo. Both Scorpio and Leo are Fixed signs, so because of the resistance to change, this Square
suggests an even more intense inner conflict than other sign qualities. Before Pluto's discovery in 1930, Mars ruled Scorpio; so we have this Fixed Water sign's two rulers at odds. There's a very strong willfulness between these two planetary
archetypes, to the point of anger or aggression. Beware of the Scorpion's sting! As an antidote, try to be willing to compromise
and not push a situation during this Moon period. Scorpion themes of
resources (especially financial), power or sexuality may be at the heart of any conflict. At best Mars
in Leo will want to play, so perhaps you can find that levity saves the
day! Actions initiated during this Moon period will tend to have
CHALLENGING results. This could be a very resourceful time to delve deep into our psyche to purge what no longer serves us!
Note: An interesting thing about the Moon/Mars energy is, once again, the 28 Leo Eclipse point - where the Sun and Moon conjoined at the New Moon Eclipse. Mars conjoins this point a few days before Mercury Stations Direct at this point on September 5th. Hot spots like this tend to show up repeatedly and be very revealing about current events. The Sabian Symbol for this point (28 degrees Leo 59 minutes is read Sabian Symbol 29 Leo): A Mermaid Emerges From the Ocean Waves Ready For Rebirth In Human Form. This actually brings Scorpio (Rebirth and Transformation) into the image also. And the Sabian Symbol for the Regulus point of 29 Leo (read Sabian Symbol 30 Leo) is: An Unsealed Letter: The realization by the individual that all thoughts and messages are inevitably to be shared with all...perhaps a harbinger of political Secrets-No-More.
SCORPIO SCENE FOR THE DAY: Assassins Creed, 2016; Director: Justin Kurzel. Here the Apple of Eden represents the initial human transgression, an act of Free Will. The descendants of the Templar lineage led by characters played by Jeremy Irons, Marion Cotillard and Charlotte Rampling declare a purge upon the Assassins Creed who fight to the death to protect Free Will (Mars). Both the Templars and the Assassins Creed are Secret Societies (Scorpio). Given the clichéd template of the power struggle between Good and Evil utilized, I was impressed how intelligently minimal the script played out. There's a European sensibility to the film which should perhaps have been no surprise. While there's a strong show of British, Irish and French in this cast, Australian Kurzel also directed Fassbender (German/Irish) and Cotillard (French) in the 2015 version of Macbeth. The visuals are aesthetically striking and become the cherry atop this Eden's Apple pie!
Note: An interesting thing about the Moon/Mars energy is, once again, the 28 Leo Eclipse point - where the Sun and Moon conjoined at the New Moon Eclipse. Mars conjoins this point a few days before Mercury Stations Direct at this point on September 5th. Hot spots like this tend to show up repeatedly and be very revealing about current events. The Sabian Symbol for this point (28 degrees Leo 59 minutes is read Sabian Symbol 29 Leo): A Mermaid Emerges From the Ocean Waves Ready For Rebirth In Human Form. This actually brings Scorpio (Rebirth and Transformation) into the image also. And the Sabian Symbol for the Regulus point of 29 Leo (read Sabian Symbol 30 Leo) is: An Unsealed Letter: The realization by the individual that all thoughts and messages are inevitably to be shared with all...perhaps a harbinger of political Secrets-No-More.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjQ1a995c7I |
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
MOON ENTERS LIBRAat 9:05pm EDT on Wednesday, August 23 after a VOID OF COURSE evening and remains in Libra until 1:39am Saturday, August 26. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Opposite Uranus in Aries. Ruled by Venus, this Cardinal Air sign reflects Relationships, Legal Issues, Beauty, Balance and Art. It's Last Aspect Opposing Uranus suggests upsets or unusual circumstances regarding these arenas. Because Uranus is in Mars-ruled Aries we have a Mars Opposing Venus condition as well as Uranus Opposing Moon. Emotional stress or even shock may present itself as a result of Martian anger, aggression or willfulness. Relationships would seem to be the most vulnerable subject. With the opposition, we have the challenge to honor both ends of the polarity in order to achieve reconciliation, the alchemical sacred marriage. It's an important opportunity - take advantage of it and see what you can learn by standing in the Other's shoes - what do they need? How can you compromise? In general, actions initiated during this Moon period tend to have CHALLENGING results. Remember the promise of the Regulus Eclipse: The bravado of Leo finds the humility of Virgo to live the balance and equality of Libra.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2U5iI5YXdI&t=68s |
Check out the link to MacDowell, a local and national treasure. Lynch wasn't in attendance but sent a quintessentially Lynchian acceptance video which you can view. Also listen to MacDowell Chairman, novelist Michael Chabon's talk about Lynch for artistic inspiration. Beautifully written and delivered!
Monday, August 21, 2017
MOON ENTERS VIRGO at 4:25pm EDT on Monday, August 21 and remains here until Wednesday, August 23 at 4:02pm. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Sextile Venus in Cancer. Ruled by Mercury, this Mutable Earth sign indicates a period when we tend to have an analytical perspective which can range from being productively discerning or annoyingly nit-picky. Our drive for perfection can have our critical eye work for us or against us. With this harmonious Last Aspect, we're lookin' good! Actions initiated during this Moon period tend to have VERY GOOD resolutions. But there's more to this symbolism of our particularly Venusian Virgo Moon! Let's look more closely...
This Virgo Moon follows on the heels of the Leo New Moon Solar Eclipse, when the Moon and the Sun were both in the Sun-ruled sign of Leo. Virgo is one of the two major signs reflecting The Feminine Archetype; Cancer, the Moon's natural ruler, is the other. With the current Last Aspect Sextile Venus in Cancer, this Virgo Moon is abundantly ripe with expressions of The Feminine. So the Moon moves from the very Masculine archetype of Leo, King of the Castle, to Virgo, Healer-Priestess-Maiden. Before we delve into Virgo's symbolism, let me set the bigger context:
The Regulus Shift: A Paradigm Shift
We've been focusing on the Royal Regulus point of this Solar Eclipse, metaphorically magnifying its power, both at 29 Leo (or minutes before). However, as the world turns, in 2011-2012 Regulus moved from Leo - where it has resided for some 4,000 years - into Virgo. The symbolic meaning of this transition is a power shift from The Masculine Archetype of Leo to The Feminine Archetype of Virgo. In other words, what power begins to look like is reflective of the Virgonian archetype. Or we could say Virgo's quality of power is what works now. This month's Moon movement into Virgo feels charged with mirroring Regulus' relatively recent shift. And the very positive Last Aspect of Moon Sextile Venus in Cancer is indeed affirming for successful outcomes! The Libra Moon, which follows Virgo in a few days, can remind us that the ultimate goal is Balance and Equality - or conjunctio, the alchemical Sacred Marriage of The Masculine and The Feminine archetypes.
Virgo's Archetype:
Virgo is associated with the feminine Maiden - the pure, innocent and vestal virgin, keeper of the sacred hearth fire. There is the true humility of service available to Virgo that most other signs don't access. Virgo also reflects the mother/daughter theme which carries a deeper feminine wisdom expanding into generations of women as in the Demeter/Persephone myth. Here we see a maturation process over time to the sensuous life-giving Feminine. She is a part of embodied Mother Nature whose orderly rhythm is in her being. Virgo's drive towards order is one of her most evident traits - as indicated through her attention to cleanliness, nourishment and health. She is the medicine woman who with her wisdom helps keep our bodies and environments as close to perfect balance as possible. Mercury's influence shows up in Virgo's attention to intelligent precise language. This is the ultimate writer, speaker, teacher. Her focus is on the details and she can get lost there and become overly critical and judgemental - if she doesn't occasionally pick her head up from the written page to be reminded of Pisces' (Virgo's opposite) bigger picture.
If we think of the 6th House, which is under Virgo's natural rulership, we also bring to mind the importance of daily work and the integrity with which we hold it. Our attention to details in this arena keeps us present and mindful of moment to moment choices. Virgo's 6th House also highlights the small animals which inhabit our daily lives and require our care. Finally, the 6th House is a space for the integration of the first six houses of the horoscope, the more personal hemisphere, before we step out to participate on the larger world stage.
It is, perhaps, with the optimum expression of Virgo that we are likely to see success in our personal and collective lives. Let her inspire us to hold her best qualities dear and act accordingly in the world.
Total Solar Eclipse Political Last Thoughts:
Ancient mythology associates omen-ous circumstances with Eclipses - especially for Kings and Royalty in general. Death, a lost battle or some other fall from power and grace were feared. We've talked about the current connection to Regulus heightening the myth of regal power, leadership and courage. But there is an esoteric condition which must be met for success: that this power be used for the greater good and the ruler has an evolved sense of morality, integrity and intelligence.
Most of you reading this know by now that Trumpty Dumpty has his Ascendant or Rising Sign at this exact point. This was a strong indicator for his success in the presidential election and signified his rise to power, success and fame.
With natal Mars conjoining his strong Leo Ascendant, his Sun in Gemini conjoining his North Node and Uranus opposing his Moon in Sagittarius - all Masculine signs - he dramatically reflects the Masculine Archetype...in the most bravado, self-aggrandizing, loose cannon, wired, detached and least optimum kind of way. (Yes, he does have three planets in Cancer, but they are challenged by significant hard aspects: Saturn in Cancer tightly conjuncts his Venus and Neptune closely squares his Mercury.) Not only has his Regulus lost it's support, his morality has revealed itself and it does not fulfill the esoteric requirements for lasting success. Humpty Dumpty's wall is crumbling.
VIRGO SCENE FOR THE DAY: Elizabeth: The Golden Age, 2007; Director: Shekhar Kapur. The shift from Leo authority to Virgo's Feminine power can most dramatically be witnessed by the transformation of Queen Elizabeth I to the Virgin Queen. The visuals in this scene say everything - but the one line delivered does indeed execute the exclamation point! Cate Blanchett embodies this legendary character completely and we are awed by her. True power requires Virgo's humility, sacrifice and a relationship with the divine - qualities of which our caricature of a leader is devoid.
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The Regulus Shift: A Paradigm Shift
We've been focusing on the Royal Regulus point of this Solar Eclipse, metaphorically magnifying its power, both at 29 Leo (or minutes before). However, as the world turns, in 2011-2012 Regulus moved from Leo - where it has resided for some 4,000 years - into Virgo. The symbolic meaning of this transition is a power shift from The Masculine Archetype of Leo to The Feminine Archetype of Virgo. In other words, what power begins to look like is reflective of the Virgonian archetype. Or we could say Virgo's quality of power is what works now. This month's Moon movement into Virgo feels charged with mirroring Regulus' relatively recent shift. And the very positive Last Aspect of Moon Sextile Venus in Cancer is indeed affirming for successful outcomes! The Libra Moon, which follows Virgo in a few days, can remind us that the ultimate goal is Balance and Equality - or conjunctio, the alchemical Sacred Marriage of The Masculine and The Feminine archetypes.
Virgo's Archetype:
Virgo is associated with the feminine Maiden - the pure, innocent and vestal virgin, keeper of the sacred hearth fire. There is the true humility of service available to Virgo that most other signs don't access. Virgo also reflects the mother/daughter theme which carries a deeper feminine wisdom expanding into generations of women as in the Demeter/Persephone myth. Here we see a maturation process over time to the sensuous life-giving Feminine. She is a part of embodied Mother Nature whose orderly rhythm is in her being. Virgo's drive towards order is one of her most evident traits - as indicated through her attention to cleanliness, nourishment and health. She is the medicine woman who with her wisdom helps keep our bodies and environments as close to perfect balance as possible. Mercury's influence shows up in Virgo's attention to intelligent precise language. This is the ultimate writer, speaker, teacher. Her focus is on the details and she can get lost there and become overly critical and judgemental - if she doesn't occasionally pick her head up from the written page to be reminded of Pisces' (Virgo's opposite) bigger picture.
If we think of the 6th House, which is under Virgo's natural rulership, we also bring to mind the importance of daily work and the integrity with which we hold it. Our attention to details in this arena keeps us present and mindful of moment to moment choices. Virgo's 6th House also highlights the small animals which inhabit our daily lives and require our care. Finally, the 6th House is a space for the integration of the first six houses of the horoscope, the more personal hemisphere, before we step out to participate on the larger world stage.
It is, perhaps, with the optimum expression of Virgo that we are likely to see success in our personal and collective lives. Let her inspire us to hold her best qualities dear and act accordingly in the world.
Total Solar Eclipse Political Last Thoughts:
Ancient mythology associates omen-ous circumstances with Eclipses - especially for Kings and Royalty in general. Death, a lost battle or some other fall from power and grace were feared. We've talked about the current connection to Regulus heightening the myth of regal power, leadership and courage. But there is an esoteric condition which must be met for success: that this power be used for the greater good and the ruler has an evolved sense of morality, integrity and intelligence.
Most of you reading this know by now that Trumpty Dumpty has his Ascendant or Rising Sign at this exact point. This was a strong indicator for his success in the presidential election and signified his rise to power, success and fame.
With natal Mars conjoining his strong Leo Ascendant, his Sun in Gemini conjoining his North Node and Uranus opposing his Moon in Sagittarius - all Masculine signs - he dramatically reflects the Masculine Archetype...in the most bravado, self-aggrandizing, loose cannon, wired, detached and least optimum kind of way. (Yes, he does have three planets in Cancer, but they are challenged by significant hard aspects: Saturn in Cancer tightly conjuncts his Venus and Neptune closely squares his Mercury.) Not only has his Regulus lost it's support, his morality has revealed itself and it does not fulfill the esoteric requirements for lasting success. Humpty Dumpty's wall is crumbling.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xN_89uynqw |
Friday, August 18, 2017
MOON REMAINS IN CANCER until 11:17am EDT on Saturday, August 19 when it goes VOID OF COURSE until 1:55pm. See previous post for Cancer info. Important practical actions tend not to work out as planned during V/C periods. It's best to use this time for inner creative work or planning future actions. Void of Course Moons are heightened by the Retrograde Mercury now through the first week of September. The advice is to wait, if possible, until September 9th to initiate important projects. MOON ENTERS LEO at 1:55pm EDT on Saturday and remains here until Monday, August 21 at 2:30pm. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Conjunct Sun in Leo. This Last Aspect is heightened because it is also the moment that the NEW MOON TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE is exact. And, at 28 degrees 53 minutes Leo, the Eclipse conjoins the the Royal Fixed Star REGULUS! I’ll explain this significance shortly.
The Fixed Fire sign Leo, ruled by the Sun, reflects a passionate, courageous and inspired Moon period when we want to go out into the summer sun and play. The advice is to maintain vigilance along with our enthusiasm because of the intensity of this Solar Eclipse. In general, the evaluation of this period is a double edged sword: Creative projects, especially ones that you’re re-inventing from previous false starts (Mercury Retrograde) and are particularly meaningful as a contribution to the collective, initiated at this time are likely to have GREAT results. Allow the Leo Inner Child to shine and your imagination to run wild! Just note that egos can loom large now and it’s important to remain conscious about acknowledging others needs. The Solar Eclipse as Last Aspect can indicate the high drama of the other edge of the sword. Integrity required!
REGULUS at the point of this SOLAR ECLIPSE is so dramatic because this Fixed Star is one of the four brightest and most powerful Persian Royal Stars in the heavens. It carries the symbol of ‘The Kingmaker.’ Regulus has resided in the shoulder of Leo’s Lion constellation for thousands of years and has been referred to as the 'Heart of the Lion.’ For ancients the mythology of the SOLAR ECLIPSE carried a dark omen for the fate of royalty - death, a lost battle or some other fall from power or grace. The close proximity to Regulus heightens this symbolic meaning. While Regulus reflects courage, leadership and great power, it also suggests that this influence does not necessarily last. Like the esoteric cautionary advice for the use of Pluto's raw power, the narrative for Regulus includes the requirement of a moral high ground in order to achieve its predicted success.
All this is particularly significant for the U.S. because Trump’s Ascendant (using the 10:54am EDT birth time) is at this exact Regulus point, reflecting his persona of a meteoric rise to power and fame. Given that his intelligence and integrity are considered by many questionable at best, this Eclipse could mark an event which begins his Humpty Dumpty Great Fall. Trump was born on a Lunar Eclipse making him especially sensitive to this symbolism. In addition, Saturn is making its final pass over Trump's Moon at 21 Sagittarius (where it was right before his inauguration). The Feminine archetype is likely to have cause to rise up again in protest to buffoon-like actions of the man-child who would be king.
Add to all this synchronicity: 1) Regulus moved into the Constellation of Virgo sometime late 2011 - 2012, symbolically shifting empowerment to the Feminine Virgo archetype and away from the Masculine Leo archetype; and 2) the Eclipse visibility path indicates major changes for locations along its way. The path crosses the entire United States from coast to coast (which is so rare) and emphasizes the U.S. as ripe for radical shifts. This is hard to deny after the strong backlash from events in Virginia (which falls in range of the eclipse path) this week. Not to mention Bannon's exit as Trump advisor and James Murdoch, Fox Chairman - the mouthpiece of Trump's administration - speaking out against him. Mr. Dumpty's wall is crumbling.
Anyway...check out this cool short NASA video about the Eclipse!
Eclipses tell the story of the power of shadows, the Moon’s shadow specifically. The Moon symbolizes the public and Trump may be the vehicle to reflect back to us the U.S. shadow. Despite all the controversy around his election, powerful forces came together to constellate this caricature of a leader so that we are now able to witness the unconscious aspect of our collective psyche.
The upside is that being conscious of our shadow allows us to change. The confluence of these celestial events could indicate an opportunity for crossing a profound threshold. The letting go of what no longer serves us at the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, combined with the new beginnings of the New Moon Solar Eclipse - at the Royal Regulus point - is charged with huge possibilities! We may begin to experience the effects of personal transformation and a collective paradigm shift into a more balanced Feminine/Masculine archetypal perspective. See an earlier post Mercury Retrograde/Solar Eclipse relating this idea to the alchemical sacred marriage of opposites - conjunctio. While we may have to wait until Mercury goes Direct in September to see the impact of these phenomenon, as we build towards the Solar Eclipse on Monday the anticipation feels momentous right now!
LEO TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE SCENE: Barabbas, 1961; Director: Richard Fleischer. This remarkable scene features Anthony Quinn in the title role, as the villain whose life the public chooses to spare instead of Jesus. We see a dramatic Solar Eclipse turn day into night, reflecting the horror that is being witnessed by his followers. The event helps to transform Barabbas, whose fate (in the film) eventually mirrors that of Christ's. It has been noted by astrologer Nicholas Campion, in the Dawn of Astrology, that at the time of the Crucifixion at Passover there would have been a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, but therein lies the poetic license of drama.
The Fixed Fire sign Leo, ruled by the Sun, reflects a passionate, courageous and inspired Moon period when we want to go out into the summer sun and play. The advice is to maintain vigilance along with our enthusiasm because of the intensity of this Solar Eclipse. In general, the evaluation of this period is a double edged sword: Creative projects, especially ones that you’re re-inventing from previous false starts (Mercury Retrograde) and are particularly meaningful as a contribution to the collective, initiated at this time are likely to have GREAT results. Allow the Leo Inner Child to shine and your imagination to run wild! Just note that egos can loom large now and it’s important to remain conscious about acknowledging others needs. The Solar Eclipse as Last Aspect can indicate the high drama of the other edge of the sword. Integrity required!
REGULUS at the point of this SOLAR ECLIPSE is so dramatic because this Fixed Star is one of the four brightest and most powerful Persian Royal Stars in the heavens. It carries the symbol of ‘The Kingmaker.’ Regulus has resided in the shoulder of Leo’s Lion constellation for thousands of years and has been referred to as the 'Heart of the Lion.’ For ancients the mythology of the SOLAR ECLIPSE carried a dark omen for the fate of royalty - death, a lost battle or some other fall from power or grace. The close proximity to Regulus heightens this symbolic meaning. While Regulus reflects courage, leadership and great power, it also suggests that this influence does not necessarily last. Like the esoteric cautionary advice for the use of Pluto's raw power, the narrative for Regulus includes the requirement of a moral high ground in order to achieve its predicted success.
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Outer circle is Eclipse chart. Inner circle is Trump Natal Chart |
All this is particularly significant for the U.S. because Trump’s Ascendant (using the 10:54am EDT birth time) is at this exact Regulus point, reflecting his persona of a meteoric rise to power and fame. Given that his intelligence and integrity are considered by many questionable at best, this Eclipse could mark an event which begins his Humpty Dumpty Great Fall. Trump was born on a Lunar Eclipse making him especially sensitive to this symbolism. In addition, Saturn is making its final pass over Trump's Moon at 21 Sagittarius (where it was right before his inauguration). The Feminine archetype is likely to have cause to rise up again in protest to buffoon-like actions of the man-child who would be king.
Add to all this synchronicity: 1) Regulus moved into the Constellation of Virgo sometime late 2011 - 2012, symbolically shifting empowerment to the Feminine Virgo archetype and away from the Masculine Leo archetype; and 2) the Eclipse visibility path indicates major changes for locations along its way. The path crosses the entire United States from coast to coast (which is so rare) and emphasizes the U.S. as ripe for radical shifts. This is hard to deny after the strong backlash from events in Virginia (which falls in range of the eclipse path) this week. Not to mention Bannon's exit as Trump advisor and James Murdoch, Fox Chairman - the mouthpiece of Trump's administration - speaking out against him. Mr. Dumpty's wall is crumbling.
Anyway...check out this cool short NASA video about the Eclipse!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxanWTR8-yM |
The upside is that being conscious of our shadow allows us to change. The confluence of these celestial events could indicate an opportunity for crossing a profound threshold. The letting go of what no longer serves us at the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, combined with the new beginnings of the New Moon Solar Eclipse - at the Royal Regulus point - is charged with huge possibilities! We may begin to experience the effects of personal transformation and a collective paradigm shift into a more balanced Feminine/Masculine archetypal perspective. See an earlier post Mercury Retrograde/Solar Eclipse relating this idea to the alchemical sacred marriage of opposites - conjunctio. While we may have to wait until Mercury goes Direct in September to see the impact of these phenomenon, as we build towards the Solar Eclipse on Monday the anticipation feels momentous right now!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpEPTrsYD_o |
LEO TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE SCENE: Barabbas, 1961; Director: Richard Fleischer. This remarkable scene features Anthony Quinn in the title role, as the villain whose life the public chooses to spare instead of Jesus. We see a dramatic Solar Eclipse turn day into night, reflecting the horror that is being witnessed by his followers. The event helps to transform Barabbas, whose fate (in the film) eventually mirrors that of Christ's. It has been noted by astrologer Nicholas Campion, in the Dawn of Astrology, that at the time of the Crucifixion at Passover there would have been a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, but therein lies the poetic license of drama.
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
MOON ENTERS CANCER at 12:13pm EDT on Thursday, August after a VOID OF COURSE morning. It remains in Cancer until Saturday, August 19 at 11:17am. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Uranus in Aries. The Moon in its own Cardinal Water sign of Cancer is strong, especially as we build toward the SOLAR ECLIPSE on Monday. In this placement it is usually emotional, subjective
and appreciates being close to home and family. With the hard aspect to
Uranus, there are likely to be upsets that erupt from actions initiated
during this period. Expect the unexpected and
things will go much easier! Cancer symbolizes The FEMININE ARCHETYPE which we can visualize as the womb, the ultimate container. We feel the need to protect and be protected. We feel dependent and depended upon; we want to nourish and be nourished. Cancer clings; Uranus, especially in Aries, separates. Any conflicts we feel, especially within ourselves (the square aspect), are likely to reflect this theme. We want to belong and participate, but we are also drawn to assert our independence, be unique and go our own way. Try not to take things too personally and
know this too shall pass. Remember to stand in the other's shoes. Allow others the freedom Uranus demands. It's a
good to time to hang out at home and cook some amazing meals and honor others' needs!
CANCER SCENE FOR THE DAY: The Innocents, 2016; France; Director: Anne Fontaine. In a profoundly moving film by women about women, The Feminine Archetype is violated by the sky god Uranus in as outrageous a manner as imaginable. Based on actual events in Poland at the end of WWII contemplative nuns in a Benedictine community must re-examine their faith (Mercury Retrograde) and find radical alternative solutions to a problem which nearly annihilates them. They respond in perfect Cancerian form by discovering a way to take care of each other. The nearly black and white earth toned palette reflects the simplicity of their daily lives and the serious dilemma which they must resolve.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Go63ZVVwivI |
Monday, August 14, 2017
MOON ENTERS GEMINI at 10:06am EDT, after a VOID OF COURSE early morning, and remains in Gemini until Thursday, August 17 at 9:38am. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Sextile Uranus in Aries. Ruled by Mercury, this Mutable
Air sign is a great time for writing, speaking, gathering information
and traveling. The Sextile to Uranus reflects an
exciting, though unexpected and changeable, period where new ideas and
imaginative projects will come through. Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury so opportunities are heightened for its archetype. You might discover that
creativity comes through spontaneous speaking or writing stream-of-conscious thoughts - what Jung refers to as automatic writing. The
unconscious can be revealed and radical magic can happen! This could be a wonderful time to take off on a
short-distance journey, keeping in mind that Mercury is in its tricky 3-day after turning Retrograde period. Remember keys, directions and
money! Re-confirm previously made plans and agreements. While flexibility should come easy when twists and turns to your
plans appear, with all this Fire and Air it's important to keep to your center, find your container and ground yourself. The theme of 'two's' may become prevalent now reflecting the twins of Gemini. Writers! This may a good time to send out re-edited work (or some form of re-doing - because of the Mercury Retrograde) on-line. For first submissions, though it's tempting, I'd wait if you can until Mercury clears after September 8. Actions initiated during this time along these themes tend to have CAUTIOUSLY GOOD results.
GEMINI SCENE FOR THE DAY: Talk To Her, 2002, Spain; Director: Pedro Almodóvar. This unusually creative narrative centers around the theme of the power of stream-of-conscious communication. The stories of two women residing in the same hospital are woven together. Benigno, the male nurse for young dancer Alicia, convinces Marco, the love interest of injured bullfighter Lydia, that they can improve the condition of these two comatose dear ones by spending time talking to them. Amazing and surreal visions ensue as this trailer reveals. This is an edgy piece of cinema in which radical magic happens: communication as dialogue and movement - as only Mercury/Uranus can reflect!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fl8tyEIXXI |
Saturday, August 12, 2017
MOON ENTERS TAURUS at 6:40am EDT on Sunday, August 13 after a brief VOID OF COURSE early morning. The MOON REMAINS IN TAURUS until Monday, August 15 at 9:15pm at which time it goes VOID OF COURSE for the rest of the night. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Sun in Leo. Ruled by Venus, this Fixed Earth sign is
usually a good time for purchases. However, because of the Last Aspect Square to
the Sun and MERCURY RETROGRADE, it's likely that in the end, what you buy now will not satisfy
your true needs or reflect who you really are. It's a good time to get
close to the Earth - working in the garden or building something you
value. Surround yourself with Beauty and experience the sensuous.
The Taurus Moon can reflect being stubborn and
holding back our deepest feelings until they explode. Taurus moves
slowly, purposefully, and usually gets the job done. Don't be in a hurry
now and make sure you act according to your true nature. Otherwise,
actions initiated during this time tend to have CHALLENGING results.
TAURUS SCENE FOR THE DAY: Homeland, 2014: "Krieg Nicht Lieb" (Season 4 Episode 11); Director: Clark Johnson; Writer: Alex Gansa. There
couldn't be two more stubborn characters on a television series more
stubborn and building towards a sexual eruption than Carrie and Quinn
(Claire Danes and Rupert Friend) from Homeland. Ultimately, though these
two CIA operatives seem to really care deeply for each other, their
respective natures are like the Sun in Leo and Moon in Taurus...strong
individuals whose stubbornness dramatically challenges them. Here we see
a mutual Taurus emotional explosion!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVCCF2mxKsU |
MERCURY GOES RETROGRADE tonight, August 12 at 9:01pm EDT at 11 degrees Virgo. It remains Retrograde until Tuesday, September 5 at 7:30am. This is indeed an interesting and perhaps momentous time, as we move towards the TOTAL SOLAR NEW MOON ECLIPSE on August 21st, at 28 degrees 58 minutes Leo, the location of the most powerful Fixed star Regulus (which is also the point of Trump's Ascendant). Eclipses most often come in pairs and are related.The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of August 7th, when the Sun was Opposite the Moon, symbolized the opportunity to release default behavior, assumptions about the world and ourselves (perhaps even energetic, physical and emotional imbalances) that no longer serve us - the Full Moon being a time of climax and completion. The NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE, when the Sun is Conjunct the Moon, can be a time of starting over with new perspectives.
During the two weeks between the two Eclipses and even the week following the Solar Eclipse, energy is heightened. While historically the Solar Eclipse has been associated with dark circumstances, many believe this to be a time when the duality of life can be unified - an opportunity for the alchemical conjunctio, or the Marriage of Opposites - the Opposition resolved in the Conjunction. The challenge is to consciously honor both ends of the polarity. In this case, the Sun Conjuncts the Moon in Leo - the Child and Heart of the Zodiac. The Masculine Archetype (Sun) and Feminine Archetype (Moon) are joined together in this sacred marriage, creating new life, the Child. Perhaps we can imagine this magical and rare Eclipse occultation or darkening of the Sun - totally blocked by the Moon as seen from Earth - as a cleansing or purification preparation for a new kind of life.
That Mercury is Retrograding during this highly charged time might reflect an even stronger opportunity to re-visit old wounds, choices and circumstances to reconsider our beliefs and behavior about them. With the coming New Moon we are supported in making new choices and creating clearer, less emotionally charged perspectives. Leo, the Lion, is about Courage. Let's find ours.
MERCURY RETROGRADE traditionally signifies a period when Mercury's archetype - representing all forms of communication, travel and mind processes - is called into question. The retrograde of any planet suggests a 'going-back-over' past circumstances in the planet's particular archetypal meaning to reconsider new action or perspectives. It is also a time when things in this arena tend not to go as planned or expected. For Mercury, making decisions, purchases, agreements or beginning any form of travel can often result in breakdowns, misunderstandings or failures. Our task is to be conscious, rigorous and as clear as possible in our communications. Check and double check instructions, directions, vehicles and the fine print of documents. Ask for clarification. It's advisable to wait until September 9th - waiting three days after Mercury Stations Direct on September 5 - to make important agreements or begin new projects. Interestingly, Mercury Stations Direct at 28 Leo, conjuncting Mars a few days before, at the same degree as the New Moon Solar Eclipse!
This is such a charged point. The channeled Sabian Symbols for 28 Leo (read SS 29 Leo) is telling: "A Mermaid Emerges From the Ocean Waves Ready for Rebirth in Human Form." See the link for more.
There is so much symbolism associated with this Eclipse period. I thought I'd include a ten minute video from Peruvian Shamanic Healer, Oscar Miro-Quesada, whose description of the events are particularly insightful. Scroll down when you get to the site to see the video.
FULL AND NEW MOON ECLIPSE SCENE OF THE DAY: Homeland, Season 4 Episode 9, 2014; Writer Alex Gansa; Director Daniel Attias. This Showtime series is the ultimate American political spy thriller starring Claire Danes, Mandy Potinkin and Rupert Friend. It is an intelligently written powerful drama. This episode reflects the Full Moon Opposition: the clash of two cultural/ religious ideologies brought to a climactic, almost obligatory conclusion of (near) annihilation. As a result, CIA Station Chief Carrie Mathison (Danes) finally has a new perspective: the futility of these war games. Both 'sides' state the same rationale for their respective actions. This clip is the trailer for the episode. The utter absurdity of choosing the continual repetition of lose-lose scenarios that war brings is one of the indications of insanity, isn't it? And it's such a primitive form of conflict resolution. May we find our way to honoring both ends of what is perhaps an illusory opposition. This would be the ultimate opportunity of the coming New Moon Solar Eclipse: The Alchemical Sacred Marriage. The Mermaid's Rebirth.
During the two weeks between the two Eclipses and even the week following the Solar Eclipse, energy is heightened. While historically the Solar Eclipse has been associated with dark circumstances, many believe this to be a time when the duality of life can be unified - an opportunity for the alchemical conjunctio, or the Marriage of Opposites - the Opposition resolved in the Conjunction. The challenge is to consciously honor both ends of the polarity. In this case, the Sun Conjuncts the Moon in Leo - the Child and Heart of the Zodiac. The Masculine Archetype (Sun) and Feminine Archetype (Moon) are joined together in this sacred marriage, creating new life, the Child. Perhaps we can imagine this magical and rare Eclipse occultation or darkening of the Sun - totally blocked by the Moon as seen from Earth - as a cleansing or purification preparation for a new kind of life.
That Mercury is Retrograding during this highly charged time might reflect an even stronger opportunity to re-visit old wounds, choices and circumstances to reconsider our beliefs and behavior about them. With the coming New Moon we are supported in making new choices and creating clearer, less emotionally charged perspectives. Leo, the Lion, is about Courage. Let's find ours.
MERCURY RETROGRADE traditionally signifies a period when Mercury's archetype - representing all forms of communication, travel and mind processes - is called into question. The retrograde of any planet suggests a 'going-back-over' past circumstances in the planet's particular archetypal meaning to reconsider new action or perspectives. It is also a time when things in this arena tend not to go as planned or expected. For Mercury, making decisions, purchases, agreements or beginning any form of travel can often result in breakdowns, misunderstandings or failures. Our task is to be conscious, rigorous and as clear as possible in our communications. Check and double check instructions, directions, vehicles and the fine print of documents. Ask for clarification. It's advisable to wait until September 9th - waiting three days after Mercury Stations Direct on September 5 - to make important agreements or begin new projects. Interestingly, Mercury Stations Direct at 28 Leo, conjuncting Mars a few days before, at the same degree as the New Moon Solar Eclipse!
This is such a charged point. The channeled Sabian Symbols for 28 Leo (read SS 29 Leo) is telling: "A Mermaid Emerges From the Ocean Waves Ready for Rebirth in Human Form." See the link for more.
There is so much symbolism associated with this Eclipse period. I thought I'd include a ten minute video from Peruvian Shamanic Healer, Oscar Miro-Quesada, whose description of the events are particularly insightful. Scroll down when you get to the site to see the video.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtxU3u9zF58 |
Friday, August 11, 2017

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wPMf9G2WdY |
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zthgpxy0wu8 |
Tuesday, August 8, 2017

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oxWbw3StVg |
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7ddz1S8pJ8 |
Saturday, August 5, 2017
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Water Bearer Aquarian Full Moon |
Projects tend to reach their climax now as we wax towards lunar fullness. Like all Full Moons, the Sun opposes the Moon (Leo Sun ☍ Aquarius Moon) indicating that The Masculine archetype is at odds with The Feminine now. Conscious intentional outward action opposes the unconscious, receptive and protective container. As in all opposition aspects, it behooves us to reconcile the two ends of the polarity by honoring both. The Leo/Aquarian opposition begs the question of how to be an individual in the community. The Leo Sun wants to creatively play/self-express with great enthusiasm while at solo center stage...and be acknowledged for it! The Aquarian Moon's attention is on being creative with others in a more detached and intellectual way. Compromise with intellectual play and acknowledge each and everyone. Trust your intuition now, expect the unexpected and remember the value of breakdown before breakthrough.
ECLIPSE NOTE: Eclipses come in pairs, two weeks apart - one at the New Moon (Solar) and the other at the Full Moon (Lunar); which eclipse happens first varies. The Lunar Eclipse symbolizes a time to let go of attributes or circumstances which no longer serve us while the Solar Eclipse represents a new beginning. Therefore, when the Lunar Eclipse occurs before the Solar Eclipse, as in this month's pair, we have the opportunity to clear out the old before starting a new chapter. Take advantage of this! Try a ritual!
Also, remember MERCURY GOES RETROGRADE on August 12, (don't forget the 3-day before and after rule of thumb) so this is a doubly important time to complete projects/communications/purchases during this Full Moon period.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLWzSGQAnSg |
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
MOON REMAINS in SAGITTARIUS until 5:38pm EDT on Wednesday, August 3 when it goes VOID OF COURSE until 8:37pm. See August 1 for more Sag info. Actions initiated during V/C
periods tend not to work out as planned. It's best to use this time for
inner creative work or planning future action. MOON ENTERS CAPRICORN at 8:37pm and remains here until Sunday, August 6 at 5:22am. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Uranus in Aries.
Ruled by Saturn, the mountain goat Capricorn Moon is often a more solitary time
when our tendency is to resist expressing our emotions. Saturn creates form; form confines space, so we often feel Saturn through limitation. While best utilized for
disciplined work, often manifesting results responsibly within a business or executive framework, the hard Square to Uranus, indicates that actions initiated during this Moon
period will tend to have CHALLENGING results. Because Uranus reflects sudden changes and breaking things apart, circumstances are likely to shift
unexpectedly, create unwanted separations or be upsetting in some other
way. Someone may try to light a fire under you (or head butt you) when you're not yet ready to act. Saturn rules Karma and what guides us towards our purpose or true manifestation of our will. We might feel our purpose is hindered in some way. Saturn highlights authority figures or parents now, so there may be some separation or change in our relationship with them. Saturn/Capricorn also rules Time and moves much slower than Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries; trust your own rhythm and act when the time is right.
CAPRICORN SCENE: Hugo, 2011; Director: Martin Scorsese. There are so many Saturnian themes in this film! The narrative centers around young Hugo, played by Asa Butterfield (you might recognize him as an even younger Mordred from the British tv series Merlin) who lives inside a huge mechanical clock in a Parisian train station. His inventor Father, who was a huge influence on Hugo before his early death, taught him about making and operating mechanical devices. In this scene, he and his new friend Isabelle, played so delicately by Chloë Grace Moretz, converse about the concept of one's purpose being broken. Hugo has faith that, in time, their respective purposes will be revealed.
Film history lovers will appreciate the movie's homage to George Méliès, the original cinematic magician who directed the 1902 A Trip to the Moon. Enjoy this extraordinary piece of early cinema which is considered the first narrative film - the first to join separate scenes together into story form:
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nE70UbTl1rY |
Film history lovers will appreciate the movie's homage to George Méliès, the original cinematic magician who directed the 1902 A Trip to the Moon. Enjoy this extraordinary piece of early cinema which is considered the first narrative film - the first to join separate scenes together into story form:
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FrdVdKlxUk |
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