“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


SUMMER SOLSTICE is exact at 0:24am EDT on Wednesday, June 21, when the Sun enters the Cardinal Water sign Cancer. Interestingly, the very next minute at 0:25 the Moon goes Void of Course for the rest of the day until 6:44pm when it enters Gemini. We made it by less than a minute to have the chart for Summer have an Excellent Taurus Moon! This reflects that a strong material grounding as well as Venus' archetype of Love, Beauty and Money is available to us for the season. (See the previous post for more on the Taurus Moon.)

The most dramatic feature of the Solstice chart is Saturn's residence at the top-of-the-chart Midheaven at 24 Sagittarius. This placement suggests a profound significance to this season. Ranging from its most-to- least optimum expression, we could see a major harvest of mastery and manifestation to a fall from power - as in the classic example of Nixon's chart during the Watergate scandal. The Sabian Symbol (a channeled image for each degree of the zodiac) for this degree is: A Chubby Boy Riding a Hobby Horse. Astrologer Lynda Hill considers that the image suggests a well-fed or rich boy as well as sexual implications. Being at play is often accompanied by a state of unconsciousness about the real world.  She writes: "The Caution: Spoilt and shallow. Only doing what one wants without considering the consequences for others. Constantly going on and on and on about something. Tantrums." Might we know of any well-fed boys in power who fit this description?

Remember that most of this day is Void of Course, so important practical actions tend not to work out as planned. It's best to use this time for inner creative work or envisioning future actions. This is one of the most special turning points of the year to participate in a ritual honoring the creative forces-that-be, as the sacred seasonal wheel turns. The term Solstice is from the Latin 'Sun standing still'. Those who practice yoga and meditation know how profound it can be to still our thoughts - the mind machinery that goes round and round driving us crazy. To engage with this day as a metaphor for Stillness - offering space for the creative divine to enter - could, on this Excellent Taurus Moon ruled by Venus herself, guide us to act on what we truly Love and Value. Our longest day of the year, with 15:05:35 hours/mins/secs of sunlight, sees the sun rising at 5:25am and setting at 8:30pm. May you harvest your most beneficent intentions.

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