“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Friday, June 2, 2017


MOON REMAINS IN VIRGO until 5:48pm EDT on Friday, June 2 when it goes VOID OF COURSE until MOON ENTERS LIBRA at 8:04pm. It remains in Libra until Monday, June 5 at 4:57am. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Opposite Venus in Aries. Mars is pulling the behind-the-scenes strings now as it rules the Aries Venus which rules the Libra Moon. Masculine Mars coloring Feminine Venus suggests that the Athenian Warrior or Amazon Woman archetype comes into play. We may experience that the desire for being physically passionate or aggressive is at odds with the more intellectual and detached Libran Moon’s style of emotional expression. As always, a marriage of these opposite energies is what is required. Libra may end up fighting hard for peace and equality. Bringing some objective reason to your subjective passion is another way you may circumvent the otherwise CHALLENGING results of actions initiated during this time. If you're conscious of these oppositional forces at play during this period it's possible to really discern how the Masculine and Feminine energies work in your life. Libra reflects a time when Beauty, Art, the Law, Partnership and Money are all highlighted. Be sure to incorporate some of these themes into your life now.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: The Legend of Tarzan, 2016. Director: David Yates. The 1912 feral-child fictional character created by Edgar Rice Burroughs in his magazine/novel, Tarzan of the Apes, is re-visited in this Mars/Venus driven film. Inhabited by Swedish actor Alexander Skarsgård, eldest son of Stellan Skarsgård, our latest king of the jungle oozes passion, muscle and soul. Margot Robbie plays Jane in all her Amazonian and Venusian beauty and glory. The animal presence in the movie is visually visceral and gorgeous! It feels archetypal through and through: Human vs. Beast, Rational vs. Primitive, Integrity vs. Greed, Masculine vs. Feminine. Venusian romance is also very present and the chemistry between Skarsgård and Robbie feels volcanic. If you're up for a great romantic adventure story, check it out! Yates also directed the Harry Potter films, so you know you're in highly competent hands.

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