“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Thursday, April 13, 2017


Thursday April 6, Saturn Stationed Retrograde at 27 degrees Sagittarius, a point on the zodiac which is considered the current location of the Galactic Center. The core of our Milky Way Galaxy is believed to be a black hole which emits an enormous gravitational pull as well as electromagnetic radio waves that strongly affect bodies within the galaxy. The GC is also thought to be the source of energy that holds the Milky Way's spiraled form together. Astrological data suggests that planets aligned with the 27 Sagittarius point have an enhanced charge to their archetypal meaning. That Saturn lingers here, (exact from March 6 through May 7, 2017 and November 24 through December 2)  suggests that this entire period is more than worthy of our attention. 


Saturn symbolizes our concept of Reality which, for materially oriented mindsets living on a material plane, has been directly associated with manifesting form. The physical realm, then, becomes the ultimate evidence for evaluating reality. Because form and structure limit space, we also relate the concept of constraint and limitation to this sixth planet from the Sun. Our experience of limitation often yields some manner of pain. Saturn has also been called the planet of karmic lessons. While all planetary configurations are said to reflect elements that our soul or psyche requires in order to grow into our whole Self, Saturn describes the tests we encounter in order to achieve psychological liberation from suffering.               
Buddhist Wheel of Life: Liberation from Karma

In several philosophical systems, this suffering is thought to be due to excessive attachments in the material, mental and emotional arenas. The Saturn archetype symbolizes the hard work, discipline and responsibility necessary to learn the karmic lesson and free ourselves psychologically. It also represents Kronos, the harsh passing of Father Time, which we often experience as limiting. From this description we can begin to see how Saturn's alignment to the primal force of the Galactic Center would be particularly loaded, both personally and collectively.


While Saturn is in the sign of Sagittarius, which is ruled by Jupiter, there is an inherent polarity or opposition to the experience it reflects. Saturn symbolizes contraction, Jupiter/Sag expansion. We may feel drawn towards the bigger picture of philosophy, intuition or faith followed by a pulling back towards the known sense of material reality, reason and doubt . Psychological astrologer Liz Greene suggests this placement might express "a great sensitivity to the plight of humanity as a group, but (that) there is often a tendency toward depression or lack of hope in the individual's own future."1

The Sacred Marriage
What is suggested here is the concept of the marriage of opposites or the alchemical sacred marriage - conjunctio. The opposition is a fundamental theme in astrology if we look at the polar structure of the horoscope's signs and houses. It tends to create a tension between the two activated areas. While so many of us have been trained to default to an 'either/or' separative duality in our reasoning - emphasizing one end of the axis and remaining unconscious or indifferent to the other - we are asked instead to consider the inclusive perspective by honoring the two poles equally. With Saturn in Sagittarius, tension exists between Saturn's reflection of outer accomplishments in one's career, the drive for respect through hard work, discipline and practicality - and Jupiter's quest for inner values of Truth, wisdom and freedom; the pessimistic attitude that life is against us vs. an optimistic lighter belief that we belong to a universe which supports us. The marriage of these opposites would offer us the ability to trust during stressful periods while maintaining humility during our triumphs. We also might see the Freedom in Responsibility. Greene suggests that instead of falling victim to a meaningless life, one might see Saturn’s karmic lesson here as a challenge to develop the intuitive faculty in order to apprehend one’s authentic nature and one's true role in relation to the group and life in general.2

While Saturn transits through Sagittarius, then, it offers us the opportunity to practice marrying these opposite archetypes. Energized by the Galactic Center, this lesson appears to be timely and profound. I might add here that this inclusive perspective is an element of the Feminine principle toward which, according to Richard Tarnas, our current epistemological paradigm is unfolding.3

Pay attention to the ideas, circumstances and relationships that come your way during this period. If you know the placement of Saturn in your natal chart, you will be aware of the area of your life that is being tested. It is here where you are most likely to feel personal limitations and where you are required to release your attachment. More pertinent to this post, notice where transiting Saturn at 27 Sagittarius falls in your chart. This would indicate the location of current challenges and opportunities for growth. But these trials are not only for individual souls. Collectives, such as countries or cultures, are also tested - the anima mundi, or soul of the world, if you will. 
Tiny House Movement
How might this be evident? Look to where themes of contraction show themselves in public life. The growing interest in Minimalist lifestyles comes to mind. More and more informed people are investigating how they can reduce or limit their expenditures, collections of physical things, their environmental footprint. While the internet expands the scope of our connections and we watch with anticipation the numbers of Friends on social media climb, Saturn's now-heightened symbol may reflect the urgency to go deeper than the literal and visible form of quantity in order to evaluate and appreciate the invisible nature of quality, meaning and value of our relationships - not to feel the pressure to expand our associations so broadly that we don't have time or energy to nurture those closer to home. We are continually given clues which help us make wise choices, if we honor the symbols that point the way.


US Transit Chart - June 1, 2017
Interestingly this June, Uranus The Awakener, at 27 Aries makes a 120-degree Trine to Saturn's position (exact in May at 26 degrees) while making a 90-degree square to the US natal Pluto. This suggests a strong wake-up call to change our behavior. Uranus makes its last pass over this point on April 9, 2018 and soon after, in May, begins its seven-year journey through Taurus. This is a critical time for the US to make radical shifts in its perspectives: our lifestyles, our values, our economy, our self- governing strategies including our drive towards Empire and our overriding paradigms including our epistemology - what we believe to be True. Uranus in the Fixed Earth sign of Taurus is in its Fall and may not find positive change as accessible. Indeed, it is likely be a time of economic revolution, when letting go of exaggerated value on material accumulation, the cushy life, will be required.  

Notice that the US natal chart (the inner circle) has Pluto at 27 Capricorn and the Moon at 27 Aquarius...the 27th degree being the operative highlight of this post. Saturn at the Galactic Center triggers these points. While destructive (and regenerative) Pluto is most assuredly engaged, our all-important Uranus-ruled Aquarian Moon, which rules our Cancer Sun, is being Sextiled by this transiting Saturn, offering us a liberating humanitarian perspective. The transiting Nodal Axis at 27 Leo/Aquarius is exactly aligned with the Moon suggesting circumstances are, simply put, fated. 


Remember - an even bigger picture shows us that we are moving towards another dramatic moment when, in January 2020, Saturn conjuncts Pluto at 22 and 23 degrees Capricorn and the new 33 year- long Saturn/Pluto cycle begins. This point is particularly interesting as it is only four degrees away from the US natal Pluto position at 27 Capricorn (our Pluto Return). Karmic lessons in tearing down old traditional structures that no longer serve us and the creation of more appropriate paradigms are likely to predominate during this new cycle. The US Pluto Return, which opposes natal Mercury in Cancer in the 8th house, suggests an evolution to our values of wealth and power as well as how we communicate these concepts to others. The Pluto Return occurs from Feb. '22 through Oct. '23.

US Transit Chart at 9/11
During its cycle we look for critical angles between the two planets to notice how the archetypes are playing out. For example, on 9/11 Pluto opposed Saturn, a climactic 180 degree angle - a half-way point in its cycle - right on the Ascendant/Descendant axis of the US Chart (Sibly). This might be referred to as 'the enemy at the gate' or the lens through which we see the world is being transformed (destroyed and regenerated). Because the Ascendant/Descendant axis reflects the dynamic between ourselves and others (relationships) it can represent a radical shift in our connections with other countries. Richard Tarnas makes the point that, "...the first Saturn-Pluto cycle of the twentieth century correlated closely to the world wars and the second with the Cold War."4 We can see in the composite chart right above how strong these planetary archetypes have been for the US.

Saturn is demonstrating its calling as Teacher of Karmic Lessons now. If we learn to marry the opposites as well as honor the awakening of Uranus and the optimistic faith of Jupiter... and evolve into the inclusive Feminine principle, we might snap out of denial long enough to act responsibly and find the freedom that will guide our way home.

1 Greene, Liz, Saturn, (York Beach,  Maine: Weiser, 1976), p. 89.
2 Ibid.
3 Tarnas, Richard, Passion of the Western Mind, (New York: Ballentine Books, 1991), p. 444.
4 Tarnas, Richard, Cosmos and Psyche, (New York: Viking, 2006), p. 215. 

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