MOON IN LEO from 4:41am EST on Thursday, February 9 until 0:52am on Saturday February 11. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Trine Saturn in Sagittarius.This Fixed Firey
Moon period will have an abundance of energy and passion to initiate
projects. The Trine to Saturn Last Aspect will ground it, making visions
manifest in reality. As we build towards the
Friday (so sorry for the Saturday slip!) at 7:33pm EST at 22 Leo, this is a time for the Culmination of projects
or actions, especially those initiated at the New Moon two weeks ago on
January 27th.

The Lunar Eclipse, when the Earth is positioned between the Sun and the Moon, and its shadow blocks the Sun's reflected light on the Moon, is also considered a time to let go of what no longer serves us. This is a great preparation for the Solar New Moon Eclipse in Pisces two weeks later, on February 26th. That would normally be the time to begin a new project, but because the Last Aspect is a challenged Square to Saturn, I advise you to wait another two days until the 28th, when the Moon is in Aries and the Last Aspect is a more beneficial Trine to Saturn. Today's Leo Moon is likely to find people playing center stage. Our tendency may be to act like the Earth and block their overly-bright light, but if you can frame it as the inner-child self-expressing and pay homage to their big-kid open heart, you may be on the receiving end of great warmth and generosity! (...pathetic-excuses-for-Presidents excluded: Trump's Leo Ascendant doesn't give him the right to play the petulant child on the world stage - where's the Regal Leo Dignity?) Saturn in Sag often indicates issues around our sense of meaning of life- philosophic, traditionally religious or more broadly spiritual. This Full Moon is likely to heighten issues around our beliefs. Remember tolerance and compassion now. Actions
initiated during this time will tend to have FAIR results. Eclipses can be tricky! Follow your Leo Heart.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Curly Top, 1935; Director: Irving Cummings. With six planets in passionate Fire signs, including Mercury, Jupiter and Venus in Aries, Shirley Temple loved being center-stage. Here she sings the classic 'Animal Crackers', leading the entire orphanage of children to play along. The eclipse comes in the form of a mean old man who chastises her bravado. But others come to her rescue knowing that it's her big heart that counts.
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