“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


MOON IN SCORPIO from 1:41am EST on Thursday, February 16 until Friday, February 17 at 2:38pm when it goes VOID OF COURSE for the rest of the day. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Sextile Pluto in Capricorn. This is a very strong time to initiate actions in the area of Resources: Investments, purchases, any financial endeavor. Pluto is the Ruler of Scorpio so the Moon is very strong now and is likely to reflect opportunities and success in this arena. It is also an excellent time to go deep into the psychological realm to resolve issues, as Scorpio can reflect the Archetype of The Healer. This time feeds our love of mysteries and engaging with unknown matters and the unconscious psyche. Pluto is synonymous with Power and Control, so be conscious of others' needs and rights in your dealings now. We appear to be a divided nation now and one of our collective tests may be to remain compassionate regarding others' points of view. While we live in historic pivotal times and circumstances are to be taken very seriously, we may also need to be reminded to Let Go and Lighten Up - to maintain personal sanity. I love the idea of comparing our intense political involvement to singing in a choir; in order to maintain the continuous sound, each participant takes a breath at different times. We all don't have to carry the load all the time. We all need breaks, empty space and our attention diverted to other things. As long as we don't drop the ball all at once, the momentum we've created will only get stronger. Scorpio/Pluto is a time for deep transformation. The Moon in Scorpio is the Feminine Healer/Transformer. We, as Phoenix, rise out of the ashes and the sting of the scorpion into a New Paradigm. We become the Eagle who looks down from on high to see the whole picture. This is who we are now. Use this time well! Actions initiated during this Moon period will tend to have EXCELLENT results!
SCENE FOR THE DAY: The Titanic, 1997; Director: James Cameron.  Scorpio/Pluto goes deep under the surface searching for treasure/resources: physical, psychological or symbolic. It reflects our predisposition for delving into our unconscious to discover alchemical gold. This scene from the classic film starring Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio offers us a literal treasure hunt for the Heart of the Ocean blue diamond. While no one actually cashes in on the necklace, elder Rose bestows on the treasure hunters the wealth of her story. And, of course, she recovers her bounty of memories while returning the diamond to the sea.

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