“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Thursday, January 5, 2017


MOON REMAINS IN ARIES until 1:41pm EST on Friday January 6th, when it goes VOID OF COURSE. See January 4 for Aries info. At 3:18pm the MOON ENTERS TAURUS where it remains until Saturday January 7th at 9:23pm. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon in Taurus Trine Sun in Capricorn. Ruled by Venus, this Fixed Earth sign is the Master Builder. It is a time to honor Venus by using your personal resources to create something that is physically Beautiful to the eye and Sensuous to the touch. Capricorn is also an Earth sign so this Moon period supports being practical, disciplined and grounded in our work giving us the ability to produce results. If the Capricorn Sun doesn't crank you up for initiating some ambitious endeavor, slower Taurus may reflect your desire to kick back with your honey and the cushy comforts of home, couch and big screen movies which, because it's the weekend, just might be what you need. Taurus represents what we Value most in this world, so it has become known as the Money sign - more earthly practical than aesthetic, perhaps.  In any case, we may focus on finances and purchases which would be perfect if Mercury weren't turning Direct on the 8th. Because of this transition time - the three days before and three days after - I'd caution against any buying or selling of expensive or important items. These cautions are in effect through January 10th. For long-term important projects, actions initiated during this time will tend to not work out as planned or be delayed. Wait until the 11th to act. If you can avoid being weighed down by this earthy time, you should feel very accomplished in short-term projects now.

FYI: The Electoral Votes are Formally Counted this Friday on January 6th.
"The Congress meets in joint session to count the electoral votes...The Vice President, as President of the Senate, presides over the count and announces the results of the Electoral College vote. The President of the Senate then declares which persons, if any, have been elected President and Vice President of the United States...If any objections to the Electoral College vote are made, they must be submitted in writing and be signed by at least one member of the House and one Senator. If objections are presented, the House and Senate withdraw to their respective chambers to consider their merits under procedures set out in federal law." See Electoral Schedule for complete schedule.

TRUMP NOTE: Given Mercury's most vulnerable period is from January 5-10, which reflects a period of great uncertainty and a tendency for delay or reversal, it is a very tricky time for this announcement to be made. Also, remember Trump's natal chart has been under great stress with transiting Saturn conjunct his Moon Opposite Sun/North Node/Uranus. Circumstances tend to create tension, depression and emotional shut-down, particularly involving the women in his life. The opposition to the Sun reflects rejection or testing of his goals, sense of self and his North Node destiny. (We must also note a contradiction to these detrimental indicators: Jupiter is currently on the Ascendant and Saturn is at the Midheaven of his Secondary Progressed Chart - which are very positive indications for success. It will be educational to witness which indicators rule the day.)
SCENE FOR THE DAY: The Notebook, 2004; Director: Nick Cassavetes. With the intention 'build it and she will come' Noah, the Taurean Master Builder, tries to sell the house he renovated for Allie. He just can't do it. Reason after reason get in the way. He procrastinates - Mercury retro. We know it's just not a good idea. He knows too. It just doesn't happen. Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gossling: Moon Trine Sun. The Feminine in harmony with The Masculine...Grounded. Capricorn initiates the building, determined to reach his goal. Taurus makes it last. 

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