“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Monday, January 9, 2017


MOON ENTERS CANCER at 5:49pm EST on Tuesday January 10 after being VOID OF COURSE from 4:38pm. Moon remains in Cancer until Thursday January 12 at 6:34am. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon in Cancer Opposite Sun in Capricorn. FULL MOON EXACT at 6:34am EST on January 12 at 22 Cancer. MERCURY is still adjusting into DIRECT motion until the 11th and enters CAPRICORN on the 12th, after having retrograded back into the last few degrees of Sagittarius (the Galactic Center). This is a loaded Moon period! The Moon in its own sign is strong, which means its archetypal description is likely to be evident. Strong emotions of a past, subconscious and very personal nature will tend to climb up out of the shadows and make themselves known. Our attention will be on home and family, particularly parents, so these emotions are likely to be directed to that arena. Although, with the Last Aspect opposing the Sun in Capricorn, there's also palpable tension possible between our attachment to home life and our drive to demonstrate success in our professional work. This emotional friction at the Full Moon could drive us over the brink! Not to mention Mercury's vulnerable three days of adjusting back to forward motion after its station direct on the 8th.
We'll want to be as responsible as possible to our loved ones for any tricky feelings that need to be aired. Just remember Love is almost always beneath the conflict-of-the moment and mutual respect is always the high road...if you can take it. This is a culmination time for what's been submerged or in process, especially for projects begun at the previous Capricorn New Moon on December 29. This is the last post for cautionary advice about Mercury for awhile. Be patient just a little longer until the All Clear call is made on the 11th!  BTW, the Galactic Center reference would suggest that Mercury is now especially able to access the bigger picture - the Cosmic perspective - and speak from there!
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Baby Boom, 2009; Director: Thierry Lorenzi. The classic Cancer Full Moon meltdown about the tension between home and work is made to order for Diane Keaton. Executive Amazon woman turned country bumpkin with a baby to raise sets the stage for great comedic drama. Frustration resulting from farmhouse repairs and the yearning for the simpler city life (where you don't have to worry about where your water comes from - you just turn on the faucet and it's there!) rises to its inevitable climax in this scene.  If only we could always default to the laughter this cinematic moment evokes when we reach our own peak freak outs! kingdom for some objectivity!

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