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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PytwFpIcy3E |
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
MOON IN ARIES: After being VOID OF COURSE all afternoon from 12:36pm on Tuesday, the Moon enters Mars-ruled Aries at 4:47pm EST and remains until 11:50am on Thursday, February 2. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Trine Saturn in Sagittarius. This Cardinal Fire sign combined with this Last Aspect would ignite any warrior/adventurer into action. Qualities of courage, leadership. aggression and continuous forward movement describe this astrological moment. Athletics and long-distance journeys are also highlighted. Sag brings even more fire power to this time so spirits are high and passionate projects prevail. Be aware of Aries' impulsive nature and make sure you slow down enough to really think your situation through. Also make sure you have a safe practical container and support system in place before you leap - Saturn should support you. All Fire signs reflect a strong Will which, if allowed to run wild, can be pretty arrogant. Make sure you''re listening to what others need. Actions initiated along these themes will tend to have GOOD resolutions. Find your courage now and do what it takes (with a higher-than-Trump moral standard, that is...) to produce the results! You don't have to be a guy to have chutzpah - we all know by now this is the time for Wild Women Warriors!
SCENE FOR THE DAY: The Finest Hours, 2016; Director: Craig Gillespie. Chris Pine and Casey Affleck are Aries warriors to the max in this completely compelling film! Based on the true story from Chatham, Cape Cod, Massachusettes, Pine's character - the meek and indomitable Coast Guard petty officer Bernie Webber - is ordered to take a small craft out on a stormy night to rescue crew from a distressed tanker. Just about everyone agrees it's a no-win situation but Bernie follows orders and goes for it. The Last Aspect indicator should tell you how the story ends, but the narrative, the acting and the visuals - the details of how film unfolds - are what drama is all about. Bernie's character, is particularly strong. He is an unlikely hero, transforming from a conservative, rule-following, really nice guy to a 'not-on-my-watch', courageous leader who refuses to give up and turn back. Bernie may be a guy but he's got a really big compassionate and inclusive feminine side!
Saturday, January 28, 2017
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SR7WbmwhEFE |
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Seraphine, 2008, French/Belgium; Director: Martin Provost. This cinematic treasure recounts the true story of Seraphine de Senlis who, while her profession is a cleaning woman, is nocturnally driven by Mother Mary to paint her visions. While her spiritual life is rich and united with the Divine, her only real relationships in the human and material world are with the German art critic who discovers her and Mother Nature, which often provides the natural pigments for her paint. This is the story of the wounded Feminine who, though an outcast and victim in her daily life, finds transcendence through her work. Here's a link for the film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygIMIOFxfdQ
YEAR OF THE ROOSTER: While traditionally, it reflects the qualities of Courage, Responsibility and Punctuality, another name for Rooster, often used in fairytales, is THE CHANTICLEER: Clear Voice or Clear Song. I became aware of this word through reading Dane Rudyar's book on Sabian Symbols, channeled images for each degree of the zodiac.* Rudyar's interpretation of this image for 23 Libra is, "The Chanticleer's Voice Heralds Sunrise: A creative and joyous response to life processes. The Cock that crow's as the first coloring of dawn appears at the eastern horizon is a beautiful symbol of the ability, demonstrated by all pioneers and cosmically attuned individuals, to give voice to what is as yet unmanifested, but is on the way to manifestation. At the ego level, chanticleer may feel that he makes the sun rise; but someday he will learn through painful experiences that to create is only to reveal what essentially is. It is the vivid recognition of the as-yet-unknown in the known. We might also use the expression 'The Wake-Up Call' for the Chanticleer."
The synchronicity of symbols is evident when we consider the events of this New Year of 2017. We are being called to task in response to the last gasp of the fading patriarchal paradigm in which we have been living. And we are responding with an resounding resurgence of passionate self and collective assertion: We Are Here and We Won't Take It Anymore! The Double-Speak, The Loss of Appreciation for Soul and Beauty, The Immunity to Compassion and Equality. We have been Woken Up and we are remembering our Voice. Symbols are powerful: A Cock is waking us up!
I was thinking that in the 60's our collective voice was constellated by the War in Viet Nam. Fifty years later we are seemingly moved to action by the absurdity of a cartoon character president (or as Jane Fonda called him Predator-In-Chief), identifying this singular person as the source of our problems. Yet, he is merely the mouthpiece of the force that elected him. [He may not have won the popular vote but we can't deny that our Collective Will also created the Electoral College, not yet caught up to the frailties of that system.] His voice is the voice of small values: they appear to stem from a severely subjective, defensive and outmoded perspective. These values are based on survival of the fittest, when the fittest allows a blatant disregard for fairness, honesty and integrity. It is the ideology of Empire. It is the repressed Fear of the Bully. It is the drive to build a wall of protection against the flooding tide of evolution which is unfolding towards The Feminine Archetype of inclusiveness, diversity, compassion and equality. This is The New FITTEST. Persephone Unbound.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CxcnB16Tyk |
Thursday, January 26, 2017

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vIyfzbPCqY&index=1&list=RD_vIyfzbPCqY |
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFdJza0AbeA |
Monday, January 23, 2017
MOON IN SAGITTARIUS until 12:33pm EST on Tuesday, January 24 (see January 22) when it goes VOID OF COURSE until 5:45pm. Important practical actions tend not to work out as planned during V/C period.
Inner Creative work and imagining future action is best for this time. MOON ENTERS CAPRICORN at 5:45pm and remains until Friday, January 27 at 2:18am. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Sextile Mars in Pisces. Ruled by Saturn, the ambitious grounded quality of
this time is enriched by Mars' creative visionary force in Pisces. We
are likely to pay attention to others' needs more than the usual
Capricorn Moon because of Pisces' compassionate nature. This is a
GOOD time to focus and act on the business of Artistic projects, or enter into any transactions/agreements. Relationships with business partners will tend to benefit from this time of mutual understanding. Actions
initiated during this time will tend to have GOOD results. Notice that the alternative Capricorn image of the Sea Goat is chosen for this month. It is distinguished from the classic Mountain Goat by its fish-tail. With the Pisces Mars in mind, this image combines the climb out of the depths of the unconscious original waters with the ambitious goal orientation of the earthy Mountain Goat. This expanded sense of Capricorn does not experience the resistance to emotional expression that is often associated with cool Saturn. It acknowledges the entire axis of Capricorn and its opposite, Cancer - Earth and life-giving Water together. We have the opportunity this month to experience this fuller expression, as symbolized by the Last Aspect.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Woman in Gold, 2015; Director: Simon Curtis. Helen Mirren plays Maria Altmann, a Jewish Holocaust survivor who's goal is the return of artwork taken from her family by the Nazis during WWII. With support from lawyer Randy Schoenberg played by Ryan Reynolds - who in this scene evokes an empathetic smile from even the Supreme Court Chief Justice - a Capricornian uphill battle ensues. The Klimt painting, Woman in Gold, is indeed returned to its rightful owner, a relatively small gesture of understanding and compassion to a single family as well as acknowledgment of horrible wrongs perpetrated on an entire culture.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuNlQzK0a90 |
Saturday, January 21, 2017
MOON IN SAGITTARIUS from 5:45am EST on Sunday, January 22 to Tuesday, January 24 at 12:33pm. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Mars in Pisces. While the Sag Moon is driven to action and adventure, the Square to Mars Last Aspect is likely to get us into
trouble now. Circumstances will tend to provoke anger and emotional
upset even with the most broadminded Jupiter-ruled Sag Moon. Perhaps our grand
philosophical ideals are met with undermining doubt or not enough energy to carry them through, and our balloon is
popped. We are likely to need grounding with these Mutable signs, more
practical containers to hold our imaginings. The individual spirit is met with resistance from the collective will. Perhaps its best to keep our ideas to ourselves for awhile until the energy clears! Actions
initiated during this period tend to eventually have CHALLENGING results.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: The Man Who Knew Infinity, 2015; Director: Matt Brown. Based on the true story of Srinivasa Ramanujan, the brilliant Indian mathematician, we see here that ideas which elude logical proof aren't necessarily wrong. They just don't fit the paradigm in which they are attempting to exist. Doubt from the Cambridge University collective undermines Ramanujan's intuitive work, his life force and soon his will to survive. Dev Patel and Jeremy Irons star as student and mentor. While it's hard to tell who plays which role, it's easy to say both are excellent performances.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: The Man Who Knew Infinity, 2015; Director: Matt Brown. Based on the true story of Srinivasa Ramanujan, the brilliant Indian mathematician, we see here that ideas which elude logical proof aren't necessarily wrong. They just don't fit the paradigm in which they are attempting to exist. Doubt from the Cambridge University collective undermines Ramanujan's intuitive work, his life force and soon his will to survive. Dev Patel and Jeremy Irons star as student and mentor. While it's hard to tell who plays which role, it's easy to say both are excellent performances.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NP0lUqNAw3k&list=PLDB8hi2DWp3OkHbVgprMKodDUsMvIFsr-&index=2 |
Thursday, January 19, 2017
MOON IS VOID OF COURSE Thursday, January 19 until 5:09pm EST. Use this V/C day for inner work and
creative endeavors or imagining future actions. Important practical actions/projects initiated now
tend not to work out as planned or desired. At 5:09pm MOON ENTERS SCORPIO until Saturday, January 21 at 8:42pm. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Trine Mars in Pisces. Ruled by Pluto, this Fixed Water sign reflects a GOOD time for deep sea diving into psyche's sea. We have energy and Will which is fluid enough to 'feel into' our
unconsciousness bringing forth new perspectives and healing for ourselves and others. Mars
is the traditional ruler of Scorpio (before Pluto was discovered in 1930) so the Last Aspect is strong. Therefore, we're more likely to experience
the serpent's wisdom as well as the transformative and re-birthing power
of the phoenix than the sting of the scorpion at this time. Resources
and personal power should be available for projects - particularly artistic endeavors and healing - that
are initiated at this time. Remember that, whatever it is, it is not yours to control and to come up for air! Actions in
general initiated at this time will tend to have GOOD results. NOTE: SUN ENTERS AQUARIUS at 4:24pm on Thursday, January 19.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Resurrection, 1980; Director: Daniel Petrie. This remarkable scene reflects the transformational healing power of Scorpio, especially given the support of a Trine to Mars. Ellen Burstyn is Edna, a hands-on healer who with her will and receptivity, works with a woman to release her from a crippling affliction. Powerful cinema.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYs0C3li3Zk |
Monday, January 16, 2017
MOON IN LIBRA from 6:19am EST on Tuesday January 17 until Thursday January 19 at 3:55am. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Sextile Saturn in Sagittarius. Ruled by Venus, this Cardinal Air sign reflects, among other things, Relationships, Equality, Justice, Balance and Beauty. With the Last Aspect sextile Saturn we are likely to notice a grounding, seriousness, practicality or structure to our relationships at this time. We may embark on a relationship with an older person. We may find a Master whose life experience guides us. Whatever form this partnership or artistic endeavor takes there will tend to be opportunities available to us as a result of it. Given that we are working with Saturn's archetype, there may be some testing involved. Even so, actions initiated along this theme are likely to have GOOD resolutions.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Lion, 2016; Director: Garth Davis. Based on a true story, we are entranced by Saroo, a five year old Indian boy, who waits for his brother on a train platform - but his brother never returns. Saroo, played by precious Sunny Pawar, gets on an empty train in the station, falls asleep and finds himself in a new world when he awakens. This is an amazing story of beautiful relationships, particularly between the two brothers. These bonds are all tested yet wonderful opportunities arise from these trials. Dev Patel from Slumdog Millionaire and The Newsroom stars as the older Saroo.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RNI9o06vqo |
Saturday, January 14, 2017
MOON is in LEO until 10:17am EST on Saturday, January 14 when it goes VOID OF COURSE until 10:52pm. After self-expressing
yourself up the wazoo yesterday and initiating creative projects, we
have another full Void of Course day to use your imagination to prepare
for your next actions. Don't expect much work to get accomplished today.
Practical actions initiated during this time tend to have CHALLENGING
results. Use this day to let your rational mind go and and dream your
way into the numinous reality where magic happens. You may find
irrational answers to confounding mysteries!
MOON ENTERS VIRGO at 10:52pm EST on January 14 and remains until Tuesday, January 17th at 1:09am. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon in Virgo Trine Sun in Capricorn. Ruled by Mercury, this Mutable Earth sign reflects our ability for Integration. Virgo rules the 6th House, which is the last house below the horizon in Western astrology's Tropical horoscope. One of this house's qualities is to integrate all the personal work that has gone before it in the first five houses. It represents the house of daily work, health and nutritian. Virgo reflects Mercury's association with communication and mind processes by using critical thinking: ordering, analyzing, evaluating and discerning. The extreme use of this quality can have us become nit-picky and judgmental, demanding perfection in every situation. So use the opportunity of this Moon period for its most optimum result - being clear in your language, editing, cleaning and ordering your space, and discerning health issues. This is a writer's gift, to be sure! Actions initiated along these themes tend have EXCELLENT results!
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Arrival, 2016; Director: Denis Villeneuve. Linguist professor, Dr. Banks, played by a captivating Amy Adams and theoretical physicist Jeremy Renner, after many attempts at communicating with octopus-like 'heptapods' are finally able to translate the alien language. This sophisticated and complex narrative embraces innovative concepts of both linguistics and time travel enabling Banks' character to integrate human and alien communication. This film is a must see!
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Arrival, 2016; Director: Denis Villeneuve. Linguist professor, Dr. Banks, played by a captivating Amy Adams and theoretical physicist Jeremy Renner, after many attempts at communicating with octopus-like 'heptapods' are finally able to translate the alien language. This sophisticated and complex narrative embraces innovative concepts of both linguistics and time travel enabling Banks' character to integrate human and alien communication. This film is a must see!
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watch?v=PkYh9e-fvbA&index=15&list=PLVjwdZylAT2muyIgGTlWIea5XGrhQ0w0S |
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
MOON ENTERS LEO at 7:08pm EST on Thursday January 12 after being VOID OF COURSE ALL DAY from 6:34am.
Bring a project or circumstance to completion at the Cancer Full Moon, exact at 6:34am on the 12th -
something in the home...maybe involving Food! The cosmos is with you!
SEE JANUARY 10 and 11 for more
info. MOON REMAINS IN LEO until Saturday January 14 at 10:17am. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Trine Saturn in Sagittarius.
Thursday is a mixed day. From the
completion energy of the FULL MOON in the morning to a rather
non-productive V/C day where it's best to go with the flow, be creative
and focus on the inner life - or concentrate on planning a future action. Don't expect practical things to get
accomplished. Otherwise, important practical actions initiated during
this V/C period will tend to have
CHALLENGING results. Wait for the Moon to enter Sun-ruled Leo, the Fixed Fire
sign, in the evening to
begin something important. And that something better be CREATIVE and entertaining! With
the Trine to Saturn in Sag aspect, there's a lot of Fire, but it's
grounded now and you can really produce results. Have a good time
playing as you fully express yourself! Just be conscious of others at
this time. Leo energy can be self-oriented...open your big Leo Heart and share your stage!
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Hustle and Flow, 2005; Director: Craig Brewer. Even warm-hearted pimps have dreams - and masterful Terrance Howard, as D-Jay, makes his happen! With his motley but talented crew sharing his stage he self-expresses himself all the way to jail...with a hit record in tow. If you've never seen this gritty while totally lovable early-days-of-rap-film, try it on. It's a winner!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4Yu5TIgnTI |
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Hustle and Flow, 2005; Director: Craig Brewer. Even warm-hearted pimps have dreams - and masterful Terrance Howard, as D-Jay, makes his happen! With his motley but talented crew sharing his stage he self-expresses himself all the way to jail...with a hit record in tow. If you've never seen this gritty while totally lovable early-days-of-rap-film, try it on. It's a winner!
Monday, January 9, 2017
MOON ENTERS CANCER at 5:49pm EST on Tuesday January 10 after being VOID OF COURSE from 4:38pm. Moon remains in Cancer until Thursday January 12 at 6:34am. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon in Cancer Opposite Sun in Capricorn. FULL MOON EXACT at 6:34am EST on January 12 at 22 Cancer. MERCURY is still adjusting into DIRECT motion until the 11th and enters CAPRICORN on the 12th, after having retrograded back into the last few degrees of Sagittarius (the Galactic Center). This is a loaded Moon period! The Moon in its own sign is strong, which means its archetypal description is likely to be evident. Strong emotions of a past, subconscious and very personal nature will tend to climb up out of the shadows and make themselves known. Our attention will be on home and family, particularly parents, so these emotions are likely to be directed to that arena. Although, with the Last Aspect opposing the Sun in Capricorn, there's also palpable tension possible between our attachment to home life and our drive to demonstrate success in our professional work. This emotional friction at the Full Moon could drive us over the brink! Not to mention Mercury's vulnerable three days of adjusting back to forward motion after its station direct on the 8th.
We'll want to be as responsible as possible to our loved ones for any tricky feelings that need to be aired. Just remember Love is almost always beneath the conflict-of-the moment and mutual respect is always the high road...if you can take it. This is a culmination time for what's been submerged or in process, especially for projects begun at the previous Capricorn New Moon on December 29. This is the last post for cautionary advice about Mercury for awhile. Be patient just a little longer until the All Clear call is made on the 11th! BTW, the Galactic Center reference would suggest that Mercury is now especially able to access the bigger picture - the Cosmic perspective - and speak from there!
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Baby Boom, 2009; Director: Thierry Lorenzi. The classic Cancer Full Moon meltdown about the tension between home and work is made to order for Diane Keaton. Executive Amazon woman turned country bumpkin with a baby to raise sets the stage for great comedic drama. Frustration resulting from farmhouse repairs and the yearning for the simpler city life (where you don't have to worry about where your water comes from - you just turn on the faucet and it's there!) rises to its inevitable climax in this scene. If only we could always default to the laughter this cinematic moment evokes when we reach our own peak freak outs! Ah...my kingdom for some objectivity!
We'll want to be as responsible as possible to our loved ones for any tricky feelings that need to be aired. Just remember Love is almost always beneath the conflict-of-the moment and mutual respect is always the high road...if you can take it. This is a culmination time for what's been submerged or in process, especially for projects begun at the previous Capricorn New Moon on December 29. This is the last post for cautionary advice about Mercury for awhile. Be patient just a little longer until the All Clear call is made on the 11th! BTW, the Galactic Center reference would suggest that Mercury is now especially able to access the bigger picture - the Cosmic perspective - and speak from there!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M77mHX3YwE4 |
Saturday, January 7, 2017
We have three forces constellating at this time to challenge our game. You know by now the cautions for Void of Course Moon: Stay in the creative, in-between numinous place of dreams, Art and imagination. Logic and practical actions don't tend to work out. It's a better time for planning - as in imagining - future actions now. Don't expect to accomplish much on Sunday. Have a play-day!
When a planet's sign - in this case Moon in Gemini - is opposed by its natural Planetary Ruler - the planet Mercury rules Gemini - the optimum expression of its Archetypal description is likely to be undermined. So, in this case, Moon in Gemini's natural capacities for Intelligence, Communication and Travel - identifying and expressing feelings rationally, being adaptable, versatile, being on the move and multi-task oriented - are often not available to us. Instead, at this time we are likely to speak or act without thinking, fall victim to gossip, become overly critical and act impulsively. What's most important is to slow down and gain control over your communications. Try not to allow Reason to overpower your Emotions and vice versa.
It's all about Balancing both realms. In other words: think before you speak but try not to let your overactive mind stop you from speaking. And when you do speak, notice if you're all about rationalizing your actions. Have the courage to Speak your True Feelings - ideally without Blame and only after you've considered the situation thoroughly. Often either the big picture (Sag) is lost to the minutia (Gemini) or we can't see the forest for the trees. Look at the whole scenario. Otherwise, actions initiated during this Moon period are likely to have CHALLENGING results.
All this is heightened now because Mercury Stations and Turns Direct on Sunday, the 8th at 4:43am EST and the three days that follow are the last three days of the most vulnerable time of the entire Mercury Retrograde period. Stay conscious. Up your Reality Check game. Check and double check the accuracy of communications, the viability of vehicles and times/places of schedules. Actions are likely to be delayed or confused in some way. It is advised not to enter into important agreements, sign important documents or make expensive purchases or investments. Be Patient and Wait till the energy releases - generally speaking, around the 11th.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Stranger Things, 2016; Netflix, Created by the Duffer Brothers. Communications that defy logic yet eventually - after eight episodes and many creative delays - produce the desired result...in addition to great challenges, impulsive action and danger to Gemini youths...would most definitely describe this Netflix series. Ultimately, the characters use their individual and collaborative intelligence balanced with expressed high emotions to finally win the day. In this scene, high-strung Wynona Ryder imaginatively strings high alphabetized Christmas lights for the purpose of communicating with her missing son...it's the Best! A mix of The Goonies, ET and 80's horror flics, this year's captivating sci-fi monster mash is surprisingly endearing.
We have three forces constellating at this time to challenge our game. You know by now the cautions for Void of Course Moon: Stay in the creative, in-between numinous place of dreams, Art and imagination. Logic and practical actions don't tend to work out. It's a better time for planning - as in imagining - future actions now. Don't expect to accomplish much on Sunday. Have a play-day!
When a planet's sign - in this case Moon in Gemini - is opposed by its natural Planetary Ruler - the planet Mercury rules Gemini - the optimum expression of its Archetypal description is likely to be undermined. So, in this case, Moon in Gemini's natural capacities for Intelligence, Communication and Travel - identifying and expressing feelings rationally, being adaptable, versatile, being on the move and multi-task oriented - are often not available to us. Instead, at this time we are likely to speak or act without thinking, fall victim to gossip, become overly critical and act impulsively. What's most important is to slow down and gain control over your communications. Try not to allow Reason to overpower your Emotions and vice versa.
It's all about Balancing both realms. In other words: think before you speak but try not to let your overactive mind stop you from speaking. And when you do speak, notice if you're all about rationalizing your actions. Have the courage to Speak your True Feelings - ideally without Blame and only after you've considered the situation thoroughly. Often either the big picture (Sag) is lost to the minutia (Gemini) or we can't see the forest for the trees. Look at the whole scenario. Otherwise, actions initiated during this Moon period are likely to have CHALLENGING results.
All this is heightened now because Mercury Stations and Turns Direct on Sunday, the 8th at 4:43am EST and the three days that follow are the last three days of the most vulnerable time of the entire Mercury Retrograde period. Stay conscious. Up your Reality Check game. Check and double check the accuracy of communications, the viability of vehicles and times/places of schedules. Actions are likely to be delayed or confused in some way. It is advised not to enter into important agreements, sign important documents or make expensive purchases or investments. Be Patient and Wait till the energy releases - generally speaking, around the 11th.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kn2e-bIlmE |
Thursday, January 5, 2017
FYI: The Electoral Votes are Formally Counted this Friday on January 6th.
"The Congress meets in joint session to count the electoral votes...The Vice President, as President of the Senate, presides over the count and announces the results of the Electoral College vote. The President of the Senate then declares which persons, if any, have been elected President and Vice President of the United States...If any objections to the Electoral College vote are made, they must be submitted in writing and be signed by at least one member of the House and one Senator. If objections are presented, the House and Senate withdraw to their respective chambers to consider their merits under procedures set out in federal law." See Electoral Schedule for complete schedule.
TRUMP NOTE: Given Mercury's most vulnerable period is from January 5-10, which reflects a period of great uncertainty and a tendency for delay or reversal, it is a very tricky time for this announcement to be made. Also, remember Trump's natal chart has been under great stress with transiting Saturn conjunct his Moon Opposite Sun/North Node/Uranus. Circumstances tend to create tension, depression and emotional shut-down, particularly involving the women in his life. The opposition to the Sun reflects rejection or testing of his goals, sense of self and his North Node destiny. (We must also note a contradiction to these detrimental indicators: Jupiter is currently on the Ascendant and Saturn is at the Midheaven of his Secondary Progressed Chart - which are very positive indications for success. It will be educational to witness which indicators rule the day.)
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwwKkpZk7bo |
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdOF7xg5lug&t=2s |
Monday, January 2, 2017
MOON IN PISCES from 4:57am EST on January 2 and remains until 11:14am on January 4. LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Mercury in Sagittarius.
Ruled by Neptune, the Pisces Moon will tend to draw us toward artistic
endeavors in quiet retreat. This Mutable Water sign dives deep into the unconscious - to Dream Time where we may have an opening to access what is usually inaccessible. Magic Time! The Last Aspect, though, is likely to tempt us
into some kind of outward adventure that doesn't end well, and want to talk about it - maybe too much, inappropriately or it isn't well received. We may feel inwardly conflicted but
perhaps we can negotiate with ourselves to take an exciting inner
journey. Perhaps the best way to be with this Moon period is through music, art, meditation, yoga or dreams. Water should
be involved! Since water symbolizes the emotional life, this may be an Excellent time to deal with feelings that are restricting us in some way. Try a combination of all of the above activities, and write about it! (Mercury) Otherwise, actions initiated now tend to have CHALLENGING results.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Into the Wild, 2007; Director: Sean Penn. The theme of an adventure that doesn't end well screams out for this amazing film based on a true story, starring Emile Hirsch as Christopher McCandless. This is the American Dream of being on the road and into the wilderness in order to test ourselves - our physical strength, our beliefs and our will. Most of us have the dream but only some of us act on it. McCandless goes on a kind of Neptunian walking retreat to find out who he might be. Where he does succeed is in freeing himself from his culture's values, finding his truth and walking his talk. Penn assembles a brilliant cast and crew to re-imagine Jon Krakauer's book. And in this vibrant scene with Catherine Keener, water is most definitely involved.
SCENE FOR THE DAY: Into the Wild, 2007; Director: Sean Penn. The theme of an adventure that doesn't end well screams out for this amazing film based on a true story, starring Emile Hirsch as Christopher McCandless. This is the American Dream of being on the road and into the wilderness in order to test ourselves - our physical strength, our beliefs and our will. Most of us have the dream but only some of us act on it. McCandless goes on a kind of Neptunian walking retreat to find out who he might be. Where he does succeed is in freeing himself from his culture's values, finding his truth and walking his talk. Penn assembles a brilliant cast and crew to re-imagine Jon Krakauer's book. And in this vibrant scene with Catherine Keener, water is most definitely involved.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3ZtaVrk9Co |
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