“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Friday, September 16, 2016


I've been musing on other current celestial patterns and wanted to add some thoughts: This feels like a big moment; a celestial reflection of an opportunity to catapult ourselves further along in the continual opening of our collective door of perception. Notice where this might be happening in your personal life. With Neptune in its own sign Pisces (for 14 years a very strong and pure Archetypal experience is available to us) in an on-going Square to Saturn in Sagittarius, our traditional structures and realities are being dissolved. We may be experiencing a reality check to long-held illusions. The Pisces Moon passed through this square as it waxed towards fullness, carrying its theme to the Eclipse. Mars in mutable Sagittarius makes a Square to the Full Moon Opposition (Sun in Virgo opposite Moon in Pisces) which creates a Mutable T-Square, generally considered to be an unstable arrangement. This T-Square is looking for its balance or resolution in Gemini, the remaining Mutable sign. Hard to imagine Gemini grounding us, with all its darting around mentally and physically. But Geminian new ideas seem vital now more than ever. But these ideas want to push the envelop in a big-picture Sagittarian way.

In Sam Reiffler's interpretation of the I Ching he writes: "Buddah said 'Form is Void'" (read: Saturn conjunct, or combines with, Neptune). I happened to turn to these words this morning and they've been in my imagination all day. He maintains that we operate in this world based mostly on the rational knowledge we've been taught. If we allowed ourselves to suspend this knowledge and really opened ourselves up - in meditation, for example - to a broader realm of possible realities, we might begin to touch - even if it's a fleeting suggestion of an experience - a world that is not causal (deterministic) or logical. Yet it might be as much a reality as we believe our 'norm' to be. This suggests the Neptune/Pisces 'reality', where the range between Chaos and the Divine resides. Life events and principles in this realm are not organized or logical in order to satisfy our need for meaning and clarity. There are no boundaries, categories or definitions. All is One and One is All.

Perhaps this Eclipse cycle of Pisces/Virgo can be interpreted as: the Unifying principle (Pisces) challenging the Defining-by-Separating-and-Discerning principle (Virgo) to express itself in its most optimum reflection which may be seen as integration (See Dane Rudyar's Book of Houses). Perhaps this period marks a passage into an awareness that we must integrate or find the relationship between
the separate pieces of our lives and the separate pieces that are the diverse cultures and separating religions of the world, in order to find the wholeness or meaning that we seek. Then perhaps we can catch a fleeting glimpse -  of that humbling experience we call The Divine, that which is greater than human.

ANOTHER SCENE FOR THE DAY: Contact...again! Here Jodie Foster, as astronomer Ellie Arroway, responds to questions about her experience of conversing with an extra-terrestrial entity which defies the logic on which her scientific field is grounded. She agrees with the panel that she can't explain or prove her experience but knows it to be real. Here the scientist, ensconced in
traditional rationality (Saturn), meets the illogical faith of religion or the ineffable Divine (Neptune) - and tries to cope with something that can only be believed...when it happens to you!  (If this clip is blocked, go to Youtube and search for Jodie Foster Speech in Contact.)

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