“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


MOON IN SCORPIO from 0:51am EDT Tuesday August 9 until Thursday August 11 at 1:22am EDT.  The LAST ASPECT is MOON SEXTILE JUPITER in VIRGO: Ruled by Pluto, this period is an EXCELLENT time to initiate actions in the arena of resources, psychology and healing, Pluto/Scorpio reflects going deep into places, breaking them down and building them up again in a way that better serves you and the world - analyzing your unconscious mind, mining the earth, finding your power and using it. Renovating or re-constructing your home and regenerating something that hasn't been working well are also Excellent activities to initiate now. As Jupiter reflects growth, abundance and meaningfulness, the harmonious aspect to Jupiter increases the opportunities available to us during this time. There's an intensity to this Fixed Water sign. If you use your power to control others or for your own ego gratification, it's likely what you've created will come undone. Pluto demands integrity from your behavior. If you find yourself starting to control others in some way, cease and dismiss immediately! Isabel Hickey speaks of Minerva, the Feminine side of Pluto and its optimum expression in the form of the Right Use of Will. An inclusiveness in what you do now will pay off big-time in the long run! 
SCENE OF THE DAY: MADAM SECRETARY, 2014-16; Created by Barbara Hall.  While this series is often entertaining, I wouldn't write home about it...though my mother does love it.  Here we see Lea Teoni, as Secretary of State, being sworn in as Acting President and First Female President of the US. I offer the image as a tribute, more-or-less, to the double Scorpio of the hour, Hillary. Both her Sun and Ascendant (Rising Sign) are in the Pluto ruled sign - as well as Mercury, Venus, Chiron and the South Node. That's a lot of Pluto! You can almost feel the steam descending from her.  While this reflects that she is a master of self-protection and keeping things hidden (Scorpio)...she also has a profound sense of service, as we've all learned from Bill's speech at the Democratic Convention, and is able to go deep into the issues to maneuver the power. With the Scorpio connection to the day of the election (Sun and Mercury), she has a good chance of success. But again, Pluto requires integrity or it will kick you in the butt...The truth behind the public facade of anyone, particularly political figures, is never completely known. And then, neither she nor Trump have the Aquarian (Egalitarian) sensibility that the Election Moon reflects. (Even Bernie's chart is devoid of the Aquarian element!) The Moon reflects the Public so it's an important indicator. Neither Hillary nor Trump have the Virgonian humility that the Election Day chart is looking for (its Ascendant and North Node are in Virgo). Bernie actually has that Virgo in his Sun and North Node. Trump's Ascendant - the filter through which we see the world, and the way the world sees us -  is 29 Leo, which is the point of the most Auspicious Fixed Star in the heavens, Regulus! It reflects the incredible success he's had and the pomposity with which he owns it. The Ascendant of the Election Day chart is only two degrees (and a sign change) away at 1 Virgo (using Dixville Notch 12:01am EDT starting time). The difference of signs should hopefully steer us away from the Trump card. Had the Ascendant been in late Leo it would have been a huge successful indicator for him. But wait! Trump's Progressed Chart has his Ascendant progressed to 1 Virgo! (The Progressed Chart reflects the psyche's evolution through time and is an important overlay to the Natal Chart.) This could be a strong indicator of his success. The bottom line is that this is likely to be an incredibly close election. It's Very important that we get out the Vote. Read Michael Moore's article, 5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win.

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