“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Sunday, August 14, 2016


MOON IN CAPRICORN from 0:11am EDT on Sunday August 14 until Monday August 15 at 10:45pm EDT. Ruled by Saturn this Cardinal Earth sign is all about Results! Saturn is the Manifester and Capricorn's glyph reflects the Mountain Goat climbing the mountain of Ambition. He gets things going and works diligently and responsibly to get the job done. Saturn reflects structure and while being the backbone to any project and giving it a container of form, structure also limits space. We often, therefore, experience Capricorn as constricting us, holding us back, being fearful that we're not good enough.  Saturn also rules bones and teeth (structures of the body) so pay attention to them!

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Trine Jupiter in Virgo at 10:45pm on Monday August 15. This is an EXCELLENT time to initiate a project, especially one that is meaningful to you. Jupiter in Virgo highlights Mercurial projects such as writing, speaking or traveling. Both the Moon and Jupiter in Earth signs will ground the work and make it practical and realistic. You should have abundant energy to develop and complete your work. You have great support for paying attention to details and working slowly enough to do the job right. Just be careful you don't get mired in negative thoughts as the Capricorn Moon often does and trust you can get through any roadblocks; hold the thought that success is probable with this configuration.
SCENE OF THE DAY: Jerry McGuire, 1996; Director: Cameron Crowe; Screenplay: Aaron Sorkin. These are two of my favorite filmmakers! And this film might be considered an example of the classic three act screenplay format - which we might call the Mountain Goat climbing to the top and reaching his goal. Here we see the ambition of sports agent McGuire, played by Tom Cruise. He's just been fired from an agency he helped create, he's been put in the most humiliating situation and has the wherewithal to start all over again. That takes Capricornian guts and determination to pull off! We all know the hurdles he goes through and the final success of his new company (Last Aspect: Trine Jupiter). And we take heart witnessing his transformation and applaud his hard-fought win. Be inspired. Do the work. Get it Done!

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