“Each moment of time is characteristic of a particular quality and whatever is born or done at this moment of time has the quality of this moment of time.” CG Jung, Spirit in Man

Saturday, July 2, 2016


NEW MOON IN CANCER from 9:20am EDT on Sunday July 3 until 2:29am EDT on Tuesday July 5th. When the Moon joins the Sun in the same sign, we have the New Moon period. It is exact at 12 degrees at 7:01am EDT on Monday July 4th. This is a generally a time to Begin new projects. The Feminine/Mother Archetype of nurturing, providing a safe container, food and the emotional life is center stage now as the Moon comes Home to its own sign of Cancer. It is likely to be a sensitive time where feelings are expressed and issues of home and family come to light. We tend to take things more personally now, looking at life purely from our own point of view. Try to step outside your perspective where feelings may be hurt, to see what the Other is experiencing or what emotional lens they are looking through. The women in our lives play an important role at this time. Honor them by listening. Witness your feelings and honor themGreat food, an emotionally satisfying movie at home and a good heart-felt talk are always healing devices for what ails us during this moon period!

LAST ASPECT OF MOON: Moon Square Uranus at 2:29am EDT on Tuesday July 5th. Once again we have the sensitive Cancer Mother Moon up against the upsetting sky god, Father Uranus. This recurring theme of late may be opening our eyes to what it takes to heal a broken home and heart. The Home, as protective container, can be split apart in some way, reflected by the hard Square to the Uranian archetype of Separation. Do we need to toughen up our soft skinned feelings or use T'ai Chi as a metaphor for moving with the blow to regain our worthy sense of self?  The Kabbalah refers to a concept of Tikkun Olam: Repairing the World. After the world is shattered by a separation of divine Masculine from Feminine our life work is to make it whole again through kindness, generosity and however our imagination can find ways to marry the Masculine and Feminine archetypes. This is reminiscent of the Alchemical conjunctio, the Marriage of these same Opposites, of which I've written and spoken many times. Examples of this merging might be: Building/manifesting (masculine) a Home (feminine); Creating the Garden; Female Authority; Conscious expression of Emotion. Interestingly, the Sun (Masculine Principle) in Cancer (Feminine Principle) inherently carries a Marriage of Opposites. We might be able to witness natural merging of masculine/feminine principles this month. Whatever we consider our Home to be, our work is to continually repair it, make it whole so those who abide within may have a foundation on which they feel confident to stand, in which they feel loved and able to flourish. This Moon time would be used wisely by noticing where your expanded Home might be in need of repair and set to work. Start a New (Moon) Chapter. Otherwise, in general, actions initiated during this Moon period will tend to have CHALLENGING upsetting results.
SCENE OF THE DAY: Chocolate, 2000; Director: Lasse Hallstrom. This magical morality fable starring High Priestess of Chocolate Juliette Binoche, Grande Dame Judi Dench, Pirate gone River Rat Johnny Depp and Alfred Molina as controlling town Mayor, brings so many Cancer/Uranian qualities to the screen it was hard to choose one... unusual, nurturing chocolates teasing town folk during Lent, mothers and grandmothers - all carrying great upsets - and the challenge of finding Home. In this scene, we witness a conversation between two outsiders (Moon/Uranus), Vianne and Roux (Binoche and Depp), about how hard it is to move from home to home. Perhaps being at home within ourselves and wherever we are is a way to be whole in a mobile world...we can carry our Cancer/Crab homes with us!

1 comment:

  1. Click vexmovies watch free movies online. Wonder Woman may still be dominating the summer box-office, but never fear, yet another superhero epic is here. Spider-Man: Homecoming, the sixth (!) feature film to star the comic-book wall-crawler since 2002, and the first to be set within the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe. If that alone isn't enough to get you out of the house (and by all accounts, moviegoers are anything but tired of Spidey), there are plenty of other strong offerings headed to the big screen in July, including a sci-fi epic from Luc Besson, a sequel to Al Gore's environmental doc An Inconvenient Truth, a rock-'em-sock-'em spy thriller from Charlize Theron and the director of John Wick, and a WWII epic from Christopher Nolan. Plan your multiplex time wisely.

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